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Everything posted by StarWarsGeek45

  1. Cheering and laughing at a man who is going to be sent to prison for non violent offenses of possessing devices that are common in the majority of the USA. Then you guys wonder why the gun laws here suck? Maybe take a look in the mirror. Also, to the bonehead making fun of the fact that the magazine has thirty one rounds, maybe know what you're talking about before you go making comments like that. There are 31 and 33 round magazines for the Glocks as well as several other pistols and carbines.
  2. Once again, Police Chiefs and law enforcement organizations are leading the fight against pro-ccw builds, standing side by side with the Brady Bunch. But it's OK, my permit will get rushed through cause my buddy's on the force.
  3. It means when someone lives 99% of their life unarmed and is still above ground, yet feels compelled to carry a firearm for three hours at a sporting goods store in Pennsylvania, they've been spending too much time on the internet.
  4. I really want to see it but I can't find it. Maybe in a few more days.
  5. Rachael Maddow also enjoys going to the shooting range, but believes that people should not own guns at home. She compares it to carnival rides, saying "you like to ride the Ferris Wheel, but that doesn't mean you take it home - you go to the carnival when you want to ride it" Celebrities enjoying the range does not mean they support gun ownership or even like guns at all.
  6. Reality TV is about making absurd profits. However much expensive guns cost to rent, and the property, and the stages, costs nowhere near what a sitcom does. Remember when all six Friends were getting 1 million each per episode? It probably costs as much for an entire season of a typical "reality" show as it does for a single episode or two of your typical 90's sitcom. Now, once you get 16 celebrities on there, and not washed up "Rehab With Doctor Drew" type losers, you look at big money. Add to that the fact that half your Hollywood action stars think people shouldn't even own guns in real life.
  7. Considering OP is an NJ resident who spends 99% of his time unarmed, except for his trips to Cabela's in PA and now his theoretical mailbox adventures, and has so far lived to tell the tale, I'd say there is certainly a bit of a logical disconnect.
  8. And that's the Reader's Digest version of internet gun forums. Hell, even the video is half assed. Mr. Big Bad 3% wants to be all inspiring, but all he can muster up is a crappy Speex video made from a quick movie maker website? I mean, come on tea bagger, at least do the whole "bandana over the face and tactical gear in front of the webcam" thing
  9. Yeah, seriously. Some of the acting in Sons of Guns is just so laughably terrible I can't even watch the show with a straight face. I don't understand why most people can't understand that "reality" TV is almost as scripted as a sitcom at this point.
  10. Where are you going to "come across" ammunition? What is your plan for "SHTF"? Are you staying put and protecting your family, are you roving the post apocalyptic wasteland like Mad Max? What are you planning to do? What is "SHTF"? A riot? A hurricane? The gub'mint come to git you? I'm having a hard time understanding why you feel like you will be roaming around with half a dozen handguns "coming across" ammo. What the hell kind of situation are you planning for?
  11. The matter seems very simple to me. Patrolmen/lower ranking officers seem to either be neutral, or in support of, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, but do not seem to have a large voice on the national or state wide stage for which to speak up for citizens' rights. Police Chiefs and various other high-ranking officers, tend to be against the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and often speak up in favor of gun control on the national and state level with large levels of media exposure. The problem here is, you have Chief Kelly and Commissoner McCarthy and others speaking to an audience of millions nationwide in favor of gun control measures. But hey, there's a thread on some cop forum I never heard of until today, and on that thread a bunch of guys who are cops posted on the internet expressing pro-CCW opinions to each other. So I guess it all evens out? EDIT TO ADD: If such an overwhelming majority of officers (you say 85% from a poll) why doesn't this overwhelming majority speak up? Aren't all law enforcement officers unionized? Isn't the point of a union that the few at the top cannot do things like, say, completely misrepresent the views of the 85% under them?
  12. Well said. I really don't care if an off-duty cop doesn't help me either. If the general populace cannot carry, then off-duty LEO should not be permitted to either. Besides, what do they need a gun for, since carrying is illegal they surely will not need it anyway.
  13. You see, the lives of a police officer and his family are more valuable than the lives of a "civilian" While CCW is by no means a guarantee of safety, a police officer is allowed to CCW off duty, in order to at least have a chance to prevent a tragedy from befalling him or his loved ones. However, should the same tragedy befall a member of the lesser classes, this is a non issue. Bad things happen every day, and the incident is simply another thing to make the newspaper the next morning. It's just another statistic. It's an unnecessary risk to allow those without a badge the privilege of self defense, especially since there is nothing in the US constitution that allows them such a privilege. Also, I love how the article explains how LEO should be able to carry hollow point ammunition, because it mushrooms in the body and is much safer to bystanders. I'd bet my last dollar that same newspaper calls them "cop killers" or details the horrible destructive kitten-seeking bloodshed of hollow points when someone besides a cop is caught with them.
  14. OK, I would really like to branch out and taste some good fall seasonal beers. Maybe we could compile these into a shopping list of sorts?
  15. Virtually every manufacturer and big time seller (Centerfire, Atlantic, J&G, Century) all call them AK's Let's be real here, you didn't buy a Saiga because you were searching for "the rifle designed for the hunting of the various animals in the conditions of all climates" - you wanted an AK and got the closest thing to it that you could get. What's next, you gonna say you wouldn't want it to have a fun switch if those were legal too? What would changing the name of this sub section accomplish?
  16. Let's get real here. They'd enforce the law against NJ2AS, then they'd turn around and hold a buyback of their own the weekend after, just for laughs. Laws don't apply to special people, and the cops and AG are special people. I figure you, my fellow peons, would have realized this by now.
  17. The reality is that this law is virtually unenforceable. From the ability to simply hop the border and buy ammo, or discreetly order from the internet, combined with the fact that no one is ever going to check your ammo for state of origin, it's a pretty silly thing to worry about.
  18. Who here has ever been at a gun range, hunting, traffic stop, and at any point ever encountered a law enforcement officer who wanted to know where that person obtained their ammunition?
  19. In all seriousness... Why pay so much money for special, obscure ammunition when you can just get a 7.62x39 AR upper? From what I can tell, this is almost the exact same thing, except $1 and it has a cool name....
  20. Correct, many internet websites also ship ammunition to NJ with no FID required from them for purchase.
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