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Silence Dogood

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Everything posted by Silence Dogood

  1. 8 years out we are still happy with our Generac Guardian 16KW. Ran it 100 hours during Sandy. Costs (2) x $250/year to maintain and I know how to do most of the important things myself if I have to. I have a steel horses and 2x8s rig to protect it from falling limbs, we actually had a tree limb come down in a storm and bash in the cover once. No damage to the engine but I had to replace the top.
  2. I know where that is - not the worst area of Trenton by any means!
  3. Pfffft. A little storm headed our way (not any more) and you're talking about cannibalism. Given the wiring discussions (IANAEB - "I Am Not An Electrician But"...) there will be plenty of food, pre-seared. At least post some recipes ...
  4. Fine with me to move it - thanks. And, hoo boy, I'm no Democrat!!
  5. Our philosophy is that a bug out bag is also intended as a "get home on foot" bag in the case of a disaster such as an EMP. Most communities in NJ are "shelter-in-place" towns.
  6. What makes the story interesting, is that she was arrested getting on the ferry to go to the Statue of LIBERTY How much you want to be that Christie pardons her before the debate next Thursday?? http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2015/07/florida_woman_charged_with_gun_offense_while_on_el.html A 52-year-old woman with a permit to carry a handgun in Florida could face up to 10 years in prison after being arrested in Jersey City while attempting to board a ferry to Ellis Island while carrying a gun, authorities said. Elizabeth J. Griffith, of Daytona Beach, was arrested by U.S. Park Police on July 14 and charged with unlawful possession of a firearm. She is scheduled to appear in Hudson County Superior Court on Aug. 12, Hudson County Assistant Prosecutor Gene Rubino said today. The Florida permit to carry a handgun is not valid in New Jersey. Griffith was cooperative when arrested around 12:30 p.m. at a screening station prior to boarding the ferry, Rubino said, adding that the gun was in a holster. She was issued a summons and released on her own recognizance. I suspect that the ROR alone may be as a result of the new NJ AG policy toward out-of-state CCW holders.
  7. The 87A amplifier is $6500 alone ...
  8. www.hamexam.org is your friend
  9. 5.11 Tactical Rush 72 with strap on small packs. Great product.
  10. No direct experience but end-fed is supposed to increase the likelihood of RF on station equipment, with potential burns, IIRC.
  11. We have to keep these "Varmint-Killer Bullets" off the streets ...
  12. Amen. The Constitution grants no rights. Even Supreme Court Justices (Kennedy, in Obergefell vs. Hodges ... "The Constitution grants them that right."). No, it doesn't. This is fundamental folks, but even SCOTUS forgets it at times. We hold these truths to be "Self-evident" - Jefferson originally wrote "Sacred and Undeniable" but was forced to change it Rights are "Unalienable" - Cannot be taken away The Founders clearly understood and expressed the Bill of Rights as protection for rights and freedoms dating to at least the Magna Carta (800 years ago this year), not the 'granting' of such rights, which would have been alien to them. Witness the cover seal of the record of the first Continental Congress (12 colonies in Philadelphia met in response to the Coercive Acts) if you don't believe me:
  13. Not cheap but it works - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP0XOWUqb_g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvWek5vjhQE
  14. Couldn't have said it better and I've been saying it for years.
  15. Love it. Great reports on audio/voice quality.
  16. HF rig is Yaesu FT-DX-1200 (160m-6m) into an 82' physical length (electrical length 131' with integrated inductors) AlphaDelta DX-CC center-fed multi band parallel dipole mounted just over 1/4 wave (66' +/-) above the ground between two trees. We're at the highest point in town so the dipole is oriented north-south at about 365' above sea level. Fixed connection at one end with the other end over a marine grade pulley, down the tree in UV-rated 3/8" cord (similar to paracord - 600# breaking strength) to a Variten Antenna Tensioner (acts as a shock absorber - outstanding product). Feedline is supported up to 35' or so on a tree before it loops out to connect at center insulator. Feedline is 240' of low loss LMT-400 Ultraflex coax (SO-239 connectors) - best source is sagemaiden on ebay. Feedline lightning protected with Alpha Delta 3TTG50 surge protection and grounded at base of tree to copper bus and out to (3) 8' copper clad ground rods in 2" wide copper strap. Single-point grounded with #4 bare copper to house ground rods. 6m antenna is homebuilt horizontal with Buddipole whips. http://yaesu.com/indexVS.cfm?cmd=DisplayProducts&ProdCatID=102&encProdID=9D00B8E5727EF1E6778041A8B0133A22 http://www.dxengineering.com/parts/alf-dx-cc?seid=dxese1&gclid=CPbT5sjekcYCFZWRHwodzUwArg http://www.alphadeltacom.com/pdf/prices_surgeprotectors-4.pdf http://antennatensioner.com/drupal/ http://georgiacopper.com/ Georgia Copper is your friend in this endeavor!
  17. A former NJ resident who still owns a property in NJ but is now a FL resident owns a handgun and wishes to transport it from his house in NJ to his residence in FL. The handgun is inherited and the owner has no NJ FPID. No carry permit in FL. Am I correct that he is not protected for transport between his residence in NJ and the NJ state line but IS protected by FOPA after that? And if that's the case, what is the proper method for transport under these conditions? Thanks in advance. SD
  18. Well anyway, he credits NJ2AS on Fox - http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/09/christie-pardons-nj-man-whose-legally-owned-gun-made-him-convicted-felon/
  19. We had an albino ferret for years. One of the dumbest animals I've ever seen. Each day it would look at us as if it had completely forgotten who we were and were brand new playmates. Most amusing thing was giving it a bath and then putting it on the kitchen floor with a towel and watching it go berserk trying to get dry.
  20. Hit my first repeater today on 2m. Started on HF so this is new territory to me.
  21. Looks a lot like what I get from my Nikon 300mm 2.8G VRII Nano
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