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Everything posted by Kevin125

  1. Dwight, could you summarize why you and your group think this will win in the SCOTUS? What is the logic in the brief that will compel justice Kennedy to decide in favor here? I'm not being a smart ass. I seriously want to understand what argument is going to make that happen. You all have spent a huge amount of time on this. Can you boil it down? Thanks.
  2. I don't give Jon Stewart any credit for stating the obvious. He likely just saw the topic as an opportunity to be funny. Also, he was talking to his liberal supporters. He felt it was necessary to remind them that it is not ok to shoot someone because they mock a group that is violently anti-American. Because he knows those supporters think it would have been ok to shoot some of the Mohammed cartoonists.
  3. Actually... I thought that was pretty funny.... Man of La Mancha... lol.....
  4. Here's part of that question. ...or which seeks to deny others their rights under the Constitution So. if Sweeney answered this question honestly, why was he issued a FPID ??????? Seriously. He's committed acts and been a part of an organization that seeks to deny others their rights under the Constitution.
  5. Hell, I can almost commute to NYC from just south of Easton as fast as I can get there from the Freehold area. Typcially 2 hrs + in the morning via bus to NYC's east side of Manhattan. If you work IN Jersey, even as a contractor and going all over the state, there's a pretty good chance you could swing the commute from Eastern PA. And consider this.... people FROM new Jersey are telling you to live in PA. And like Infamous said, NJ has it's good parts.... The area by Round Valley Reservoir is beautiful. In fact, most of NW Jersey is pretty damn nice. The South... well... other than the beaches, we've got a bit of a problem there. Ditto for the Newark, East Orange, Scurvington areas. But, it's the GARDEN state... how bad could it be??? ;-)
  6. For example.... this... I don't know how "clear intent" is established or how a judge is supposed to evaluate the use of the term "bastardized" here. Or "absolute gun control" and police state. I'm not sure this particular part is any better than saying, "these laws suck". And I see this sort of thing throughout this document. Is this type of wording typically found in these lawsuits?
  7. Good luck to Nicholas. I hope this produces some sort of positive result for 2A rights. But, I'm not sure what to think of the content. I don't have time to read the whole thing right now. Part of what I mean is I don't get where the quotes from Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Aquinas and that Citizens for the Constitution group have any weight in a lawsuit. At least one of the quotes is titled a statement of fact. I think I get that this is probably a very emotionally fired up task. Clearly, he seems passionate about it and that's great. It just has a lot of stuff in it that I .. who is not a lawyer.... wouldn't expect to find is a document like this. maybe someone who IS a lawyer can chime in. SJGLAW mentioned that this is actually three types of documents in one. If that's the case, I can't imagine it's a good thing. A court is going to look at it and toss it or send it back with some kind of instructions. It was clearly a lot of work. But I just can't find a way to be compelled with what is says... because I'm really not sure what the heck it says. Maybe I'll read it all later.
  8. And it's entirely possible that things could become more restrictive here in the coming years. PA, if it were possibly logistically for you, is a better option regarding firearms and a number of other issues. Philly and Easton, PA.... not the best choices. Somewhere in between would be better based on what I've seen. And just because you've got a lease signed or a closing scheduled, doesn't mean you can't fix it a year from now. NJ doesn't entirely suck. But, our politicians are working on "fixing" that for us. Good luck Chad. And welcome to the People's Republic Of New Jersey.
  9. Yeah, that occurred to me as well. Ghosts. My father was 20 when that was shot. He's 89 now. WWII USMC. And still pissed that he didn't buy his M1 Carbine for $80 when he was discharged.
  10. So... one might wonder why we wouldn't hold these Draw Mohammed contests (without real contestants) and just wait for the Islamists to show up for target practice?
  11. I like that. ^^^^^ And these guys were Islamist terrorists based on FBI findings.
  12. They'd absolutely crap their adult diapers if they say the low hanging fruit lose their seats. That would get their attention. I think with the recalls, if the recall gets enough signatures to proceed, it will make them at least think. Especially if it's Sweeney that got recalled. It will also make them spend money if there's actually someone that opposes them in the recall. They won't like that much. But a risk of a recall is if it fails to get signatures. That could embolden them. So if you're gonna do a recall, ya have to get it done.
  13. Kind of odd that the there's not even a post here (or on their site) saying they are working on it. Some sort of acknowledgement that someone is on it, in some way, shape or form. If the guy is ill, that would make sense that there's no word at this point. Hopefully the issue isn't that they're nuts and on to the next ADHD inspired project.
  14. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EYKOLHA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 If you just want to buy one, this is a great stand.
  15. Remarkable footage. The destruction seen in that aerial footage was heavy. And that little blonde girl smiling probably had no idea what had happened. She was just smiling for the camera. Thnx for posting.
  16. Hello Shawn. I wasn't actually suggesting -you- do it. Meant as if someone wanted to do it, that would be what might have some degree of success. I don't have time to document this guy's DUI ventures either. At least, not right now.
  17. Hi Newtonian. With the media massaging every Dem's left nut, it makes it that much more difficult but it also seems like a lot of R's won't fight. It's almost like their position on issues embarrasses them. Or maybe they think to beat a dem, they have to be a better dem...than the dem. But yeah, a real conservative has an uphill battle. Especially in the northeast. Sweeney might not care much about a recall, but it might cause some dems that don't have a lock on their district, to start to sweat. But the danger of this recall is if it fails, it might embolden him. There's something to be said in picking fights you can win. There's a reason lawyers don't ask witnesses questions they don't already know the answer to.
  18. Good map, but the dem could be filmed IN a porn video. They will just put someone on the ballot or delay the election until they can. That's how we got Lautenberg again after Torricelli was involved in his corruption scandal. But you're right. A real conservative can't win here. The news will run every story possible about him/her being a racist, owning slaves, taking bribes, beating his wife... Whatever the demos tell them to air.
  19. Record a video of him drinking then getting in his car. Send it to Fox News, local news, newspapers. Post it on YouTube. Send it to the state police, the local police, every republic legislator in the state....
  20. Didn't expect to read that he was so young. Sad news. RIP
  21. They're still laying dead on the ground while they deal with the possibility of a bomb in the shooter's vehicle.
  22. Meant to do this last week. Will get it done today and post when done. Thnx for organizing this.
  23. Mustang, Michael, MikeL and AVB. Thanks for your suggestions. I'm definitely going to be renting as many guns as possible. Including a lot of the ones mentioned here. I think among all these I'll find a few that really work for me. I don't know what I'll think of hammer vs striker fired yet. And a revolver isn't something I even considered until reading these posts, so I'll be giving at least one a try. Going to make sure I try a Glock. I've reading some comments about the Beretta's now using a plastic spring guide and possibly some other plastic parts. A little concerned about that but for at least the spring guide, it seems that you can buy a stainless replacement. Not sure if these are parts subject to wear or not. If they are then plastic doesn't seem like the best choice. I know the 92s are supposed to be a little on the heavy side, but a spring guide shouldn't make much difference with total weight. Will have to look into it more. Permits went in. Officer in charge, who was a nice guy and helpful said it could take three months. And an extension won't be a problem. So I guess I have a lot of time to try out a lot of guns. Thanks for the info.
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