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NJ Handgun Carry Permit Application Experience



Also haha some of you really need to crop out your photos. 
If i saw some of you on the street with a gun I wouldn't think you were the "good guy with a gun" 

It also makes locating your other accounts on other forums /places easier. need to learn not to leave breed crumbs online. I know MikeL posts on the NJ gun forums reddit as you can see the same photo on the thread he posted. 
Just saying if those idiots do that social media check crap this is the stuff you dont want is creating hard links. 

I post on reddit too but with an un linkable name

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Alright, local PD sent to Middlesex County "last week". 9/6 - 10/26 is 50 days. So roughly 50 days and now we wait for middlesex.

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1 hour ago, IhateNJ said:

Also haha some of you really need to crop out your photos. 
If i saw some of you on the street with a gun I wouldn't think you were the "good guy with a gun" 

It also makes locating your other accounts on other forums /places easier. need to learn not to leave breed crumbs online. I know MikeL posts on the NJ gun forums reddit as you can see the same photo on the thread he posted. 
Just saying if those idiots do that social media check crap this is the stuff you dont want is creating hard links. 

I post on reddit too but with an un linkable name

A. I don't care about what you think I look like. B. I am well aware that it is easy to find but I don't post anything that I would regret later. Thank you for your concern though. Also, I'll be out of NJ in about 6 months so I just wanna make your nickname jealous :icon_lol:

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4 minutes ago, MikeL417 said:

A. I don't care about what you think I look like. B. I am well aware that it is easy to find but I don't post anything that I would regret later. Thank you for your concern though. Also, I'll be out of NJ in about 6 months so I just wanna make your nickname jealous :icon_lol:

I wasnt commenting about you...more like that guy that looked like ..well i'll save that comment. 
I would move If I could find another job that pays well into the 6 figures in another state but
until that time I like my paychecks. Also dont know if I could give up the waterfront property as well would be hard move. 
But good for you and getting out of this 3rd world country called a state.  

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23 minutes ago, IhateNJ said:

I wasnt commenting about you...more like that guy that looked like ..



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On 10/26/2022 at 9:28 AM, samiam said:

If your PD supplied you with a Contributor Case Number (used for IdentoGO printing), that, the submission date, and your name should be more than adequate. That presumes that your court personnel have any inclination to help you. Mine did (to no avail, because NJSP Woodbine station continues to sit on my application at day 78), but that may well be highly variable across counties. 

I called the Middlesex court today and they told me they haven’t received my application from the PD yet.  They said to try again next week.  On day 72 since submitting the application to Edison PD.

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After a looong 4 month process, permit is finally in hand. Bergen County.  Nothing special, just various components of NJ system delaying as much as possible.

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3 hours ago, CJack said:

After a looong 4 month process, permit is finally in hand. Bergen County.  Nothing special, just various components of NJ system delaying as much as possible.

Do you mind sharing what your timeline was like? Or at least can you tell the time between MO being cashed and when you were notified that your permit was ready?

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11 hours ago, Batt52 said:

Successful approval in Passaic County.  Here is my experience.


9/15/22               Successfully qualified @ GFH for 1 pistol with a score of 100%, surprising myself


9/16/22               Submitted completed application to local PD


9/20/22               Completed fingerprints out of state


9/21/22               Two of three reference received their questionnaire


                              Questions were the exact same questions from the FARS pistol permit reference form


9/22/22               Questionnaire submitted back to PD by reference 1


9/26/22               2nd reference submitted questionnaire back to PD


9/26/22               3RD reference received questionnaire


9/27/22               3rd reference submitted questionnaire back to PD


10/5/22               Checked with PD on application and was informed it was on the Chiefs desk for approval.  Not sure of date application was sent to court, but the record tech @ PD said it would go over right after Chiefs approval.


10/25/22             Contacted by Court for hearing scheduled on 10/31/22.  Court assistant was very helpful.  He explained how the process was going to proceed and was informed to bring ID along with copy of pistol permit to verify the serial number of handgun for permit.




10/31/22             There was 25 applicants in court for my session. There was an earlier session and that session had 25 applicants as well as per the Court officer.  Officer reviewed how the session was going to proceed as well.   Judge reviews application, checks SN and then issued permit. 


I was fortunate to be the first application called. The entire process for myself was about half an hour.


My permit # is 493 for Passaic County. Considering that Passaic seems to be one of the few counties issuing permits a consistent basis, I believe the states estimate of over 300,000 new permits to be issued is nothing more than a scare tactic.  If all 21 counties were issuing at the same rate as Passaic (which we all know that they are not) a rough estimate would be in the area of 10,500 permits statewide (I used 500 per county) issued so far. 





Congrats on your permit! The truth is worse than you think and most counties have issued less than 500 permits so far. To be blunt, many counties have issued less than 200 permits. Passiac County is not the norm, I suspect 5000-ish permits have been issued in the entire state since the Bruen decision. To be fair, I do have to mention that many counties are increasing their issuance rate but, it remains low overall. 

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Handed in my paperwork this morning with the State Police Sussex station. Fingerprinting scheduled for 11/3 After signing off on the mental health forms the witnessing trooper and I talked outside for a few minutes and explained to me what's going on and what to expect timeline wise. "Due to the backlog and the (sussex county superior court) court finally beginning to issue permits expect it to take 90 days.

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40 minutes ago, marlintag said:

Congrats on your permit! The truth is worse than you think and most counties have issued less than 500 permits so far. To be blunt, many counties have issued less than 200 permits. Passiac County is not the norm, I suspect 5000-ish permits have been issued in the entire state since the Bruen decision. To be fair, I do have to mention that many counties are increasing their issuance rate but, it remains low overall. 

I bet 5000 is even pushing it. Also, @Batt52 permit number doesn't necessarily mean that is the 493rd "post bruen" permit. I would wager that is the 493rd permit to carry on record for Passaic County's existence, unless the court number given to his application was 'GP-PC-493-22'. The issued permits numbers across the state have been inconsistent with the "GP" application numbers.

One thing I really liked that was brought up at the last hearing, by one of the DC Project reps during their testimony, was that if the state has claimed there are 300,000 applications, how does the state justify less than 15,000 permits being issued. Excellent example of the PDs and courts abusing the process that should be completed within 90 days.

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2 hours ago, hostak126 said:

Handed in my paperwork this morning with the State Police Sussex station. Fingerprinting scheduled for 11/3 After signing off on the mental health forms the witnessing trooper and I talked outside for a few minutes and explained to me what's going on and what to expect timeline wise. "Due to the backlog and the (sussex county superior court) court finally beginning to issue permits expect it to take 90 days.

Seems about right. I applied in July and got it in October. Sgt Fedge is pretty good though, he gets the paperwork to the division quickly and then they submit it to the court.

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10 hours ago, dlr618 said:

Do you mind sharing what your timeline was like? Or at least can you tell the time between MO being cashed and when you were notified that your permit was ready?

PD took about 6 weeks to submit to Court.
MO cashed after 4 weeks of submitting to Court.
Issue date is about 3 weeks after MO cashed.
Printing / Typing took another week.
Call to pick up permit from PD - another two weeks.

All in all, approx 4 months.. tooooo long to exercise a Constitutional Right.  But thats another thread.

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1 hour ago, CMJeepster said:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

You think that gopher cares about your rights? Everyone lets look at this big shot thinking he has rights in this shithole, lol



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6 hours ago, samiam said:

I also think that your estimate of issued permits state-wide is far too high. Cape May County, for example has issued 14 permits. Atlantic might be even fewer. I also don't see how you made the leap from permits issued in Passaic to the conclusion that 300k applications is too high. I think that is a plausible number. If the average per county issuance is ~200 - 250, which I guesstimate is far more reasonable than your number, it would take ~5 years, or 2-1/2x the permit duration, for PRNJ to wade through the pile. 

What was asked of you during the hearing?

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9 hours ago, samiam said:

I also think that your estimate of issued permits state-wide is far too high. Cape May County, for example has issued 14 permits. Atlantic might be even fewer. I also don't see how you made the leap from permits issued in Passaic to the conclusion that 300k applications is too high. I think that is a plausible number. If the average per county issuance is ~200 - 250, which I guesstimate is far more reasonable than your number, it would take ~5 years, or 2-1/2x the permit duration, for PRNJ to wade through the pile. 

How were your references contacted? Mail or phone?

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If any of you live in Ocean County and have the infamous Gizinski "sensitive places" court order, good news. Just received a court order from Judge Ryan that vacates & rescinds that order. Just email his law clerk [email protected] and ask. I got mine in less than a week in the mail. No appearance or lawyer.

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Permit issued this morning by the court. They even laminated it for me 

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1 minute ago, SJgunguy9899 said:

Permit issued this morning by the court. They even laminated it for me 


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15 minutes ago, Moutinas said:

If any of you live in Ocean County and have the infamous Gizinski "sensitive places" court order, good news. Just received a court order from Judge Ryan that vacates & rescinds that order. Just email his law clerk [email protected] and ask. I got mine in less than a week in the mail. No appearance or lawyer.

Had mine done the same way by Judge Ryan, also about 8-9 day turn-around time as well. 

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55 minutes ago, SJgunguy9899 said:

Permit issued this morning by the court. They even laminated it for me 

Congrats brother.  Few questions if you don't mind.

Does it have restrictions, list the firearms you qualled with?

Any ideal how many permits were processed?

Did they mention its still only once a month they are processing?

What was the court appearance process, what did they ask?

I handed my paperwork in mid August so I am assuming at this rate it wont be till 2023.


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15 minutes ago, Repugnant1786 said:

Congrats brother.  Few questions if you don't mind.

Does it have restrictions, list the firearms you qualled with?

Any ideal how many permits were processed?

Did they mention its still only once a month they are processing?

What was the court appearance process, what did they ask?

I handed my paperwork in mid August so I am assuming at this rate it wont be till 2023.


No restrictions. Yes listed the firearms I qualified with on the back. The judge just asked if I was the one who filled out the application and asked if I scored 80% or better on the qualification. That was it. I’d say there were about 20 of us there that had permits issued. 

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4 minutes ago, SJgunguy9899 said:

No restrictions. Yes listed the firearms I qualified with on the back. The judge just asked if I was the one who filled out the application and asked if I scored 80% or better on the qualification. That was it. I’d say there were about 20 of us there that had permits issued. 

Atlantic County is on point, thanks to Range 129.

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Just now, Mike77 said:

Atlantic County is on point, thanks to Range 129.

Interesting,  I am just curious how many there are and if they are only doing 20 a month... its gonna be a while.  When I called a few weeks ago and spoke with the court clerk she said there was a lot of permits and it was going to take a long time.

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Just now, Repugnant1786 said:

Interesting,  I am just curious how many there are and if they are only doing 20 a month... its gonna be a while.  When I called a few weeks ago and spoke with the court clerk she said there was a lot of permits and it was going to take a long time.

From what I know......They just started issuing in the past month. I heard the county actually went to Range 129, saw their facility, learned how they taught, their qualifying process, and felt this was the benchmark to use. 


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22 minutes ago, Repugnant1786 said:

Interesting,  I am just curious how many there are and if they are only doing 20 a month... its gonna be a while.  When I called a few weeks ago and spoke with the court clerk she said there was a lot of permits and it was going to take a long time.

20 a month wouldn’t even be logical to be honest. That would only be 240 a year. They have thousands of applicants I’m sure. The court doesn’t want to be bothered with this process, i got the “vibe” that they just wanted to hurry all of us up today and get us out of there. They have a lot of regular case loads they want to get back to. It may not take as long as you might think now the the wheels have begun to turn 

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