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Everything posted by Ricky_Bobby

  1. Yeah I figured they would check the rifle ammo completely just bc the loads are large - glad to hear the guys were nice and let you shoot longer :thumbup: EDIT: I thought so but I was just making sure I didn't miss any new developments recently LOL
  2. I believe but don't quote me that RTSP also has this policy because they don't want people shooting cheap TulAmmo ec steel at the range its probably a beast with dirty ammo to keep the air decently clean - not sure if they would make you unload every bullet out of your handguns to check for steel or just visually see the top load - Do you go to Heritage in Burg or in Rahway or Easton to shoot?
  3. ^This is the kind of feedback I'm looking for - retraining your eye dominance is definitely something I'd look to do if I could - I'm pushing 30 and like I said I was late to shooting, didn't really start until my early/mid 20's, but if its something that can be done I would do it - I notice its much easier for me to keep both eyes open currently and with handguns I tend to hold across the plane of my body more and line up the sight with my right eye while holding with my left hand - however with long guns its always something I wondered if I could re-train as far as eye dominance goes or at least get them both almost equally dominant However I'm perfectly fine living with it for sure -
  4. I figured I'd ask if there are other CD people on this board like me out there because as I practice shooting over time I will say it does get better, when I first discovered I was cross dominant (left handed shooter with right dominant eye) and a southpaw it was like worst of both worlds LOL - I started shooting in my mid 20's and even though I practice holding my firearms righty and bringing up to shoulder, etc, to "switch it up" and keep both sides of my body fluid, its still not as natural feeling as holding with my dominant arm. However, I'm learning to shoot better with both eyes open, especially long guns as those are the worst for cross dominance - and I've been practicing with my handguns as well and it does feel more natural to not close one eye - when I first started shooting I'd cock my head over and close my left eye - I may be a bit less accurate currently with both eyes open but its getting easier to ignore the left eye or at least let it naturally bring my focus into view- pretty sure soon enough I'll be just as accurate as when I focused on my targets when I closed my non-dominant eye. So if anyone like me out there, what do you do to accomodate your cross dominance and how do you deal with it handgun vs. long gun shooting, etc. Higher visibility front sights also help in my case.
  5. Well said- my oldest, least powerful firearm is my Beretta 102, in my opinion its the sexiest firearm I own - Looks exactly like this, now I put on the Lefty Wood target grips (still looking for extra genuine Italian made magazines, basically impossible to find, although I'm thankful I have 2)- But you make a good point and in regards to your daughter thats how I see it with my wife, if it takes me $400 and a gun that I personally have no interest in and has a pink set of grips, to get my wife excited to go to the range and interested in firearms shooting, safety, etc, so that its less of just a "husband only" hobby, then thats an investment I am more than willing to make. Not to mention that we really need to get our spouses, girl friends, etc, into shooting and into firearms because I think they will be the make it or break it for our 2A rights.
  6. ^^My wife says that about Texas all the time when I tell her lets move - "Too Hot, feels like a hair dryer" she says, "its a dry heat" I say, however, lately I've been hearing it less and less from her so I'm pretty certain shes on board with exodus
  7. http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.anjrpc.org/resource/resmgr/ds-email/gun_control_list_03-22-13.pdf ^^^I don't know whats worse, reading bill proposals like "in home inspection as a prerequisite to purchase a firearm" or seeing literally all the dates of these bills as 60 days maximum, and pages of bills proposed literally before the Sandy Hook kids were buried - nothing like not letting a crisis go to waste.
  8. Fixed for you and yes I lol'ed at the nasal spray - sometimes you just gotta laugh at peoples stupidity
  9. I've seen Steve @ Monmouth Arms selling the M4 Expanse Colt for $765 + tax and NICS in the past, not sure if he has one now - honestly at that price point to have the choice of the M4 or for $100 less, the Ruger 556 or the Sport II I dont think you can go wrong with any of them in the least.
  10. Their ammo shipping prices is always ridiculous and why I never order ammo from them - minimum $15 for a box, if I add like a 200 round Plano box of Blazer Brass I think it goes up to $20-25 -
  11. I agree - however, if I want my wife to actually want to shoot or be interested in firearms it needs to be something she likes - she has no interest in shotguns, she does like the Ruger 10/22, I'm sure she'll come around to evil boring black guns someday - Trust me I'm not going to beg her to make me spend $400 on a gun for her if she has no interest - I'd probably actually rather her just shoot my revolver (same .38/.357 caliber) for the time being and learn to shoot well, and if we move to NC later this year or next year like we are planning to, let her pick herself something out then. EDIT: I think I just may have gotten myself out of buying her something LOL
  12. ^^This was my whole point of my original post - everything else was speculations and theorizing on maybe 1-2 permits issued that might NOT have been the security field, but the 400+ permits issued last year were almost positively all for armed security and only during working hours I'm sure.
  13. Best post yet IMO and I agree - as I'm looking after building entry level plus compliance work etc I'll surpass the big 2 I mentioned. I will be buying entry level for my first to learn, love, and shoot the platform, sure I could put different furniture if I wanted or some little things etc - but you make a good point looking for used higher end rifles at the same price point - will keep that in mind - most likely going to go with the Ruger first time around just to get a foot in the door as far as learning the AR is concerned, ticks all my boxes and maybe I can add a muzzle brake affordably even if I buy the compliant version out of the box - great thread and opinions!
  14. Sadly I agree with you. And the dumbest phrase I've ever heard from someone is "people in NJ shouldn't be able to carry legally, there's way too many people congested in this state" I just shake my head and walk away.
  15. That's the caveat. Of the 400 something permits issued I guarantee 90% or more were for fixed places of business only. Said hypothetical owner of jewelry store would not be able to use issued CCW outside of business days, hours, location etc. the permits that do rarely get issued are not issued in the means that we think a CCW would get issued, if not law enforcement.
  16. I second the PPQ M2 - I actually want to get the big boy .45 version as I could use another big slug shooter to compliment my 1911
  17. ^^Very true I edited my post - it really is disgusting and pathetic.
  18. Not bad at all - just picked up a couple BX15 Mags for my 10/22 for $16 shipped apiece!
  19. ^Like I said he didn't have the names and "needs" of all the permits issued, when I asked him if any would have been retired LEO or security guards, he said only other things he could think it "might be" like a jewelry shop owner who's been robbed before, etc - but there may have been no permits issued for that type for all he know - he told me the majority if not all are probably security guards, etc, for the ones that aren't retired LEO's or well connected - as I'm sure part of that number of 400+ permits must have had a well connected person or two in there Still, if you think of the STAGGERING ratio - thats 1 permit issued for every 22,000 citizens in this state on average if my math is right - **pathetic.
  20. Nice! I'm looking to pick up a 19 in the coming months, Gen 4 or bust
  21. Considering it wasn't more than a couple years ago that Trump scoffed at the idea of normal citizens having a right to carry I don't know if citing him is the best thing, his positions on numerous items have changed in the past 10 years and have even changed a few times on the campaign trail. Legislation starts with Congress anyway so they are ultimately the ones who would have to strengthen the 2A, sad that we actually need a law that strengthens a constitutional right endowed by our Creator, but I digress.... OP I scanned through your initial post - and yes NJ not only makes it basically impossible to obtain a CCW, but I was talking to my dog's trainer who is retired LEO and Air Force K9, he said its something ridiculous like every 6 months he has to requalify to keep it with a few hours of training. It's not like a "normal state" CCW that is valid for years at a time - I have a friend in state police and asked him to check for me how many CCW permits were issued last year, I believe he said 436, don't quote me on the exact number but it was in the 400's, out of a state of 9+ million people, and however many are here and don't get counted in the census lol. He didn't break the numbers down but told me it was probably all security guard companies or people who "need it" for the job, jewelry store owner, etc - and those permits are probably valid during work hours only and in and about the course of their job.
  22. The Marines and SEALS are switching to Glocks for a reason - nice job
  23. THANK YOU - I was looking for that kind of a validation in case I was wrong, and the way the NJSP site is worded it does sound like just general transport and not necessarily us normal FPID holders - I just looked it up since obviously they couldn't do something easy as to say "for non FPID holders" So cased and unloaded is fine as far as the firearm goes, Nappen doesnt mention but keep the magazines/ammo in a separate bag? This could sure simplify my range transport lol
  24. ^I am in agreement with your style and agree with all the above - it doesn't take me much time to put the boxes of ammo I need and I usually can get away with easily taking one locked ammo box to the range, along with my locked range bag, or rifle case if I'm shooting that - I err on the side of caution as well, and I agree with you in regards to not unloading the mags before leaving, 95% of the time I have finished the mags by the time I'm done, but if I'm not, I just put them in the ammo box and lock it, its separately locked from my range bag or rifle/pistol case and in my rear compartment area so its not a worry for me. However, now that I'm looking back on such a simple question we really have a lot of thinking going on here LOL
  25. Weinberg would probably have a heart attack first - but yes you're right it is a pipe dream LOL
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