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Everything posted by GoNRA

  1. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/0 ... minat.html Gov. Christie proposes elimination of 300 N.J. boards, commissions Published: Friday, September 10, 2010, 4:26 PM Updated: Friday, September 10, 2010, 5:39 PM Lisa Fleisher/Statehouse Bureau Lisa Fleisher/Statehouse Bureau TRENTON
  2. Shitttt, might take a trip out there if you guys set up something cool like that. Will be well worth the trip it sounds like.
  3. Good work guys, Although it's hard for me to believe anything any politician says so close to election time or in general for that matter. I dont know if either of them are up this November, but that also could have persuaded them to say what they said. Although im very hopeful that they aren't lying through their teeth, I just hope they vote the right way if the time ever comes on the gun bills A1384 if it ever comes up. Frank and Bob keep up the good work guys, this is a continual struggle in this state. Is it possible to get a meeting with the assembly persons on the law and public safety committee?
  4. Welcome to the forum Wojo.
  5. made over 1400 bucks in 1 day, not bad. I bet Troy made a lot more, but I didn't hear them say how much he made.
  6. What are the odds there is a topic on bed bugs right now? is it bed bug season or something? My grandma has bed bugs at here place, just heard about it last night, she left and is staying with relatives up north until we can get some professionals over there.
  7. I Remember something like this that my friend did, we were all drinking all night and I had a cot setup by the fireplace, we had a nice fire going, and my friend decided to throw an empty bottle of that (lighter fluid?) in the fire. My first reaction was to roll off the cot and pull it up for cover, and sure enough a loud explosion. Luckily the downstairs tenants didn't call anyone, that shit was loud.
  8. Source: http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/0 ... ter_t.html Published: Friday, August 27, 2010, 9:25 PM Updated: Friday, August 27, 2010, 9:25 PM Megan DeMarco/The Star-Ledger Megan DeMarco/The Star-Ledger Howell boys are burned after trying to set can of gasoline on fire HOWELL
  9. We talk TV shows/movies a lot, maybe an Entertainment Section would be in order?
  10. must of thought the headache the next morning was just from the hangover
  11. Time to get on the gov's ass about consolidating the towns
  12. That's why im so confused, cause supposedly it only takes 2 - 3 mph off, but he has me down for doing 59.
  13. it's funny, cause the officer was sitting on the side of the road, and when I past him my speedometer said 50. He wrote down 59 and said he took a few off . so im down for a 59 in a 45.
  14. Is it an argument to a speeding ticket, that the size of your tires threw off your speedometer?
  15. I dont think anyone would do this knowingly, did they find an extreme amount of alcohol in his system? Maybe his accelerator got stuck.
  16. . Simple fact is (as far as the article is concerned) she LEFT the area, Retrieved the firearm, then RETURNED to the area, and if the story is accurate pursude him onto a PUBLIC STREET where she initiated the confrontation. Pretty much violating every single use of force provision afforded to NJ citizens....and her Attorney is standing behind her pushing right now..HE needs to STFU. I think it comes down to the jury anyway, doesn't it?, even if a warning shot was fired.
  17. Wonder if the bank has some type of software for you to add a donation button that will put the money straight into the bank account.
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