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Everything posted by JackDaWack

  1. lol, just making sure people won't look for the show on tbs. I was wondering where all the automatic weapons came from... pretty sure i was an FA AK.
  2. I think any firearm adopted by a government agency will be top tier in reliability, Beretta HK SIG... and so on. The firearms are built to withstand strenuous testing. The only thing that seems to differ is caliber, comfort and performance preferences. I think if Glock had more presence in the military contracts there reliability would be more apparent. Not saying there not reliable, just that they would have support from agencies which put them through the ringer. I own an M9A1, have put 500rds through it all federal 115gr, and 100 blazer rounds, not one issue except for me learning how to aim. My next pistol will most def. be an HK or Sig P229 in 357 sig or .40s&w
  3. Its on TNT. Not sure if you guys picked this up, but they said they got most of there weapons from the military and looks like they have been scavenging for weapons while traveling. I thought it was pretty good for a TV series, and like noted it is on TNT, if it were a HBO series it would probably have a much bigger budget for effects and such. I've been enjoying it and so far it seems pretty accurate as to what would happen.
  4. i Agree, when i was looking into getting a sniper rifle, the bolt action springs looked to be the best options. Easy and cheap to buy and easy and cheap to upgrade.
  5. haha, i'm really excited for this show, i hope it's good.
  6. Imagine being the one to open the doors to that warehouse...Dear diary, jackpot. Giggidy Giggidy.
  7. that doesn't even make sense.. people have gone longer then that from application to permits at other PD's just waiting for them to finish the paper work. Maybe they dated them when they were ready for a signature? that would have been 3 months ago.
  8. When i applied for my permits i was asked if any minors were in my household, it was more of an awareness thing then a "you must lock up your guns", and he said they had free gun locks for residents, not sure what kind. I think he asked because i'm young and still live at home, and i did have a minor in the house at the time, just recently turned 18.
  9. Well, first off is this supposed to be a portrait type assignment? I find that the problem with "learning" photographers is that they find it hard to break out of the box. My friend has been doing photography for a couple years now and its gotten to the point where he's making steady income from it. I can say for sure that one of the biggest things to overcome is truly just letting your emotions take the pictures. here is his website if she wants to get an idea of what someone can do with a little knowledge and lots of heart in photography. http://matthewpetriephotography.com/personal.html He has no limits, started shooting cars and stuff and now hes doing weddings and events, also never really went to school for photography but took some introduction classes. If she has an questions his info is on his page. I'm the gun nut and he's the camera nut, but we both love shooting things.
  10. I don't believe your allowed to capture and relocated any animal with out the proper authorization. I could be wrong but we asked about moving a goose nest a couple years ago and got a big negative on that. It was dead center in a parking lot with grass/dirt dividers...dunno why they picked that spot, the geese were always chasing cars and people around the parking lot when they got too close.
  11. I dunno man, that could get pretty hairy if they dug under your houses foundation, or shed. Not sure if you want to eliminate the structure they've been digging under along with them.
  12. Yeah well, i would be pissed if i was blatantly lied to. If i paid for a service i would expect that service to be carried out. Sounds like the set screw came loose during operation, did u guys use any type of thread locker? My Ruger sights come loose with out thread lock, so i'm sure a more powerful handgun would certainly need it more. Future reference, be strait with your customers and they wont have "attitued". Im sure most people wound't even mind a zeroed gun using bore sighting, but it's a good idea to tell them that, especially when they give you ammo to test fire it. I find that i dont really care when my local shops make goof ups when there honest and strait forward. The problem is when your dishonest about your service, anything that follows is just salt in the wound. I've never personally been to your shop, but i have spoken on the phone with the owner and you guys seem very nice and willing to help, i hear good things about most of your work so it's wouldn't be fair to say all of your customers get this treatment, just offer a little consistency with your services.
  13. Havn't had a chance, work has been ridiculously busy. I'm gonna force myself to go this week, hopefully tomorrow, and i hope one of them is there when i stop in, i hate having to go back. On a positive note i actually need a pistol permit .
  14. I've been running avast for the past 4 years and not one virus,(knock on wood). Before that i used AVG. The free version of Avast is really good, the upgraded version is better but the real time virus protection is the same. I'm not sure if avast is really that good or if i have evolved to steer clear of malicious software.
  15. Been there...done that. HAHAH!!! i was doing some pick-ups for work after a long weekend of parties. I had to drive up to hewitt and then shoot over to the opposite side or ringwood. GPS told me to go down this road, and about a mile in it went from pavement to gravel, and then another mile in it went from gravel to dirt/boulders. It was a fun experience, when i called my boss and looked at the trucks gps locator he said the map was telling him i was in the middle of the woods and not even on a road... yet my handheld gps said i was on a "real" road. I opted to turn around before i got the truck stuck on a 4+ foot boulder. I dont think any tow truck would have been able to get back there. Google: burnt meadow rd. ringwood Nj and you'll get the picture. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=41.103693,-74.326215&aq=0&sll=41.090004,-74.32001&sspn=0.043859,0.066862&g=41.103693,-74.326215&ie=UTF8&ll=41.107425,-74.324956&spn=0.010962,0.016716&t=h&z=16
  16. That's insane! i never knew there were so many different variants.
  17. Well, more then not calling them, especially if you plan on confronting the robber. If she said the cops were on the way the guy probably wouldn't have hung around and raped her.
  18. Yeah, i agree. You have to be stupid to just stand there and video tape that... I would have called the cops and either grabbed my HD weapon, or peaced out.
  19. I wonder if i can get my turtles to do this..
  20. I'm not denying that, but it seems that they have managed the past couple months with out one. So i do wonder who is picking up the slack, other then this issue which seems to be getting zero attention.
  21. Franklin lakes is a far cry from structured PD's like inner urban cities i'm sure you know. The fact is we probably don't even need a chief of police. I mean what would he do other then decide who goes where for road duty? I know its much more then that, but on the surface, not much goes on in this town other then domestic violence.. I read the police blotter every week and its nothing but traffic stops and dui's and some thefts here and there. This town is very political to begin with, but that can be a good thing.
  22. They do "break in" though. When i put coil overs on my car after a couple weeks it wound up sitting a little lower then originally adjusted, but i believe there designed to do this and it has more to do with the martial of the spring then the spring itself.
  23. I still think we should get a BF3 NJGF server when it is released. Either that or start our own clan and rule!!! mwhahahahah!
  24. Wow, i just thought they were dust covers! Good to know, i keep them on when loaded or unloaded either way because i'm pretty sure i would lose them if i didn't.
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