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Everything posted by StarWarsGeek45

  1. 20 round drum is too large and cumbersome IMO. I'd say the 12 round drum is a far better option.
  2. I love watching people overuse "socialist" as an insult while having virtually no idea what socialism actually is.
  3. To all the people cracking NJ jokes - this article is from a newspaper in Florida.
  4. Awesome rifle. However, that TAPCO-fugged mall ninja RPD they also have available is an abomination. Whichever commie invented the RPD must be rolling in his grave.
  5. Do yourself a favor and don't even bother with a 25 yard range if you enjoy shooting rifles. There is really no challenge at all at 25 yards. 25 yard range is a handgun range.
  6. Completely normal. Nothing to worry about.
  7. Yeah, 6 full auto M2 spraying .50 cal rounds took down planes. But we're not talking about 6 .50cal machine guns firing continuously. We're talking about a bolt action or maybe semi auto rifle.
  8. In the hands of a police officer, a .50cal cannot shoot down an aircraft. However, in the public hands, it is a horrible WMD capable of taking down jumbo jets with ease. Let's see how the NYPost feels about the public owning .50cal's - I doubt their coverage would be anywhere near as factual and level headed as this piece was.
  9. Yes. There's an entire hobby community based around it too: http://www.weaponsguild.com/forum/index.php
  10. No need to bet. The vast majority of gun crimes do not use rifles/shotguns, "AW" or otherwise, and FBI data reflects this. The firearm of choice for criminal activity is the handgun, as it allows for easy concealment and the element of surprise.
  11. Maybe you should ask the guys in the Khyber pass what kind of machine shop they use to manufacture guns? They would get a great laugh, considering those guys don't even have a work bench. They're making everything from AKs to handguns on a dirt floor with no electricity. And I'm not exaggerating.
  12. There is a reason that the founders worded the second amendment the way they did. They were aware that technology changes and weapons would come about that they had not foreseen. And they made it quite clear that the right to keep and bear arms - be it muskets, machine guns, knives, or knuckle dusters - shall not be infringed. Many of the cannons used in the revolutionary war were privately owned - the citizens owned weapons on par with what the military owned and the founders had no problem with it. So Ray Ray, forget about the MAC10 bro, the founders feel an M4 would be much more fitting! Oh, and a pre-emptive strike against the usual "well I guess that means you can own nukes and F-22s and tanks then, right?" No, it doesn't, because the founders in their writing made clear that the concept was for small arms in personal use, not crew-served weapons. Furthermore, the concept of militia makes more sense with citizens owning military type weapons - they can train and become proficient on their own, and if ever called on to fight, would have a small bit of proficiency. I'm not sure where "firearm ownership is a privilege" is coming from. Maybe the government of states like NJ feel like we ought to be like the Soviet Union when it comes to guns. Maybe you feel that average people should have to take time off work and pay hundreds of their hard earned dollars in fees for licenses and training. Maybe you feel that the second amendment was just because the founders thought duck hunting was realllllyyyy important. But last I checked this is the USA and each and every one of us, even those of us whose governments prohibit us from exercising our rights, has a god given right to turn money into noise and smoke with whatever gun the damn bloody hell they feel like.
  13. I think the big problem is you went to a Tea Party in NJ. Go to a Tea Party south of the Mason-Dixon line, I think you will change your tune about the sorts of people it tends to attract. I especially love seeing old geezers shouting about cutting government spending. Everyone else's government spending, that is. Government spending is just fine when it comes to Social Security, Medicaid, and their various other benefits. And not to mention the defense budget.
  14. I contend that America was disarmed long ago. In one camp, Camp A, you have the people who don't own guns, and tend to buy into the gun control myth. They hate guns and support laws against them. No threat posed, really. In the other camp, Camp B, you have the people who like guns, and own them, and believe in the Second Amendment - to varying degrees from the seasonal Deer Hunter to the "Patriot" who would "fight tyranny". From the guy who owns a 28" 12ga to the guy with three dozen black rifles. But somewhere in the last couple decades the powers-that-be got smart. They subverted Camp B and Camp B still doesn't even know it. Through the use of nationalism they have generated unquestioning support for police and military for those who do like guns. They've gotten these people onto the side that's pro-indefinite detention and pro drug war. They've gotten these people to fill the ranks of the military and PDs nationwide. They've been programmed to cheer at any waving flag. They've been programmed to support monied interests who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. They've been programmed to stockpile thirty thousand rounds of ammunition for when "SHTF" but laugh at people who go out to protest. So that if the time ever came that the second amendment was needed to be used for its original intent, the vast majority of those who exercise it would be harmless to the powers, since they would most likely be on the side of tyranny without even knowing it. Anyway, that's enough tin foil for now I suppose.
  15. You mean this one? Of course I have it
  16. I see Palpatine's rise from Corrupt Senator to Evil Emperor as a parallel to the fall of the Roman Republic and the birth of the Roman Empire. The government even goes from Republic to Empire in the movies, and Lucas is well known for drawing inspiration for Star Wars from Roman history, as well as Nazi paralells for the Evil Empire, right down to the architecture. He's also big on Japanese Samurai films, with Vader's helmet being directly inspired, in the words of Lucas, from his favorite villain Kabuto something, in some Samurai movie. Also the Jedi wearing Kimonos, Yoda being the wise old master, and the concepts of honor etc. I suppose one could also draw parallels to modern politics as well but I think that's an afterthought and not the direct intention. But it's definitely there and a great illustration of how power corrupts and how easily deception can destroy an electorate. "So this is how liberty dies....with thunderous applause" says Padme I'm not sure why it was changed for Greedo to shoot first in '97, I don't think it's political correctness, but perhaps it is. Han Solo is supposed to be the outlaw scoundrel that is greedy and selfish, but has a change of heart and does the right thing at the last moment. Even in V he's only along for the ride because his trip to go pay off Jabba is derailed by the Empire and not until VI does he actually join the Rebels. So I'm not sure why they changed that scene, because Han shooting first fits perfectly into his image of scoundrel-turned-hero. All I know is it really ticked me off.
  17. Basically all you gotta do is drive to the Holland tunnel and you will see Omenilad on everything http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=omenilad&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1683l2703l0l2874l8l6l0l1l1l0l231l791l1.3.1l5l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1045&bih=948&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
  18. What I'd really also love to know is who the fugg is ILADOMEN or OMENILAD that I see all over Essex and Hudson Counties. I mean like, literally, everywhere. Is it an artist? A gang? Does it stand for something? EDIT: Upon a quick google, it seems Omen Ilad and Kid PK are rivals of sorts? Wait, no, it seems they are the same guy? And this is his Facebook? http://www.facebook.com/people/Omenilad-Pkkid/100000590038863
  19. If I can afford the $ limit, I'm in!
  20. Why not DIY? The hole then has a dimple drilled into it, welded over, and smoothed with a file once more and painted.
  21. I used to be. I was displeased with the changes he made to the original trilogy in '97, of course the modern special effects were nice as well as the additional scenes such as the celebration at the end of VI , however I was upset that he allowed viewers to see the ice monster in V (far more terrifying when you never see him, IMO) and the musical added to VI was just a big wtf moment. Not to mention the butchering of the Cantina scene. Han shot first, not Greedo! I am pretty mad about the most recent changes for the blu-ray, notably Vader's new lines in VI and the continual butchering of the Cantina scene which now looks very hacked up. I don't understand why he tweaking something so great as the original trilogy. But overall, he is a great film maker and left us with the greatest trilogy ever made, so I really can't complain.
  22. I'm sorry your Tea Party event didn't go so well, but unfortunately am not surprised. I, for one, will likely never understand the fascination that American conservatives have with Israel. It's funny, because that segment will talk all day about how virtually every federal spending on domestic projects should be cut, but are offended at the very notion of even thinking of cutting spending with a foreign nation.
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