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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. If you're not familiar with this writer, he's one of the better thinkers/writers over at National Review Online (in my humble opinion anyway). He's very erudite... and yet pragmatic at the same time. In this article, he makes compelling points about the systemic breaks in our criminal justice system, and how that blame is laid at the feet of legal gun owners (improperly and against all credible evidence). Link is here: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/436570/orlando-shooting-gun-policy-aftermath It's certainly a good read if you have a few minutes... Enjoy!
  2. You folks are a veritable shooting brain trust! I mean it. Thanks to EACH of you for all the good advice. I feel completely re-directed. I've tossed out the home practice (laser/airgun) idea entirely. As a few of you pointed out, with minimal/no recoil - it won't do the trick. and may even make things worse. Instead, I've decided I'm going to join a range sooner rather than later. I have a male relative who was a nationally ranked bulls eye shooter at one point... he's the first person that took me shooting actually. Honestly, I haven't wanted to "bother" him. But, the more I think about it... he'll probably jump at the excuse to go to the range twice weekly. LOL. That way, I can borrow his .22 until I get my own. And he has a Model 41. I might get spoiled! And yikes, I have the arms of a weakling, so the suggestion to build up strength was a great idea too!. That's one simple thing I can do right now. I will also dig up the book from the Basic Pistol class I took a couple years back and read through that again (another great tip!) And, no, I honestly don't know what I will purchase next. I've tried several different types of firearms from .22 pistols to bigger pistols and several type of rifles. I have only about a dozen hours of shooting TOTAL (I'm REALLY new), but I'm (all modesty aside) actually a very good shot apparently... I hit the bulls eye quite a lot.. and when I miss, I'm close to it. Of course, at this point, I'm never more than 25 feet from the target, so I'm not sure how much of an accomplishment that really is. But the instructors are usually grinning like Cheshire cats when I shoot (and I do steal a glance at other people's targets, lol, so even I have become convinced that I'm above average for a newbie.. So, I'm hoping that a bit of natural aptitude might be in my favor). My plan is to practice with the .22 this summer, twice weekly, gradually moving the target out further and then enter some local bullseye competitions... perhaps by fall? (Just the first round - the .22 part).... after that, we'll see. Oddly enough, what really interests me for the long run is long-distance shooting. I don't know why - maybe because I love sniper movies so much? LMAO. Silly as that sounds! It's just intriguing to me... the shooting, but also the calculations involved. Closet geek. OK, here's my next question: what brand/type of ammo should I buy for the Ruger 22/45? What's considered a good price? Where are good places to look for sales? That's something I can do right now too! I'm ready to get things moving... woo-hoo! THANK YOU AGAIN!
  3. O​K, here's a cascade of dumb newbie questions! I recently purchased my first gun: an el cheapo used Ruger 22/45. (I hate borrowing other people's guns... even though folks have been so kind about it... and rentals are just so wasteful). And I figure I can always save my pennies and upgrade later if I want to. So, I put in for permits ("3" of them, as recommended by the NJGF collective brain trust!)... but now I have to wait for that to go through to pick up my gun from the FFL. So, while I wait...instead of twiddling my thumbs, I've been exploring low cost "home training" ideas. Already ruled out laser systems like Laserlyte (expensive!)... likewise, ruled out the lasers that insert into the barrel (no gun yet, hence no barrel). Those laser ideas seem quite clever though. Yes? No? If 'yes', has anyone here rigged up their own... ummm... Po' Man's LaserLyte? (e.g., toy gun with working trigger, a cheap laser pointer affixed to the barrel, post-it note bulls eye on the wall... just to practice staying on target? Good idea? Or laughably ridiculous?) Or, what about those super-affordable airsoft guns like Crosman? Are they accurate enough at, say, 10-15 feet to be of any use at all? Or do you need more of an actual "airgun" for accuracy? (and yes, I'm aware that in NJ, airgun = firearm... I read that thread). Similarly, if I choose to spend my wait time just watching videos and reading, who are the "legitimate" experts on YouTube, in your opinion? And what books do you consider "must haves" for my library? Feel free to weigh in on any of these questions. Thanks a lot!
  4. Pizza Bob is right. Wow, the more I read... this was just a TERRIBLE choice to be the Olympic host country. Problems... and then some! Security concerns... Zika... and now the latest icing on the cake is the antibiotic-resistant super bacteria lurking in the water where Olympic venues are being held (rowing, open-water swimming, etc.) Seriously nasty stuff. For those who didn't see this yet, Reuters link here: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-olympics-rio-superbacteria-exclusive-idUSKCN0YW2E8 It's just so unfair to expect athletes who have sweated and sacrificed so very much to reach that pinnacle of achievement to face all of these serious risks in this (apparently) sewage-infested hellhole. I feel so bad for them. It's really shameful. If a country can't promise an acceptable level of security and safety - they should be immediately screened out of contention for host country status IMO. These "oh don't worry, we'll get it fixed by then" promises are ridiculous! It's enough pressure to build all the venues - it seems crazy to expect a country that can't even provide basic sanitation to meet the grade.
  5. Read it and weep... http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/06/03/gun-safety-group-everytown-backs-hillary-clinton/
  6. Hmmm... I may have tried to close out this thread too soon... it seems the issue MAY be growing some "legs"... Trump has now tweeted about it. And (love him or hate him) The Donald knows how to manipulate the press and draw attention to issues. We shall see. Read here: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-katie-couric-should-be-ashamed/ar-BBtIEAa?ocid=spartandhp There's a few other smaller (generally conservative) outlets running it too. Will be interesting to see if others report on it and if it gets more traction.
  7. I particularly like the part in Wikipedia where it said citizens voted against a gun ban, but "The gun ban proposal received broad support in the press, while celebrities were generally in favor of it..." Yep, that just as easily describe the U.S. Lots of parallels.
  8. Just closing the loop on this thread. It seems Couric finally gave an "apology" - albeit a fairly weak one if you ask me. The comments section is pretty funny - she's getting rather eviscerated on there. http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/katie-couric-apologizes-for-%e2%80%98misleading%e2%80%99-gun-documentary/ar-BBtFP1Y?ocid=spartandhp Happy reading...!
  9. This was published a few weeks back... but it's still timely, and it's entirely possible some of you are not familiar with this writer, Heather MacDonald. She tends to write most frequently on crime (with a focus on NYC crime specifically). You can agree or disagree... love her or hate her... and I don't myself always agree with 100% of what she writes (though who agrees 100% with anyone?) But, I do think her articles pretty compelling and from my novice eyes anyway seem to be rooted in a good understanding of crime, policing and the delicate balance between the two. If nothing else, it's a very interesting read: http://www.city-journal.org/html/back-bedlam-14403.html Now, back to my gardening I go... I hope everyone's enjoying their weekend!
  10. I'm not certain... but this seems to be the latest status on 101 - along with a couple of other gun-related proposals - all being heard June 2nd! http://www.ammoland.com/2016/05/new-jersey-anti-gun-legislation-heard-house-committee-help-needed/#axzz4A4Idybkg Has links in there to send off letters, if there are letter writers among you.
  11. What can I say? It's too hot to do my gardening today... so I'm on the net finding wierd stuff instead. Honestly, I don't know whether this article will make you laugh or cry... I choose to laugh (and to scratch my head in wonder that they think there's 10,000 of these freaks in Britain alone). WOW. Just wow. Read it and see for yourself. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/offbeat/meet-britains-hidden-community-of-human-puppies/ar-BBtqfJY Ya think this will make it to Netflix? One can only hope.
  12. Just an interesting article... I thought some of you might enjoy reading about this: http://www.wsj.com/articles/a-first-look-at-americas-supergun-1464359194
  13. Bingo, Kevin 125! Editors are only human. They are influenced by their own political bent. I'm just bothered by the relative lack of sophistication of the NRA's marketing program. A dramatic video re-creation and interview of a real-life DGU case - posted to YouTube and going viral would do more for the pro 2A cause than ANY amount of American Rifleman articles. (I remember some case down in Georgia - a mom was at home with her kids, some nutcase was hacking through the front door with an axe, then hacking through the bedroom door... etc. Just INCREDIBLY dramatic. And I thought to myself: we will NEVER see this on Dateline. They should be profiling folks like that). And I'm not making this next point because I'm a woman either - but from a marketing perspective, these folks should be ALL OVER the women's self-defense angle. Not only is it a fast-growing demographic, but on the other side of the spectrum, woman are also the primary drivers behind the anti-gun movement - sheesh, if it was me, I would target the HELL out of that audience. There are more and more single women today than ever before - buying their own homes, sometime acting as head of household for their kids - and women are by nature (by necessity, I would argue) WAY MORE security conscious than men are. Sooo easy to target (pun intended) that market - I just don't get why I don't see it unfolding as I think it should. But, it's always easy to have all the answers from one's sofa, I guess. LOL.
  14. OK, I'll leave the "would you kick her out of bed" discussion to you boys... back to the issue at hand... my primary interest in this topic was because it's just one small example of how the media is winning the battle (IMO) for "hearts and minds". I read a lot of different news sources across the political spectrum, and the consistent editorial choices are astounding: Gang slaying? Rarely will you see it reported on major media outlets. Defensive gun use? Unless it's unusually dramatic, again, that isn't deemed "newsworthy" either. But if a legal gun owner shoots himself or herself in the foot - or god forbid, their kid gets shot - it will be reported until your ears bleed for 3 weeks straight on every major news outlet. I mean, the movie theater/popcorn incident in Florida - remember that? How could you not? In the days that story was covered, there were probably dozens of DGU's and dozens of gangbangers shooting each other that NO ONE heard about - even though in REALITY those events paint a much more accurate portrait of what's happening in this country with guns (not to mention, of course, the 10's of millions of guns that sat safely at home or were used recreationally). That steady drumbeat of misinformation (or at least grossly disproportionate info) will be catastrophic... it's a cost/benefit analysis that only lists the costs. How can that be helpful? Because people are lazy... they won't research things. They will just believe what they see and hear. It doesn't help that I see "everytown for gun safety" now being REGULARLY cited as a legitimate source across major media (and I'm not talking about HuffPo - I'm saying CNN, NBC, etc.) always with a link pushing readers back to their website. That increases both that group's perceived legitimacy AND their website traffic. This is the real, long-term problem in my assessment. The Bloomberg money to back candidates did not always work, but this steady drip-drip-drip of negative publicity throughout the media is (in the long-term) far more damaging. And I do think that sometimes the NRA is a bit tone-deaf. No offense, but a Charlie Daniel's ad appeals only to one slice of the population - not a broad swath. Why is there a documentary like this one in question being made... and not a documentary profiling DGU cases? Some of those DGU cases are inherently dramatic - but you know 60 minutes will never cover them. So, why isn't the NRA sponsoring some aspiring filmmakers to come up with something? Or sponsoring a contest for best videos of people recounting their DGU stories? I just don't see the same kind of committed, strategic broad-based marketing approach in 2A groups as in gun control groups... and I just think that's a big concern. And, hey I joined the NRA - so I put my money where my mouth is so-to-speak, therefore it's legitimate for me to question how it's being spent. Just my 2 cents. Oh... and to end on more of an up note... have a nice holiday weekend everyone! Mrs. Peel
  15. whoopsy! I guess I should have posted this under General Firearms forum? Sorry!
  16. There's several articles on this... just sharing one of them here, in case others were unaware of the controversy brewing over the film. Apparently the story was broken by "Ammoland"... http://money.cnn.com/2016/05/25/media/katie-couric-guns-stephanie-soechtig/index.html Journalistic integrity has been dead for at least a decade IMO... this is yet another example. - Mrs. Peel
  17. I quickly scanned the forums and didn't see that anyone else shared this yet (my apologies if it's a duplicate posting - if so, an administrator should feel free to delete). Synopsis: a high-level military officer who works at Picatinny Arsenal was denied a permit to carry by Oceanport police department. The author (Charles Cooke) is suggesting that the denial of 2nd amendment rights in NJ is so onerous as to require Federal intervention. It's the lead article, prominently displayed on their cover page too. Not sure if a local NJ 2A group prompted this...? http://www.nationalreview.com/article/435564/gun-rights-concealed-carry-second-amendment-new-jersey-us-congress (Hmmm, I can't seem to create the hypertext link on the article... not sure why. I guess you'll have to copy/paste into your browser). Happy reading... Mrs. Peel
  18. You are VERY welcome, EWC88. And ditto what another commenter said in terms of jobs coming from the strangest places. Despite the proliferation of LinkedIn, online job boards, etc. - personal referrals still account for the lion's share of job placements. So, knowing that... where should you spend your time? Yeah, TALKING to people! Continue to let people know what you're doing now and where you're looking to go - all stated in very positive, optimistic terms - and that is more likely to lead to a job than anything else. Good luck! Keep me apprised.
  19. Hmmm.. are you a former/current cop? Granted, my dashed off reply had a rude tone to it. And for that...I do apologize. For the most part, I think police work is a thankless job with a lot of armchair generals (myself included, I guess!) weighing in... and I'm sure that gets "old" real quick. LOL. That said, regarding Shaneen Allen specifically, I always assumed (fairly or not) that in a state with a media so hostile to gun owners, that if there was some damning evidence about Shaneen's actions that night, it would have leaked out LONG ago. As far as I know, she was pulled over for a traffic infraction, had a valid PA carry permit, was unaware there were no reciprocity, and voluntarily TOLD the officer she had a gun. If all that is indeed true, I still maintain her ending up in jail was waaaay over the top... and better judgement should have been exercised long before it reached that point. We can only judge on the published/known facts, true? Every part of the criminal justice system wields great power - cops, prosecutors, governor's office - if you're saying that at times there's NO ROOM. for the exercise of judgement by cops, who are the first link in that chain... well then, the problem is even bigger than I thought... and we can expect many many more cases like that one. Regardless, I didn't fully appreciate the issue of video cams as a double-edged sword though. Good insight - and food for thought. Now... kindly unruffle your feathers! Debate is a good thing.
  20. I'm very new to all this, but from the little I've seen so far, Mipafox, your cynicism seems spot-on. A sad state of affairs. Laws should not be so gray (nor so onerous) that law-abiding people with legally-purchased property (and without an ounce of criminal intent) are left feeling LEERY, for instance, about a simple traffic stop. Never in my LIFE have I ever felt worried about dealing with a cop. EVER. For god's sake, I don't even take the "free" pens from the bank, lol. And I have cops in my own family! And yet, I would be one unhappy camper if I got pulled over with a gun in the car in this state. Because frankly, it's not just the laws that are onerous... in some of these more publicized cases (like that young mom from Philly who got picked up in Atlantic City) the COP involved set things in motion by a failure to exercise some common sense judgement/discretion. That's my sense anyway. Why on EARTH would you arrest someone who clearly had NO criminal intent? I mean, it was a traffic stop... and she freely offered up the fact that she had the gun in the car! He should have checked for a warrant, and finding none, looked at her carry permit, explained the law, impressed upon her what a close call it was (make her stow it in the trunk even)... and then he should have sent the nice lady on her way with a warning! Instead, he was a ticket-writing robot (or worse yet, a bully?) and as a result, her life was turned upside down, she was thrown in jail, had to hire a lawyer, etc. What a miscarriage of justice. And as bad as the prosecutor was in that case, I think it was the cop that actually set the dominos in motion (and that's usually what happens). I believe most cops are decent people in an increasingly thankless job... but cases like that one do NOT help their reputation overall. In fact, I'd love to hear their "take" on some of these more egregious cases...her, the security guard/college student, the older guy who had the antique gun, Carol Bowne... I don't remember all of their names off-hand, but some of you are no doubt more familiar with them. Of course, I doubt they'd comment on the actions of another cop though... thin blue line and all that?
  21. Related to the comment above by Smokin .50... I've been curious, on the issue transporting firearms to and from a range, does anyone here know the specific legal definition of "land owned or possessed"?...and is that a static definition (or something that gets re-interpreted/shaped as case law evolves?) Here's why... I'm wondering if it's technically legal to: transport a firearm from my own house (point A)... head east to my relative's house (point B)...[fyi, his house is in a family trust of which I'm the trustee]. I would be there several hours (because I regularly work from his place several times a week)... then, at the end of business hours, I would put the firearm back in my car and go further east to a range (point C), shoot a couple of hours and then... drive directly from the range back to my house (point A). FYI, doing the trip that way would save me a ridiculous amount of miles not to mention some hellish rush hour traffic (headed in the wrong direction). So, does my legal status as trustee legally count as "owning or possessing" my relative's property (the Point B deviation)? If you think so... and have a specific online source, kindly point me to it so I can read it for myself. Thx so much! ...
  22. Congratulations! And may I say, what a perfectly elegant name you both selected for her - just gorgeous! Truly fit for a princess... so spoil her like one. :-) My best to you both.
  23. EWC: any nibbles yet? I just saw your post. FYI, I was a recruiter (agency, corp and then as a contract recruiter) for more years than I care to admit. I also served as an outplacement consultant, a career mgmt consultant at a "big pharma" onsite career center, a freelance writer doing employee comms for Fortune 500s, and now, I work as an executive resume writer. I'd be happy to critique your resume, LI profile and job search approach - and give you some free guidance over the phone - and, let me be clear, I'm NOT soliciting your biz. My clientele is about 75% mgr to exec-lvl in pharma/biotech/food & bev, so you're not even my target client. But I also feel that on occasion it's nice to be a "good egg" --- and in this case, why not help another shooter? We are a "community" after all, yes?! In general terms: Ditto what others said about networking. Despite the avalanche of job boards (careerbuilder, monster, etc.) and job board aggregators (like indeed) in recent years, NONE of that has really shifted the statistics much at all. Overwhelmingly, jobs are still being filled through networking! That's why LinkedIn is so powerful. It really just automates/speeds up the old-fashioned networking process. It's like networking on steroids. It is also (as someone else mentioned) heavily used by recruiters. There's a tool, LI Recruiter, and companies/recruiting agencies purchase subscriptions to it so they can search LI for candidates. Of course, it's important to have the right key words in there so you come up on their searches. AND... you want to make sure that you're not just sitting there either (passively) hoping a recruiter will find your profile ... assertiveness is definitely called for in a tough market such as this. If you're still stuck and want another perspective, feel free to PM me your email. I'll reply with my contact info and we'll set up a call. Nothing ventured, nothing gained... right? In the meantime, I'm sending abundant "good karma" in your direction!
  24. Oops... can't figure out how to copy/reply to an individual posting...sorry! Anyway, in reply to Gleninjersey: yes, I have browsed through Leg Alerts - as stated, my schedule has been whacked AND I wasn't really fully engaged in the hobby yet. That said, even as a "guest", when I saw an egregious situation outlined on your site (like Shaneen Allen getting railroaded)... it prompted me to go out, do my own investigation (sorry, I never take any single source as gospel)... and I ended up drafting an email to Gov Christie. I mean, I don't care how busy you are... how hard is it to draft an email in the comfort of your own home? I've done that a few times in similar gun issue cases over the last year or two. So, I don't know what anyone else is doing, but I can say that even as a "guest" I found that particular section informative and it prompted some action on my part. And frankly, writing a letter may seem "meh" to some of the more feisty/activist members on your site, but I think even letter writing serves a purpose. Politicians in NJ might think twice if they got a thousand ticked off letters from their gun-owning constituents. Never rule out the power of the pen (keyboard). Work beckons... gotta run! Have a pleasant day.
  25. I'm new, but chiming in with several questions/comments bc this topic interests me. (Fully aware I don't know what's happening "behind the scenes", so take no offense at anything I say...) My comments are focused on engaging people around NJGF specifically - bc it seems your website serves as a key driver to the various NJ 2A and gun owner groups in your forums. That said, I question how formal or robust your sponsor/membership recruiting plan is... it may in fact be nonexistent due to lack of time/$. I often see NJGF members squabbling over how to focus the members (like vultures fighting over bones, lol)... might it make more sense to focus instead on GROWING your own membership substantially (e.g., more MINIONS for all to share)? People are busy, most don't like to volunteer, your members are also spread all over NJ - those are serious hurdles. So, it seems to me you should target 20,000 members as your 2016 goal - 6000+ is simply not enough critical mass IMO to do what you need to do. Thoughts: 1) Leverage current sponsors >>> I reviewed several sponsor websites - why don't they have a "Proud Sponsor of NJ Gun Forums" link? Do you have/provide a sponsor membership package with marketing materials? (e.g., NJGF posters for their training rooms with room for their instructor's real names & NJGF screen names, NJGF PP slide to add to training courses, flyers for behind the sales counter, biz cards to go with purchases and to be placed in event "swag bags", etc. You need to get your sponsors really driving membership. They already see the value of being on the Forums, so how hard a sell can that be? Directing customers to NJGF is a nice courtesy that they can offer to engage their customers. Everyone wins. What about that radio show from Gun for Hire - I haven't tuned in yet, so I don't know - but has he plugged "his friends at NJ Gun Forums" on those broadcasts? Hopefully so! If not, did you ask? 2) Convert guests to members >>> do you need another new website, or do you just need to improve the one you have? I don't know. But your site could be more intuitive... like a separate tab up top - "FREE Membership!" Why are you making visitors "guess"? And when they join, can the system automatically direct them to "introductions"? The site could also benefit from a jazzy tagline and a much more visually appealing look and feel throughout, but esp'ly on the homepage. Just my blunt opinion - it's bland, might be time for a re-haul! 3) Leverage current members >>> the biz cards are great (pls tell me "Troy" was not the first person to do this?) Nonetheless, it's a great idea. But, what else have you tried? Contests? How about: "Find a Noob, Bring a Noob" - 14 day contest - person who brings the most first time shooters to the range (and posts pictures to prove it) wins a sponsor's gift certificate and gets a special designator on their profile "Gun Community Advocate" (or whatever). Don't laugh - basic human nature: people like contests because they want to win, they like prizes bc it's free stuff, and the titles feed their egos. It's all good! Follow that with an NJGF membership drive. Who can convert their new gun enthusiasts to NJGF members? If it works, repeat quarterly. If not, try something else! 4) Recruit more sponsors >>> do you regularly go back to folks who declined to be sponsors... ask why, and take another crack at them? If they don't see the value, develop better talking points. If they think it's too costly, maybe you need more affordable tiers. Again, just curious. I do like the idea of regional hubs - very smart - enables a "high touch" sales approach. OK, sorry for the verbose download! Sometimes I get on a roll as the bewitching hour approaches, lol. FYI, depending on what direction you move in, I might be willing to provide some modest, local support in Hunterdon/Warren, adjoining Pennsy towns, and possibly Somerset. One caveat: my schedule is BONKERS right now - so on volunteer stuff, I set my own rules, work at my own pace, and I'm immune to guilt trips. For instance, that means 1-2 hours a months (probably hitting 1-2 ranges/FFLs each month)... and that's in a good month. By all means, if you find someone with more bandwidth, grab 'em - I won't be offended! Either way, good luck with your planning session!
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