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Everything posted by WP22

  1. Anyway BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM https://www.dailywire.com/news/epidemiologist-behind-highly-cited-coronavirus-model-admits-he-was-wrong-drastically-revises-model
  2. That's some deep spelunking.
  3. Oh goody, let's spread it all over. The flyover country isn't looking so bad now, is it?
  4. That's exactly right. A job is a job and when you need one you grab what's out there.
  5. Indeed they do. The food is great, so I heard.
  6. In the US we have the rare variant of the nocturnal Wuflu.
  7. The risk of doing this is that at the first cough, they all will flock to the emergency room. And once the images of nurses preforming triage in the parking lot hits CNN it will send the population into a chaos never seen before. We are way past the containment phase where widespread testing would be beneficial. Test the suspected cases to target treatment and move on.
  8. You should have said something. Instead of having mailed mine in to the gov. I would just have handed them to you.
  9. It doesn't matter were they live. From your point of view it only matters they reply quickly. Correct. Applies to those applying for a FPID and permit to purchase. And they can't be relatives of yours. It shouldn't but it could. If they refuse to take your application or give you any grief, contact these guys https://www.anjrpc.org/page/ANJRPCEngagesWith10TownsonPermittingShutdown You put down you are self-employed. It's neither against the law nor a strike against you.
  10. He just pinged me on the Ouija board. It's true. But it was turbo AIDS, thou.
  11. If he can find an attorney to take the case on contingency, he should sue. But in the interest of saving him the trouble: --Qualified immunity. Next case.
  12. Hang a sign " no murder allowed". Problem solved.
  13. Just ask yourself, when it was the last time you heard a book being hacked or being taken over and held for hansom? Because it happens all the time with internet connected systems.
  14. That wouldn't happen. The brush would fit nicely in the grove; it's like a built in mud flap.
  15. https://m.facebook.com/GiovanniGambino74/videos/10219674605770169/
  16. Considering I'm just now getting over ebola I can't be too careful.
  17. I just sent the checks yesterday. True story. That was in case if we all died, our debts were paid.
  18. Put some pedals on it for hands free operation.
  19. Sniffles? Try for running out of TP People are stupid.
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