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Everything posted by W2MC

  1. Amazing how hard they fight for their master.
  2. Reason #12,334,252 I stopped listening a long time ago........
  3. The guy wearing the "thin blue line" tshirt should have taken it off and stepped on it.
  4. Hmmm.....Crown over X is a Spanish proofmark.
  5. Smoke 'em. Ask @Smokin .50 how to do that
  6. Irrelevant? Kruschev also said "we will bury you!"; and that capitalists would sell him the rope to hang them... Seems that hasn't happened, either.
  7. Of course Nikita Krustchev didn't anticipate Mickhail Gorbachev and Perestroika; or Boris Yeltsin and his stop at an American Supermarket. https://thefederalist.com/2019/11/13/how-a-russians-grocery-store-trip-in-1989-exposed-the-lie-of-socialism/
  8. All I needed to see ........
  9. Open the Country.........Before there is no Country to open......
  10. For a quick read on this travesty of justice (yes, they happen at the Supreme Court, too) see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Miller
  11. Standard. Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy; with Queen Elizabeth II as its head.
  12. Subjects, not citizens. We're heading that way, too, if we're not careful.
  13. As kids, we used to shoot bb guns in the basement, using an old fitted sheet hanging from the ceiling as a backstop. The bbs would collect in the bottom for re-use.
  14. As opposed to all of our rogue governors?
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