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Everything posted by EchoMirage

  1. as far as i know, it was withdrawn to be changed. the ONLY positive that came out of the day was this. the former airport security/pilot gave very insightful points on how bad the bill is, and how easily anyone can be put on a 'terrorist watch list'. the one senator asked him an honest question about it, and listened to his answer. whether or not that single speaker changed his mind or he was already on that train, no one knows.
  2. Typical. Antis talk about whatever they want. Yet we're constantly 'reminded' to stay on bill
  3. Weinstein is notching about why there aren't reserved seats for her cronies. Also whining why people aren't sitting in front seats
  4. Back left of the room. Antis are mostly behind me and ray. Most are wearing green ribbons and/or bluenj.org shirts
  5. They are allowing one ballot per person. Cop said you can put down as many bills as you want. DO NOT DO THAT. Write one bill down. During your 2min you can say anything you want.
  6. I'm here now. We vastly outnumber the antis. They actually tried to have seats reserved for the antis, yet its an open hearing, first come first served. And calm the f down. The guy in the costume is NOT in the hearing room. There is everything from suits to average clothes.
  7. are backpacks/bags allowed in for the hearing. also, i hope our bus schedule is being looked at. their site says buses are returning at 630, and ours at 330.
  8. Remember its technically called an FPID...firearm PURCHASER identification card. You don't need the card to own a gun, but to purchase one
  9. has the bus schedule changed....are they still leaving at 7, for the hearing at 12? are they still returning at 3? im sure it wont be done by 3, cutting off lots of people
  10. will this be a 'hearing' like the last one was, a week after the rally? what exactly is the point of this hearing.....will anything pass to another level after tuesday? is it just for public information? will we be able to speak?
  11. what exactly is this hearing. will there be chance to speak, or will we all be spectators. whats the approx. time frame of the hearing.
  12. that stems from this: http://www.poconorecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060923/NEWS/609230340 in short, emperor doucheburg sent undercover agents to several gun stores to commit straw purchases. he then filed suit against them, causing many smaller shops to go out of business due to legal fees. that was his plan all along. dunkelburgers settled on giving info to doucheburg for several years, allowing him to stay in business. that included video tapes, and info on what was sold to who. the consensus is the timeframe for the settlement has expired several years ago. is there STILL info being passed to doucheburg? no one knows for sure. as retaliation, the state of virginia passed a law stating anyone who sent undercover agents with the intent of committing straw purchases would be held responsible and be charged with a felony. basically saying 'fyck you mikey, try this again and will will arrest you.' reading on the pa gun forum, opinions of dunkelbergers are the same as the shythole here: people either love the place or hate it, and would never shop there regardless of his settlement.
  13. he has to sit in the car, alone, with his hands folded and his head down. he is not allowed to enter the store, or to talk to anyone in the parking lot. when you bring the gun home, he must be separate from the gun and ammo. he needs to be in the trunk, with his hands securely tired or fastened. you must also inform every cop, passing car or pedestrian that you are carrying a firearm and a non-FID holder. separately. you may then only speak to him again at a range, under supervision, separate from the gun and ammo.
  14. its just a rally. there wont be any chance to talk. the speakers have their say and typically nothing else. you can try to make a sign and hold it up, but since it seems to be inside a church, they probably wont allow it.
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