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Everything posted by Sniper

  1. Maybe they all signed waivers not to prosecute the gun club. There are enough private gun clubs around, if the high cost of liability insurance was an issue, I doubt they would still be around.
  2. Same with me, I've taken family members who don't have an FID, no problem. I think the issue is the rental... we bring our own equipment. I know Shooters sometimes asks to see your FID card when you want to shop for new hardware.
  3. That's actually my first choice, buy it. Anyone know of vacant land for sale that doesn't have residential houses nearby? I would rather own it and be able to do what ever we want. The ultimate would be to buy some land and make it a big boy's playground. Build a private range, trails for quads and ATVs, camping area and space for the grandsons to go crazy, build tree houses, etc.. A few people going in together on it would allow for buying a bigger piece of property.
  4. Actually, it was all trees, brush, scrubby crap, etc. We could hardly walk through it. It would have taken a Bobcat, chain saws and a bunch of Mexicans to try and clear areas to make shooting lanes and target areas.
  5. Are you really having that much difficulty reading my ENTIRE post? Should I find some kid to help you?
  6. We'll blow easily through close to 800 rounds on EACH trip to the range.
  7. If you read further down, you would see I asked about leasing land. Maybe this guy... I've seen many offers to lease land, just not in the geographical area I'm interested in. I actually looked at land for lease in Burlington County last year, but didn't take it, due to the amount of improvements we would need to make to it for a range.
  8. Ha, After reading this thread, it got me thinking again about my fire defense plan here.... Just came back from Home Depot with two more new extinguishers... you can never have enough!
  9. Luckily, that's not an issue.. Now, that becomes more of an issue. When wifey see the UPS guy getting a hernia, she shakes her head, walks away mumbling, "more ammo"... I did that years ago with 12 gauge, not interested doing that now with handgun/rifle rounds. I'll just buy it ready to shoot.
  10. Regarding "stack it deep", just wondering, what does everyone consider "deep". Hypothetically, (since I'm not expecting anyone to tell what they truly stock at home), what does the brain trust here "recommend" to have in total for each caliber they own? What's the opinion, 1K, 5K, 10K, more?
  11. I would think so, they had valve issues too on the recalled units. Just check the serial numbers on their site. One of mine that was recalled was dated back from the late 90's. it was an old one I had in the back corner of the garage, and they replaced it with a new one. That is an excellent suggestion. I actually did that with my two boys, so they could experience what it's like to put out a fire. I had a couple of older extinguishers, so they received an education. You definitely don't want your first experience using an extinguisher to be a real fire in your house.
  12. Yep. spraying water on a grease fire = not good. Another thing to know, some of the ABC extinguishers are high pressure, and depending on how close you are to the grease fire, can actually spread the grease while putting it out. I keep both a ABC ( Monoammonium Phosphate ) and a RESSP (Sodium Bicarb) in my kitchen. The RESSP is low pressure, high volume, which works better on a stove or grease fire.
  13. Why, asking if anyone one knows of land for sale is so taboo?? I posted that in the OP... see below... Isn't it basically the same thing there as Range 14. You're limited at what you can shoot and can't set up any type of drills?
  14. While we are on the topic of fire safety in the home, I hope none of you guys have this hanging from your ceilings: If you took the battery out of a chirping smoke detector, and left it hanging like this empty, bend over right now and kick yourself in the ass. This is another cheap insurance policy to save your house and family. If any of you have this situation, go out TOMORROW and buy new smoke and CO2 detectors..... STAT... Also, everyone else needs to go out and buy a pack of 9 volt and AA batteries, and replace the batteries in EVERY detector in your house NOW!!! This should be done in the Spring and FALL, and guess what, it's the Spring right now. Go DO IT! Isn't your family, pets and house worth the price of a pack of batteries?
  15. I'm looking for some property or anyone who might have private land where I can take my sons shooting and we can expand our skills with different types of targets and competitions. Currently we either go to an indoor range (obviously limited to the narrow booths) or we go to Range 14, which is better, but still limited. Preferably in the Ocean County area or Pinelands area where the noise won't piss off the neighbors. I'm even open to purchasing or leasing land, or would consider purchasing with a few other guys to keep costs lower for all involved. If anyone knows of such land or property, or actually owns some land and will lease it, shoot me a PM. Thanks in advance.
  16. While we are on the subject about fire extinguishers, if any of you have Kiddie brand, they had a MAJOR recall last November. Out of my all extinguishers, 6 were involved in the recall. Kiddie sent me new ones FREE and gave me the return box to send back the recalled ones. VERY IMPORTANT, here is the link, check your extinguishers to see if they are in the recall. https://www.kidde.com/home-safety/en/us/support/product-alerts/recall-kidde-fire-extinguisher/ https://www.consumerreports.org/fire-extinguishers/kidde-fire-extinguisher-recall/
  17. That's the BEST advice EVERYONE should listen to. Fire extinguishers are an extremely cheap insurance policy to save your house. Every corner of the house and every floor should have multiple units. And, know how to use them, even if it means going out in the backyard and discharging one on a campfire, just to experience it. Once again, just like cops, when SECONDS count, firefighters are only MINUTES away In many cases, a fire can DOUBLE in size in 30 seconds. A few seconds do matter when battling a fire. As a former firefighter, I have a complete plan on how I'll fight any fire at my house. It's not even a question if it's negotiable. My wife knows, this is the plan. She gets out, grabs the dog, and calls 911. I'll be fighting the fire until the fire department arrives.
  18. How come we don't see any targets or a range set up there?
  19. The problem is, the gun owners are the ones working and paying the bills in the state, that's why it's tough for them to show up. Those other groups live for FREE in mom's basement, they have all the time in the world to make signs, wear their pink pussy hats and protest.
  20. Sniper


    I see what you did there... Nice teeth!
  21. That's virtually impossible to happen from a next door septic system. Wells normally are deep enough and get their water from an underground aquifer. The water gets into that aquifer from a long distance away, depending on the depth of the well.
  22. Sniper


    Another successful cheeseburger capture!
  23. Thanks, That was what I was afraid of, not knowing anything about lever action, that makes sense. Not really interested in having to inventory another caliber, hoping to use the common calibers that I already have. I don't have any wheelguns. Thanks..., Hmmm, that looks interesting... Need to do some homework.
  24. Any possibility that's just from the amount of rain we've been having? I have parts of my yard that never flood, has had standing water in the grass after the recent rains. If the problem goes away after the Spring, is it just a perking problem with waterlogged soil? If the problem existed all year, it would point to a bad field. I doubt he's using less water and sending less through his septic after May.
  25. I figured I ask the brain trust here to see if this even exists. Based on how the idiots in Trenton would love to ban anything that's a semi-auto, I was thinking maybe a lever action should be added to the safe. I haven't started any searching yet, but does a short barrel, lever action carbine exist (preferably in 9 mm or 40 caliber)? Not interested in hunting or any higher caliber, which many seem to be. If there is something tactically designed, useful for a home defense situation versus hunting that would fit the bill. Any suggestions from the guys in the know here?
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