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Everything posted by Barms

  1. i'm looking for someone who will be committed to finding the sloooooooooow leak i have in my central AC system. It is such a slow leak of freon (R22 whatever you call it) that prior techs using the "sniffer", and even a red dye pack have not been able to find. its so slow that a full charge in spring time will last me the entire summer, but as soon as try to run it the following year its dead. 2 different guys have spent an hour on it, we are to the point where the recomendation was to cut the copper pipe in the basement, pressure and cap with a gauge each side (one side being the run to the air handler, the other being the run to the condensor) to determine which "side" is leaking. other than that they have no way of determining if the leak is in the handler, the copper run, or the condensor. Both prior techs said it is a miserable task, and hence i am not getting phone calls returned. i'm hoping to find a reliable guy who would want to take on this task.. cash job.. hopefully they can come on a weekend.. i need this done ASAP because the warm weather will be here soon, and if charging and capping is the way to go i want it to be on for at least 2 months to find the culprit. PM me if you know someone who might want to take it on.
  2. Those minutes are from a year ago. With all that has happened since Newtown we are lucky the thing is even being built still
  3. Copper prices have been tanking lately I have read recently.
  4. There.. finally started the new one.. anybody have any updates?
  5. Similar topic, but different angle.. i joined a month ago.. i get an email every single day from the NRA (giving an update to what they are doing).. its quite annoying.. My question is this. i'm assuming i get an email everyday because we are in a unique time, a life or death time. But what i want to know is one year ago.. for those of you NRA member where they have your email. Did they send an email out every single day? (i don't mean spam). i mean a real email from WLP each day.?
  6. Going to be really tragic when your boat sinks with all your guns like everybody else has. (you're new. That's a joke)
  7. I just googled gun ownership percentage and I now remove myself from this debate. I had no idea
  8. If 50% of households have a gun how are we losing this battle?!? Is that number correct?
  9. Dying shmying. Is it the single most watched television event that day? If not I will shut up. I am happy to see any positive message out there period. We are fighting for our lives. Why does the effort need to be qualified? Someone anyone please suggest a better mass marketing message? And keep in mind most companies would probably not even accept the money
  10. Enougjh with the speculation about the effectiveness of advertising. Unless you are a marketing guy you have no idea. I am not a marketing guy but here are some facts: 22 percent of every TV that was on Sunday had NASCAR on. That number was staggering. Do 22 percent of households have a gun? No Michael Waltrip a racing ICON had a "remember Newtown" sponsor on his car. Whoever paid him to do that didn't say "that is not our audience" It's about maximum number of eyeballs period EDIT. 22 percent was the Daytona 500. Don't know regular weekly viewing but I know it beats the NBA ratings regularly
  11. If you want to drive your dog crazy name it "Stay" "come here Stay!!!.... Stay, come here...."
  12. The tracking statuses I'm convinced are total bs. I think they are made up. I posted here a month ago how my drop from Parsippany said "delivered side door". It wasn't there. I freaked and called the cops it was 223 ammo. 2 day later it arrived. I'm convinced the transit statuses you see online are bs. Now I regret calling te cops. I probably have in my file a bad thing now
  13. was just looking on GB and the 175 cans of XM127 are completing for over $200... If anyone feels short i can sell 4 boxes of that (100 rounds) for $100.. If this is gouging i apologize, i havent seen much shotgun ammo trade here. Silence will be interpreted as i can go scratch..
  14. Hey Wile E.. check this out.. when asked a question about demand from distrubutors they said something like (and i'm paraphrasing here).. "at the most recent gun show we had distributours asking for more than 4x their "usual" amount. And 4X means they are exceeding their credit line availability by many many times. We don't actually feel like they had that many orders, they were just asking for 4X their usual amount in HOPES that they would get even a 1/3 of what they asked for..." "we know it wasnt a realistic order, they are just begging for supply in these times.. but we are looking very hard at these kind of off the charts orders and being ver careful around this situation".. So it was sort of the tone like they were trying their darndest to police it.. (bu alas, i wasnt born yesterday..i know they are in it for the bucks too.. but it was pretty refreshing to hear how black and white this guy was on the call.. there was no BS in him at all.. one analyst for 30 seconds asked a question about fingerprint technology and smart guns and stuff: "can you tell us at all the work you are doing, the time you are spending working on a technology to smart guns, trigger locks, fingerprints (etc etc) to address the climate we are in?" His response: "NO." next question. FYI.. Smith Wesson Earnings next week..
  15. On their investor conference call two days ago an analyst asked to comment about their products are selling at considerable markups on websites.. They responded by saying they think its terrible, and they have never even considered raising prices anymore above their normal annual increase. He was very clear in saying that in this business people remember price gouging and they want no part of it.. i looked briefly but couldnt find a link for a transcript of the whole thing. There really wasnt much talk about Newtown or rifles.. it was very black and white about earnings, demand, capacity.. etc etc.. +1 for Ruger.
  16. yeah.. but all commodities are going up because of the big bad China appetite.. i don't know if that makes something not available though.. Obama election + Sandy + Newtown causing a shortage. Copper can stay that dollar price 6 months from now, and i bet ammo will be more abundant after we get some clarity on new laws.. the more important question will be WILL PRICES EVER COME BACK DOWN? Unfortunately once distributors got a taste of the gold in those rounds, they are loathe to want to lower.. i'm not saying they won't get lower from here.. but i doubt October 2012 prices will be ever seen again. *fingers crossed though* (sorry if i went off topic).
  17. Millsan... PM me your address and i will send you a couple of bucks to cover the cost of making the signage.. Anybody that is driving from up north (call it north of exit 148 give or take).. and if you are carpooling with people.. send me a PM i will send you $$ to cover your gas and parking at the least.. Or if you just want me to give it to NJ2AS i will do that.. your choice.
  18. Barms

    PPQ or P30 - 9MM

    I love how threads drift.. "PPQ or P30?".. and then the M&P comes up.. let me contribute: "Why are you limiting yourself to a pistol? Get a Moss 500.." :-)
  19. i just checked the last 2 weeks of COMPLETED auctions on CX4's.. most were "asking" over a thousand but i found hardly any that met the reserve. (if you saw differently my apologies, i just perused it quickly..) Try putting your CX4 without the mags and extras on the board for a lower price and then sell the other stuff separately. Make a couple hundred more than you paid for it and be happy with the cash and let it go to a NJ-er.. (as opposed to doubling your money on GB, maybe) Just think of it this way.. if the AWB doesnt happen then you wouldnt be able to get ALL of your money back ever again on it.
  20. Gym bag for me too. Don't want the attention if I get pulled over If Hello Kitty made a large enough bag I would use that
  21. how this thread has morphed into what it has become is mindboggling.. NJCK i don't know what other facts you want me to check.. the page below that is always in their presentations is no longer in it. That is all. i just thought the board would think it was interesting.. i don't know why the words "attack" and hearsay or misunderstanding needed to come up at all. There is no misunderstanding. The slide is no longer in their presentations, it always was before.
  22. Hey NjCK. I AM an investor. The timeline on page 17 (I'm on my mobile might be different page number ) is missing in this presentation and it's been in all te previous ones. That timeline is where they show the 15 line of rifles I am in investor, I read them all every single quarter Mention of the mp 15, the 15 22, the 15 sport, the 15 whisper are all gone from the presentation it was in the prior ones
  23. I know the manufacturers are trying their best to keep up the fight.. but SWHC removed sporting rifles from its presentations..and replaced it with "M&P 10 rifles for the hunter and law enforcement". i can't really blame them though.. i do think its pretty sneaky of them to put in "also accomodates 762".. scroll to page 26 and 27.. SMITHWESSONHLDGCORP_8K_20130207.pdf
  24. Its not a journalist.. its an OP-ED.. and the WSJ has been verrrry fair posting both sides of argument since day 1.. i read that paper every day..
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