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Everything posted by fumanchu182

  1. I got my Spotify open so I'll start, Megadeth - Peace Sells. Ironic enough with all the firearm related things happening around the world.
  2. That's right I don't listen to his broadcasts, if he's lying about his substance abuse, can't even man up about that... What else is he lying about?
  3. I have a fear of airplanes so that doesn't bother me. I have flown once, didn't like it. Now the TSA in NYC subway now I have a problem with that. Loover: http://www.loover.com/media/news15_over.wmv Might this work in your favor? Seems that it only works if the camera is higher or lower in angle.
  4. Taken from Glen Beck's website: http://www.glennbeck.com/content/program/ So yeah I'm ignorant and a fool...
  5. The reason they are trying to keep it quiet is because they don't want the shit to hit the fan. From the reports I have read is that the police are acting as judge, jury and executioner. First example Diaz, no gun in hand, no weapons = shot in the back of the head and the leg (7/22). Second incident was a man in handcuffs getting shot. When residents tried to take photos police blocked the view. <--- This account is from court papers served to the mayor. If the police start shooting people in the back of the head for no reason and you have proof then yeah, break out the torches and pitch forks.
  6. I love Ted, always have always will. Glen Beck though is a piece of shit with a bad coke habit. Just my .02.
  7. I have rooted my HTC EVO 4G. I used to have the stock roms. If you have any questions head over to XDA developers. http://www.xda-developers.com/
  8. Businesses can still prevent his entry. If he doesn't leave then it's considered trespassing?
  9. I've been doing research about pinning stocks, I'm sick of drilling holes into the buffer tube meaty parts and blind pinning it, I've noticed that you use a hex nut bolt on yours. How did you accomplish this? Did you tap directly into the but stock or use a self tapping insert?
  10. Also it is worth noting that this is a proposed amendment. It has not been put in the official bill itself. The proposed amendments are going to be voted upon next week. Then they make their way into the bill then the bill goes up for votes. So somehow even if the amendments pass, the final bill may not pass. Since our senators don't give a shit about us I wonder if it is even worth telling them not to vote for it.
  11. It's not a sad chance of passing that's what's friggin scary. Republicans have been looking to pass this bill because the RIAA has been lining their coffers with money.
  12. This is friggin ridiculous. I work as a software engineer and thought the RIAA backed bill was bs before but now it is completely going to fugg everyone. This bill needs to be dead on arrival. Its horrible how they can add a amendment that has nothing to do with the original bill.
  13. Yeah I've read this from top to bottom. It is a hellish piece of a legislation that if signed would destroy the United States of America sovereign rights to bear arms. However as others have said, if this text is not made public before it is signed by the president we have an even bigger problem. Whey would they not release it to the public? I think we all know why...
  14. Do you think we are not fiscally responsible because we run a large amount of social programs in this state?
  15. Fugg white castle, go to White Mana. http://goo.gl/maps/VLymZ
  16. I think it goes a long way to say that with recent legislation and all the political tie downs that we now have on our rights we are not really free. Police now engage us for just walking on the streets no rhyme, no reason. Our rights to protest are being blocked by a "permit" process in most states which directly contradicts our first amendment rights to "interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.". I feel freedom in this country is not a right anymore it is a privilege just like driving, it can be taken away. Are we living a lie? Have we been indoctrinated with a lie that we are the land of the free from birth till death when we really aren't? I used to think freedom was the ability to wake up every morning enjoy breakfast, go to work happily, enjoy dinner with friends and family and then rest. Repeat until bored and then take a vacation. However I learned that with the serious shit that is going on in our government and its failures we can't redress our grievances. If you speak out in this country, your life is in danger, the NDAA does not protect you as we have learned that the President can and will put you on a kill list. You can't reason with a domestic drone (even the ACLU is suing the gov't over this ). So I ask again, why do we as citizens of the United States of America consider our country as "free" when other countries have more civil liberties and can redress their government? I hope you all don't think I'm tin foil hatting it today, just want to hear other peoples opinions on the matter. (Also by redress our grievances I mean Senate and House listening to it's citizens for once instead of corporate lobbying, which is now all messed up thanks to SCOTUS and citizens united.)
  17. I don't think the cases of "fight it out with the feds" will be isolated. We are at a tipping point in this country where everyone is fed up with everyone and all it takes is one flicker of flame to ignite a shit storm.
  18. You sure he just wasn't shitting his pants because he just got shot with a spear gun?
  19. 200 yard with iron sights is a good goal to work towards. I did it at my AR15 course and was proud of myself. If you don't know anything about scopes check this out: http://adventure.howstuffworks.com/outdoor-activities/hunting/traditional-methods/rifle-scope.htm. I figured out what I needed to know from that article. I myself am in the same boat. Let me know what scope you purchase in the end.
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