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My head hurts, NJ gun laws beyond confusing, plus a Question.

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So I made a post awhile back about being stationed in Nj, coming from Cal. Oddly Nj's gun laws seem to be very lose on details. With the amount of new weapons coming out (IE Kel-Tec KSG) there seems to be no law or the ability for Nj's laws to be applied loosely to the weapon.



Can someone please explain to me how Nj ended up with such crazy gun laws??? There has to be a root cause to this? At least in Cal (btw still hate the gun laws here) I can point at the North Hollywood shootout as the reason for the piss-poor gun laws here.

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In the 1960s some black-supremacists grabbed some M1 Carbines, and killed two people or something like that. That was the beginning of it. Plus, until recently the culture in NJ was that if you own a gun, you're the bad guy and should be ashamed of yourself, hell, most of the people in the state have never even had the opportunity to shoot, so that doesn't help the public support gun rights.


But yeah, I'm pretty sure that event was the one that really triggered the anti-gun sentiment in NJ. Ever since then, people like Lautenberg just continually introduce new legislation, it's passed in a hush-hush manner, particularly as a knee-jerk reaction to events such as Aurora, and there's no time to fight it. Plus the state is so avowedly blue, that many pro-gun people will simply vote for the democrat, even if they hate their position on gun rights. Not to mention we try to mimick and outdo California's legislation haha.

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So I made a post awhile back about being stationed in Nj, coming from Cal. Oddly Nj's gun laws seem to be very lose on details. With the amount of new weapons coming out (IE Kel-Tec KSG) there seems to be no law or the ability for Nj's laws to be applied loosely to the weapon.



Can someone please explain to me how Nj ended up with such crazy gun laws??? There has to be a root cause to this? At least in Cal (btw still hate the gun laws here) I can point at the North Hollywood shootout as the reason for the piss-poor gun laws here.


The worst started in 1966 spearheaded by then NJ Attorney General Arthur Sills. In the hearings (which I still have to publish yet here) he gave a litany of 'reasons' for ram rodding the FID law through and he said he was working on an anti-gun bill back even further since 1963. Sills also admitted helping Dodd of CT with a 'National Gun Control Bill', later known as the 1968 Gun Control Act.


It isn't just 1966, it starts before that, I found an requirement for a purchase permit for handguns goes back to 1954. Some believe all this stems back from an 1947 Constitutional Convention which did not address the right to bear arms in the NJ Constitution. 1958 Airguns were banned in NJ, but bought back with the 1966 FID card. At one time people used to open carry in parts of the state, that seemed to end in 1966.


Here is some articles I wrote on the history of gun control in NJ leading up to 1966. I found old magazines of "American Rifleman" online through the "Cheaper Than Dirt" site. (They have now made them unavailable). But I later found Rutgers Online with all the NJ laws for any particular year, and that was a goldmine of information.




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IMHO it happened in the 1960's after the assassination of JFK and the race riots in Newark and Elizabeth. It seemed like a pretty good idea at the time - it was the nation's first background check system. But the law had the effect of discouraging gun ownership to the point that people didn't see the point in going through the hassle of applying for a permit unless they needed a gun for their sport.


Over time, this created less and less gun owners because most people shoot after a father or friend teaches them. If there are fewer gun owners, there are fewer opportunities for people to have positive interactions with gun owners.


So when politicians passed new laws, people went along with the laws because it didn't effect them.


I liken New Jersey gun laws to the sport of riding ATV's. I have never owned an ATV. I've never ridden an ATV. I have no desire to ever ride an ATV. So if ATV's were banned tomorrow, I wouldn't give a damn. So would most of NJ. I bet there are a bunch of people in Jackson township who would be crying themselves to sleep, but who cares? It doesn't effect me in the least.


Also... watch this video...


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