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Everything posted by BobA

  1. A wise old man said many moons ago on another thread: “I say again: for those who think the NJSP are going to goose step into their houses and toss their underwear drawer, use safe deposit boxes at the bank. If your bank doesn’t give you one merely for having an account then change banks. I’d be willing to bet the farm we’ll never hear of anyone getting busted just for having one of these evil devises in their homes. I’ll bet you’ll have a better chance of getting caught cheating on your taxes, stealing cable or spitting on the sidewalk on a Sunday in Trenton (true) before anyone gets charged with this crap.”
  2. I agree. They weren't facing right, wrong or common sense. They were facing emotions and politics. I don't believe the law had anything to do with their decision except to give the biased judges something to hide behind.
  3. Boy, if that one doesn’t light up the Fudds nothing would.
  4. Who or what are you speaking of?
  5. Alright well big ef'in deal. We knew this would be the decision. Two Demo judges and one Reb judge. I'm somewhat glad. I want this to go to the SCOTUS (after Ginsberg bites the dust).
  6. And it says the sheriff even hugged her in congratulations.
  7. He's not shipping. It's local pick up only in Georgia. F2F sale. Sounds Kosher to me.
  8. GASP! Profiling! Next thing you know you'll be using "Turban Man"! I think you should apologize to all the Phone People you offended. #phonepeopletoo
  9. For those who feel they should ship or store then so be it. As so with those who choose to keep them in your freezer. But to those bent on turning them in, why? They don’t know what you have now. By turning them in Murphy gets an idea of how effective his crappy idea is. I say smash them and toss them. Shoot them up or run them over in your driveway. Anything but give Murphy an idea when he does his audit of how many were turned in. His count will be zero. Like his IQ. He’ll have no idea of what effect his brainstorm has had on the actual mag count. Store’m, ship’m, hide’m or destroy them but don’t turn them in!!
  10. Perhaps some were. But I’d like to see exception from civil suits as well. I don’t care if Tyrone’s Mom felt he had a future.
  11. Could it be?..... http://kevinjrooney.com/in-the-news-rooneys-homeowner-self-defense-law-gains-support/
  12. This is sort of the question. Is the mag case the one we want to go to a Ginsberg-less Trump picked court? Or do we want the national orgs going for “the big one”? After all how many chances will they get? (I assume we all know what I mean by “the big one”.)
  13. I say again: for those who think the NJSP are going to goose step into their houses and toss their underwear drawer, use safe deposit boxes at the bank. If your bank doesn’t give you one merely for having an account then change banks. I’d be willing to bet the farm we’ll never hear of anyone getting busted just for having one of these evil devises in their homes. I’ll bet you’ll have a better chance of getting caught cheating on your taxes, stealing cable or spitting on the sidewalk on a Sunday in Trenton (true) before anyone gets charged with this crap.
  14. I didn’t know that’s what they meant by “the butt end” of a gun. Learn something every day.
  15. Holy cow: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/oklahoma-homeowner-shoots-kills-intruder-5-years-after-shooting-another-would-be-burglar/ar-BBQd5MC?ocid=spartandhp
  16. George Patton, Richard Nixon, John Lennon, Ed Koch, John Gotti, Paul Bunyan.
  17. Quite a spread you have there. Maybe we can shoot some clays there sometime.
  18. The Fudds are now. They’re just too dense to know it. No F2F sales, the looming clamp down on ammo sales. And the cancelled bear hunt wasn’t pro-Bear it was anti-gun. He stopped just short and in the interview about it saying he wants to cancel all hunting. No, their time is now too.
  19. He can also be emailed at the address below: [email protected] And messaged from the site below: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact?p=ContactForm#form_2A1CD1E7-C5A2-44AE-8451-1A352299C051
  20. Exac-f’n-atly. IF I had any of these deadly magazines, I’d be dipped in do-do if I got rid of any in any form. NO ONE is coming after them. Get real.
  21. I believe the township approval is the first step. Then your Chief. Then NJSP. But there are a few guys working out of their houses. It’s a local call. They could grant you a “cottage” industry.
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