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Writing legislators to support the 2nd amendment

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Hi everyone, I am a long time shooter and vocal second amendment supporter, but new to the forums. I wanted to share with you the campaign I have been running recently and in the past.


I basically search for the websites of democratic senators and congressmen and write them about not only their support for the second amendment, but the support for their political opponents if they do not stand behind the constitution and choose to stand behind Feinsteins AWB.


The following was just sent off to Sen. Joe Manchin of W.Va


Dear Senator,


I am writing, not as a direct constituent of yours, but as a constituent of the federal government of the United States of America. I do not live in your district and traditionally would not reach out to you on such matters, but I feel that your vote, and your recent statements on gun control issues, leave me no other choice but to inform you of the potential to lose your position.


I live in the Great State of New Jersey. We already have an Statewde AWB. We are fine with this and work with what we can. This AWB is by no means convenient, but we are law abiding citizens and work with what we have.


Myself and others have formed an alliance and have decided to pool our money together, and us like minded individuals come from various backgrounds from various states. I wish to inform you that if you support any part of Sen. Feinsteins gun ban, we will take this pool of money and provide donation to your senatorial opponent in your next election.


I regret that I NEED to write to you in this way because I feel that your record shows a desire to respect Americans and their rights granted under the Constitution, however your recent statements and new posture have given us no other choice.

Thank you for your time,


Thomas Jefferson


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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This is a fine idea, and welcome to the forum. I will however take issue with and disagree with one statement in your email:


We already have an Statewde AWB. We are fine with this and work with what we can.


We obey the law but we are NOT fine with it. Or at least I'm not fine with it.


Again, welcome, and thanks for supporting the cause...

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This is a fine idea, and welcome to the forum. I will however take issue with and disagree with one statement in your email:


We already have an Statewde AWB. We are fine with this and work with what we can.


We obey the law but we are NOT fine with it. Or at least I'm not fine with it.


Again, welcome, and thanks for supporting the cause...


i guess "fine with it" was a poor choice of words. I think it should read more along the lines of "we are law abiding citizens that respect the law, but disagree with and work towards repairing our God given rights." Thanks for the feedback and the correction as I am in agreement with you.

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Some of these bills and proposals have dim support, check out




There is a listing of current federal bills and proposals relating to firearms. It takes three minutes to log on and voice your support pro or con for all of these!!!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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