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Everything posted by oldguysrule649

  1. Not sure how to link it using my ipad. However, if you go to nj.com and scroll down, you will see it. It is entitled “Murphy investigating NRA-branded firearm insurance that critics call ‘murder’ coverage.” F nj.com.
  2. Cewoz, welcome, glad to have you here as a member. Assuming you already have your NJ hunting permit, have your brought your sons to the rifle range at Collier Mills to shoot.? (Shotgun and rimfire allowed). I bring my grandson there on occasion. Wonderful days.
  3. ??? care to elaborate? If you are referring to my misspelling "separate", I fixed it.
  4. Cewoz, welcome to the forums. If you have not already, I recommend you introduce yourself in the new members thread. You are inaccurate on several counts. Fine to travel with a long gun anywhere AS LONG AS you have your NJ FID card with you. Ammo and firearm need not be in separate areas of the vehicle. I believe having the firearm and ammo in separate fastened containers meets the requirements of the law. OP, IANAL, but I would not recommend storing the ammo on the gun itself.
  5. IANAL nor an MD. But first and foremost she needs to get the help she needs. I am not qualified to judge whether a commital is appropriate or an over reaction on the part of the mental health professionals. I do really feel for the parents who no doubt are going through a difficult time dealing with their child’s problem. With that said, and given the fact this is a gun forum, a few additional considerations. If the daughter ever wants to purchase a firearm in NJ this will follow her into adulthood. Refer specifically to questions 24 and 26 on the sts033 application. Also, if the parents own firearms, I would seriously consider moving them out of the home and legally store them elsewhere (e.g. Gunsitters in Whippany, NJ) and do so ASAP.
  6. I completely agree with you. Even dissuades people from seeking guidance in matters related to divorce, re-marriage, child rearing, etc. A dam shame and I speak from my personal experience. To quote another member’s post here from a few years ago: “The only doctor I open my mouth for is the dentist”. This quote is now my guiding principle.
  7. Nice choice. I recently purchased the GP100 in the limited production 5” version thru Davidson’s Gallery of Guns). Really good shooter and a beautiful piece of machinery.
  8. At least it is a pump action. Not one of those evil assault weapons.
  9. Fyi, This topic of RPOs and Florida confiscation was discussed on the 7/31/2018 American Armed Radio podcast. Worth listening to. He also discusses the Defcad topic. Also agree with the above post that this IS Gestapo tactics. Refer to my recent repost of my review of the book “Gun Control in the Third Reich”.
  10. I agree, plenty of ways to acquire these files. The intent of my post was also to more generally share ideas on pc security and ways to secure information that may be private to you. Most people do not realize all the breadcrumbs that are on your pc which pose a risk to your privacy. And yes, I hope to be around for many more years. Just pointing out, that unlike physical items, encrypted information can remain secure indefinitely.
  11. I never gave thought to this stuff either. However, consistent with my earlier post, I have been interested in this topic over recent days strictly for the entertainment of the legal maneuvering and constitutional aspects. I have no interest nor intent to ever make my own firearms. But all of this got me thinking…….. Thinking on a purely hypothetical level, IF one did ever desire to possess these files for some future rainy day; how might one do so? Mmmmmm, said person just might perform the following steps: Bring up their VPN connection Start an Internet Explorer InPrivate browser window. Connect to codeisfreespeach.com Right click and select “Save Target As” for each of the available items. Save them all to a local hard drive folder. Run the Cyberscrub Privacy Guard function to clean up all vestiges of my PC activity. Move said folder containing the files into Cyberscrub’s encrypted “Infinity Safe”. Delete the original folder using Cyberscrub’s Erase Beyond Recovery function. Wait for that future rainy day to arrive. What is Cyberscrub Privacy Suite? It is a PC (not available for mobile) program that can, among it’s other capabilities; identify, locate, and erase beyond recovery all files on your PC that track your application usage and browsing activity. There are hundreds of such places. I purchased a license over ten years ago and renew my subscription every year($19.95 per year.) I highly recommend it as part of your efforts to safeguard your PC and online privacy. Interestingly, in this use case; just like you store your physical guns in a physical safe; here you are storing your logical guns in an impregnable logical safe. And when you die, the password dies with you. (:-)
  12. Good point, thanks. Moreover, there are sure a lot of lawyers burning lots of manhours in recent days!
  13. Wow, received that as well. Not good. I don’t understand the significance of them blocking only mobile devices. Is anyone out of NJ and PA receiving this on their mobile devices?
  14. For your reading pleasure, there is a similiar lengthy thread over at the PA Gun Forums. http://forum.pafoa.org/showthread.php?t=337800 In the above thread there is the link below to Joshua Prince's website where he has his perspective. Mr Prince is one of the leading PA Firearms attorneys. https://blog.princelaw.com/2018/07/30/court-filings-in-pennsylvania-v-defense-distributed-an-interesting-look-behind-the-scenes/ Noteworthy at Mr Prince's website is this link to a 30 page email chain showing the haste with which the PA AG worked to try to get a TRO. Interesting read. I suspect a similiar email firedrill went on here in NJ. https://princelaw.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/email-doc-3.pdf
  15. I just recently purchased a Vortex Venom for my Ruger Mark IV Hunter model. Equipped it with the rail from ShopRuger.com. Took it to the range the other day for the first time. I like it alot. However, was shooting low at 15yds and ran out of "Up" elevation travel trying to zero it. Just ordered a tapered shim from UM Tactical. Will see how well I do once I receive it and try it at the range again. (I would welcome any guidance regarding my elevation issue.)
  16. For additional entertainment, follow the AG's and Cody R. Wilson's Twitter feeds.
  17. SJG, you were certainly correct! I didn't think it was going to be this fast, lol.
  18. Here is the Defcad filing. I quickly perused it and it states(Paragraphs 28 & 29) that Defcad is doing the blocking as a result of the AG's threat of legal action. So I guess this(the blocking) is part of the legal posturing https://www.scribd.com/document/384953267/Complaint-Defense-Distributed-v-Grewal-and-Feuer
  19. According to Wikipedia, the definition of error code 451 is as follows. Very interesting....Censorship at it's best. HTTP 451. In computer networking, HTTP 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons is an error status code of the HTTP protocol to be displayed when the user requests a resource which cannot be served for legal reasons, such as a web page censored by a government.
  20. Also note that if you subscribe to a VPN service such as Anonymizer Universal, you will sidestep the block, even if using Verizon FIOS.
  21. Wow! I just ried to connect and received the following message: 451: We're sorry, but DEFCAD has been blocked in your location. I tried to connect via my home FIOS router. However NOT blocked when connecting via my Verizon cellphone. Wonder how they accomplished the block. Coerce Verizon perhaps???
  22. It certainly will be interesting to watch. He has only 39 hours until midnight tomorrow night to try to stop this. And I do not believe he will be able to. The SAF and Defcad will not cave on this. I would love to have been a fly on the wall in whatever discussions may have recently taken place between the AG, Gov Murphy, and Sen Menendez on this topic. I of course don’t buy into the hysteria they are trying to raise. Afterall, could not someone have made their own “zip” gun for decades by just visiting the plumbing dept at Home Depot. And as mentioned in a post above, it’s still illegal in NJ to manufacture.
  23. Just checked this morning and the defcad.com website is back up. The STL files will be downloadable beginning August 1st. Also check out ghostgunner.net which is focused on the C&C machine itself. I have no interest in actually machining my own firearms but an interesting topic nonetheless from a strategic 2A perspective.
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