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Everything posted by BobA

  1. Actually as communist as it sounds that may not necessarily be the case. Some old timers out there may remember when Coors beer wouldn’t come east of the Rockies. They were sued and it was ruled that they had to. Some ICC ruling. It was back in the late ‘70s.
  2. I'm not arguing whether it does or doesn't need to by any law. I've run into this even with F2F sales. It does, however, point out the wacky convoluted totally incomprehensible laws NJ has and how sometimes we're left twisting in the wind in terms of trying to understand and interpret them. Even times checking with LEOs and the Troopers we get sent in opposite directions.
  3. I feel it was one of the nicest most respectful articles about our hobby and our plight so far. Thank you Katie. We could all be Monday morning quarterbacks and add and edit all day. There's so many more struggles and pleasures that can always be touched on. But to expect a reporter or anyone to get the full sense of it all in such a short period of time is an unreasonable expectation. She did good with what she had. You can't expect someone to know what it's like to be homeless after sleeping one night outside. I for one am grateful for the job she did with the time and info she had. Perhaps next time, if there is a next time, it could be a multi-week series. Kind of a "day in the life" kind of thing. Maybe the reporter could go to different types of ranges or events such as clay shoots, shows. explaining how we transport and store, etc. At the same time profiling someone each week and detailing their plight to maintain safe and legal. But again, let me say I for one find the article totally unbiased and helpful for those who don't understand things in our "thing" to get just that much more light shined on their point of view. Once more I'd like to thank Katie.
  4. I work in the same town as gabonk.  If you still have the goods you and I talked about we might still work something out.  Including I'm trying for his .22s.

  5. I’m not really sure how the bank can do this. I would like to assume lending laws might prevail here. If the business is a legal one and the financial risk is minimal I don’t feel the bank should have the right to judge. Do they take the same moral high road for a bar with nude dancers? A porn shop? A building loan for a planned parenthood building? Where’s the line and how can they cross it? There’re loan grants should be based on business decisions and not moral or political ones.
  6. How about this one? https://bearingarms.com/tom-k/2018/04/24/bank-threatens-ruger-nra-support/
  7. But there are so many evil guns on their list that are block by law from being shipped to their states. A similar argument could be made there.
  8. No one needs to refuse. That could get them into trouble. They can, however not be the competitive bid. These agencies aren't shopping. They bid contracts.
  9. By various agencies you mean the State and Locals? Or Probation and the other gun carrying agencies should bare blame for Cuomo's actions?
  10. I happen to be going that way, give them to me and I'll drop them off. Just sell them. P2P or COE. Now....wadda got?
  11. Just for the record, you NEVER report anything. P2P yes, there’s a mailing. BUT THATS IT.
  12. BobA

    True Value

    Does the brand and type matter? Got me a thrower at the same place too.
  13. So, statistically, the suicide rate at ranges of people with FID cards is 0. While the suicide rate without is 100%. Does Murphy know this? FID cards can prevent suicides!
  14. Quote from the link below: https://www.google.com/amp/observer.com/2018/04/nj-politics-digest-murphy-takes-aim-increasing-gun-tax/amp/ “New Jersey lawmakers are also advancing legislation barring people from purchasing parts for firearms and constructing them at home themselves, according to NJ101.5. These guns are much more difficult to trace than firearms produced by manufacturers with recorded serial numbers, the station reports.”
  15. They probably don’t want to get caught in mid-sale. Murphy wants to stop the purchase of all gun parts over the internet.
  16. Maybe you might want to call back and get someone else. You very well may get a different answer. Then get their name.
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