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I was asked to be part of a news program about the AWB

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I just received a voice mail inviting me to call into "Richard French Live" on RNN-Fios TV. I did a quick search on this MSM turd and then called them back. I asked how they got my name and she asked if I was a member of the NRA because they were contacting NRA members to call into the show. I acted excited and said would this be like the Chris Matthews Show with fake enthusiasm and she just as excited said YES. Kinda like Flo from Progressive Insurance commercial. I then told her in short to go piss up a pole. I told her that because of the involvement with Dick French and the NY Liberal's and in the spirit of the Chris Matthew's show, that she was setting me up for an ambush and have no intention of being objective to whatever facts I would introduce to the conversation. I then threw a handful of salt into the wound and told her that if they were a real network and didn't have 90% of their content being infomercials I would consider it. But considering who they are, what they represent, I was not going to give them material that they could take out of context and make little sound bites that I couldn't defend. To say she was speechless would be an understatement.


WRNN - French Dick - Richard Dick...(last name first, with nickname is French Dick)


"It should be noted that Richard French III, WRNN's general manager, news director, and host of a nightly call-in talk program, had been active in the New York state Democratic party prior to his father's purchase of WTZA." Daddy buys station to keep son busy to promote Liberal agenda....friggin a** wipes. Gotta go and call Scot Bach.

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Glad you didn't bite on that one. They were setting you up, no doubt about it. I just hope that all the other NRA members they call are as smart as you are.


On a side note and perhaps a bit more disturbing, the NRA gives out their members contact information?? What is that about? I mean I guess I could understand them giving contact info to certain foundations or purpose similar organizations, but to give out contact info to a liberal, half whit with a crappy second rate radio station is pretty dumb.

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Glad you didn't bite on that one. They were setting you up, no doubt about it. I just hope that all the other NRA members they call are as smart as you are.


On a side note and perhaps a bit more disturbing, the NRA gives out their members contact information?? What is that about? I mean I guess I could understand them giving contact info to certain foundations or purpose similar organizations, but to give out contact info to a liberal, half whit with a crappy second rate radio station is pretty dumb.


I don't think the NRA has anything to do with this. I am on ANJRPC's website as the LE Liaison so that is where I think they got my info. I just sent Scott Bach a message to alert him of the situation and gave him the call in information in case he wants to tangle with them.


If you belong to any clubs, you may want to spread the word about what just happened to me. Make sure you have your dedicated Public Relations person be the ONLY one to call in. It is best to leave these things to the pro's. It is not worth the risk having us PR lightweights say the wrong thing.


Just got Scott's response..."You did the right thing. There can be nothing gained from these kinds of appearances right now. Their purpose is to bash us and make us look like extremists and we will get no sympathy whatsoever from media right now."


We have a call scheduled at 4 to discuss. Get the message out boys.

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I decided to watch the show and couldn't stomach how left leaning it was. Chris Matthew, Rachel douche-bad Meadows and Al Gore have more credibility then the morons on this show. I did find on their website this little gem going on. Check out the pro-2A comments on this message board. Pretty funny.


RNN - Message Board

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I just received a voice mail inviting me to call into "Richard French Live" on RNN-Fios TV. I did a quick search on this MSM turd and then called them back. I asked how they got my name and she asked if I was a member of the NRA because they were contacting NRA members to call into the show. I acted excited and said would this be like the Chris Matthews Show with fake enthusiasm and she just as excited said YES. Kinda like Flo from Progressive Insurance commercial. I then told her in short to go piss up a pole. I told her that because of the involvement with Dick French and the NY Liberal's and in the spirit of the Chris Matthew's show, that she was setting me up for an ambush and have no intention of being objective to whatever facts I would introduce to the conversation. I then threw a handful of salt into the wound and told her that if they were a real network and didn't have 90% of their content being infomercials I would consider it. But considering who they are, what they represent, I was not going to give them material that they could take out of context and make little sound bites that I couldn't defend. To say she was speechless would be an understatement.


WRNN - French Dick - Richard Dick...(last name first, with nickname is French Dick)


"It should be noted that Richard French III, WRNN's general manager, news director, and host of a nightly call-in talk program, had been active in the New York state Democratic party prior to his father's purchase of WTZA." Daddy buys station to keep son busy to promote Liberal agenda....friggin a** wipes. Gotta go and call Scot Bach.



Good move.Just curious Wojo, how did she know you were an NRA member? How did she get info on NRA members? Seems like she misspoke in the representation. A LEO contact? LOL


Your friend, Hen shooter.

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The NRA is a non-profit organization. The general public is allowed the complete list if names and addresses of all members of all non-profit organizations. This is a federal law. One reason is to keep a non-profit organization financially proper, I.E. you have x amount of members, cost of dues, and you (or anyone) could make sure the balance is legit, for audit purposes...Even audit info is publicly accessible.

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i wonder if it would have been better if you said yes, then at the start when you're on the air just rant and say "i know this is an ambush and have no intention of being objective to whatever facts I would introduce to the conversation and i'm not going to put up with it." then hang up. reverse ambush! lol

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Bravo Wojo!!!!! I agree leave it to the professional PR people to handle those situations. Some talk show and media types are masters of misquoting and twisting words around. I don't think it would have served a good purpose being defensive on a call like that or taking the offensive and letting them know you were aware of what they were trying to do. I've learned after being misquoted and misrepresented that sometimes the best answer is "No Comment!"

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I spoke with Scott. And the right thing to do for all of us is to lay low and let the hype pass. This point forward is my opinion and not that of SB. They, meaning the MSM, the ultra liberals, the CeaseFire types, The Brady bunch, the anti hunting, anti Boy Scout, anti anything that made this country great, are getting are hurt across the board and are getting desperate.


Desperate people do desperate things. Because of 'nothing left to lose' mentality, they can be dangerous. Look at the kook that was shot in AZ now making death threats against the AZ Tea Party co founder. No matter what successes and triumphs we have, we are still going to have pockets of ignorance and denial. The southern half of California, most of NJ, NYC, Chicago, Massachusetts, etc.


We have China making a pitch that the dollar shouldn't be the benchmark for currency. I kills me to admit it, but they are right. Gold / precious metals, was and should be the reserve for paper notes. Obamacare is under the microscope, immigration reform is not going the way they hoped, over 30,000 climatologists are part of the law suit against Al Whore. Face it, all the principles they hold dear are being discarded as more light and scrutiny is applied to their flawed concepts.


And it isn't just the democrats either. A lot of republicans are trying to change their stripes to at least appear to be in line with the Tea Party guidelines. We live in interesting times and cool heads and an adherence to a high moral code with get us through these challenging times. We should relish this time of change and remember to pass it verbally to our children and grandchildren. If you aren't active, then get off your arse and start being so.


I've got friends that are suffering from prolonged contact of wearing tin-foil hats too tight. They are so worried for me that I am going to bring attention to myself. For what? Living an honest life as a law abiding citizen, please. I spent 4 hours in Newark today with the FBI for a function. Do you think for a moment I was worried about getting taken into custody for being an American? Hell NO. I met an agent in person that is offering to assist me with contacting LegAt's (legal attaches) in India. My business model made complete sense to him and some of my other ideas are going to warrant further discussion in the name of making this country more resistant to the impact terrorists can cause on our economy.


How did RNN get my name...could be the NRA, after all I'm a EVC for District 11, I'm a committee chair for ANJRPC, I have two companies that are part of the NRA's Business Alliance Programs, I'm a Life Member, a certified LE Tactical Instructor and I proudly admit my affiliation with the NRA in my professional and speaking bio. I'm also a Life Member of SAF. So, it is easy to pick me as a spokesperson for gun rights. If you Google me and look hard enough, you'll see that I earned the coveted "Rifleman" designation from the RVWA who conducts the Appleseed Shoot Programs (FWIW, that patch is tough to earn) and other things that the left hates. I stand strong and unwavering in my convictions, and that is what will scare them the most. Bring it beyotches, bring it on.

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