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Everything posted by CMJeepster

  1. If his quote holds true, then he should work to have everyone who buys a knife, baseball bat or hammer background checked.
  2. Last time I ate BK, I wound up not being able to leave my bathroom for two days.
  3. Oh, I remember what happened during the LA riots.
  4. "Asian-Americans Terrified of Coronavirus Backlash Stock Up on Guns" https://www.yahoo.com/news/asian-americans-terrified-coronavirus-backlash-161833574.html
  5. Thank you all for the input! We're still not clear what to do at this point.
  6. The tranny didn't get yanked until after the noise started. Once they fixed that, the pump went.
  7. I'm well aware of that, but it's something that I can't get over.
  8. This is the only picture that we have. We also had no warning. She came home one night complaining about a noise. I went outside and started it. It sounded like a cement mixer, so I shut it down and had it towed to the dealer.
  9. More details emerge: https://www.yahoo.com/news/noose-placed-wisconsin-brewery-shooters-181005304.html
  10. Thanks for the advice, but the wife wouldn't go for something that old.
  11. Bob, They offered ~$700 on the $2,600 bill for this repair, then the automatic transmission fluid pump went DAYS LATER, so that's another $1,700, of which, we're still negotiating with Ford and the dealer. I'm letting my wife handle this as she's build a network with folks from both Ford corporate and the dealer. I will only get involved when it's time to play bad cop. You know what I do for a living and who I do it for, so you can see why I remain in reserve for now. Ha, ha, ha!
  12. Believe me, I know a bit too much about pooping outside.
  13. Yeah, I'm not giving up my MCA membership. I still have, and always will have my Cobra. I'm very wary of buying used foreign vehicles. We're looking at some equivalent domestics.
  14. Having been an outdoorsman all of my life, I can tell you that it's so easy to crap outside and not have to worry about such a complicated routine.
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