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Everything posted by matty

  1. Yes, if he/she was 2A supportive
  2. Rullo is a Trump supporter, so Liberal Gun Owners like a few on here will not support him. Liberals will happily vote for Murphy all day long to signal their Liberal cuck friends that they are cucked also
  3. Sig wins this time. I am guessing they speeded things up since they were getting so much cr@p about it taking so long. We will see if there's a protest (likely) https://www.armytimes.com/articles/army-your-new-handgun-will-be-a-sig-sauer
  4. Its like that location is cursed or something......
  5. Berlin is pretty Liberal I believe, so it probably wont be 2A friendly
  6. I'm voting for Rullo and then I am GETTING THE FVCK OUT OF NJ
  7. Well, someone has sense, and the FBI says they wont allow regular people acess to NICS, so the AG says its unenforceable. Note the AGS last name is Laxalt http://www.reviewjournal.com/local/nevada/nevada-s-new-gun-background-check-law-ends-it-begins
  8. Yeah, its nutnfancy crap video, but that thing is cool looking--and NJ compliant look like, less the mags--Of course they will make only abiut 500 of them
  9. I think its a game played outside by friends & relatives at Thanksgiving. I heard some Anti-American people had some big deal about it on TV, but since they don't wish to respect our flag and national anthem, I haven't watched it. Good luck to them with that though, I am sure lots of pajama boys and trigglypuffs will make up for my and my families lack of viewership.
  10. With a BB gun today. She picks things up very quickly---was only 6 years ago she came to us, how she has blossomed since---
  11. Yes, it was designed in the late 60s/Early 70s, but like the B-52 it can evolve. The cannon can shoot DU AP rounds, but even those may not work so well against modern armor. But new ammo can be invented. Such as it is, its the best platform we have right now, in any quantity. It was built to sustain some damage from AAA as was used in Vietnam, but this was before more portable missile systems became available. Agree the Super Tucano can probably do the same sort of thing cheaper--
  12. Looks like the F-35 boondoggle is causing the 'retirement' of the A-10 to be delayed further and possibly indefinitely, if the new wing program actually comes to pass. I find it interesting that both aircraft I primarily worked on in the USAF 30+ years ago are still flying--A10 & B-52H . Used to work on Gs and Ds, but those are long gone. The bases I was at have been closed for more than 20 years. http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a23537/air-force-fires-up-depot-line-keep-a-10s-flying-indefinitely/ Interesting note there about the CAS mission being split to include the Super Tucano or AT-6 as an interim aircraft. Not such a bad idea, there is precedent for this (A-37). Weapons loads would be smaller of course and no 30mm cannon, but much smaller target and likely quicker turnarounds. IIRC they can both have gun pods, rockets and bombs and sensors. Usually dont need the heavy stuff like antitank missiles and cluster bombs for TIC missions.
  13. And scouting as well. They are trying to literally destroy the middle class in NJ. Yet people on this forum will happily vote for them and then complain. Too late. If you are a Dem voter just turn all your stuff in to the local coppers.
  14. This is brought up because THEY HATE YOU. Democrat politicians anywhere, HATE you PERSONALLY for lawful ownership of firearms. I really still cant fathom why anyone that owns guns would ever vote for Democrats, ever. The party has made it abundantly clear they are anti-gun and anti people that own guns lawfully. "bbbbut Trump eats babies!" "bbbut muh union says to vote for them!" "bbbutttt I am state employee and muh union says Republicans are Satan!"" The last is the most hilarious. I know at least one state employee gun owner that is complaining all day long about NJ gun laws, yet refuses to vote for anybody BUT Democrats. When pointed out that Murphy is already super anti-gun, he says he knows but hopes the residency requirement will be relaxed for his job. He will still vote for him because "muh pension" which Dems won't make contributions to either. The ball is rolling on my move outta this HELL that Democrats have created. I only fear the entire country will become this way before too long. I would not put it past a Hillary administration to put Trump supporters and lawful gun owners on a shoot to kill list
  15. Maybe you should get your own blog. In the meantime, I'll just leave this here:http://www.vox.com/2016/4/21/11451378/smug-american-liberalism
  16. I found a piece of an old rifle stock in my grandfathers house. Should I call the state police or Loretta Weinberg to see if it's ok if I keep it or can sell it? Do i have to register it? What if I refinished it, wouldn't that be a federal crime? What if it's import banned wood, or has ivory inlays? Pls help I don't want to go tpo prison!!!!
  17. I found a piece of an old rifle stock in my grandfathers house. Should I call the state police or Loretta Weinberg to see if it's ok if I keep it or can sell it? Do i have to register it? What if I refinished it, wouldn't that be a federal crime? What if it's import banned wood, or has ivory inlays? Pls help I don't want to go tpo prison!!!!
  18. Meh. I have seen variations on this "I am a white person that grew up in a priveleged environment and am a racist, but so is everybody else, what can we do?" Lefty hand wringing since Bernie Goetz and Howard Beach, and before. Maybe back to the time of MOVE and that. Whatever. I have never heard this sentiment expressed among anyone I was in the military with or working with for the military for the past couple decades. Or in the trailer parks and ratty apts, run down ex factory towns where the only jobs are minimum wage retail or fast food. People seem to get along pretty well in poorer areas, where the population is more mixed, and worry less about racial issues. I would also say I have seen far more multiracial kids & couples in middle class & poorer areas than in rich white areas. Maybe its just my experience but the people agonizing over race are the ones least likely to actually interact with persons of lower economic means
  19. And people on this board and others that own guns will STILL vote for Democrat politicians. It can't be made more obvious than this, that Democrat party politicians hate YOU personally for owning firearms, and will work to keep chipping away until confiscation. There will be and has been spillover into other areas most notably Title IX. The ovverach and edicts won't be lmited to just guns
  20. Remember, Democrat politicians personally hate you, if you own firearms lawfully. If you vote for a Democrat, any office anywhere, anytime, you should turn in all your firearms and ammunition to the nearest law enforcement activity.
  21. Well, thats not useful unless you happen to have an F-15 that needs its fuel system checked There's all kinds of test sets and such for all military aircraft, from avonics & engine to environmental and hydraulic. Different ones for each type as well, there were a bunch I used for A10s and B52s back in the olde days. This happens to be one that looks to test the components of the F-15 fuel system, sensors, indicators, transfer pumps etc. Might be an older obsolete model of test set, picked up for surplus or your "uncle's friend" has poor taste in stuff to pilfer.
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