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The Dark Knight

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Everything posted by The Dark Knight

  1. Another case likely headed to the Supreme Court in the next few years in Massachusetts new law that specifically makes "the smell of marijuana" no longer probable cause for search of a vehicle. Plenty of people under the age of 30 can tell you all about how often they meet an officer with an excellent nose despite the fact that they don't even smoke so much as a cigarette.
  2. Yeah, you have a good point. Personally I'm a huge fan of the old Navajo basketball teams so I'm just going to start wearing a swastika jersey around. I know some jerks kinda killed the image of the swastika back in the 40's but hey, it was around before that and I'm sure people will understand. Ever seen Clerks 2 where Randall tries to "take back" the term "porch monkey" because his grandma used to call him that?
  3. IMO, unless you're especially butthurt over the incident, let it be. What's your intent here, to ruin some guy's life by getting him ensnared by unconstitutional gun laws? It's not like he took anything special from you. Unless the guns were rare, historic or sentimental, he could get them anytime he feels like in Montana anyway. Let's face it, interstate laws are pretty much bs. They're nothing more than butthurt anti-gun states like NY and CA's little way of keeping their (law abiding) residents from buying guns out of state and bypassing their bs laws in the first place. Now, I'm not saying it's cool to break the law or that you should do so. But unless you wear a badge for a living it isn't exactly your duty to make sure they're enforced either. PS posting stuff like this on the internet is extremely dumb, especially on a small and specific forum monitored by state law enforcement agencies, such as this one.
  4. They will not be bringing guns/ammo to NJ. They can't. In addition to an FFL, you need a license from NJSP to sell guns/ammo. Wal Mart won't get it. On top of that, requiring FID to purchase of ammo places an undue burden on the employees, and presents massive liability issues if a badly-trained employee sells ammunition to a customer without logging an FID. Many times the sporting goods counter is busy, staff's on break, late at night etc. and someone from another dept. just comes over and rings you up, in America. Or you just grab that 12ga bulk pack and pay for it at one of the main registers along with your shampoo and pack of socks. Not in NJ. Wal Mart will not risk it here.
  5. What do expect from guys who wear a uniform resembling 1930's fascist military officers?
  6. Benjamin Franklin thought “that it is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer.” This time they happened to get the right guy. This in no way makes up for who-knows-how-many non-dangerous people that have found themselves in prison because of NJ's ineffective, unconstitutional laws. FYI, there are a decent number of people in anti-gun inner cities who purchase guns illegally for home defense. They'd love to do so legally but the fees are usually too exorbitant, the laws too vague or strict, and the authorities who oversee the permit process don't look highly on the concept at all. Chicago was a perfect example of this, with many otherwise law-abiding citizens illegally purchasing guns because the system left them no other option but to be helpless in a dangerous neighborhood.
  7. Which is really sad, because this isn't feudal Japan. I should not have to pay tribute to the warrior class under penalty of harsh treatment. Personally, I object to PBA cards and find them insulting. I never donate and though I've been given a few, they quickly find their way to the garbage can. Let them harass me I'd rather get a ticket than grovel.
  8. The side of the road is public property. You have no right to privacy in public, only in private. Yes, states have laws that prevent you from wiretapping your home/business or infiltrating someone else's etc. Yes, jackbooted thug cops often don't like their awful behavior exposed to the public (see: Youtube). Fact remains there is no expectation of privacy on the side of a highway. There are also some very cool recorders out there that look like keyless entry remotes for a keychain, and of course every phone made in the last 5 years or so. If the cops aren't doing anything wrong, I'm sure they don't mind being recorded right? After all that's what they say to you...
  9. This is really of no consequence as due to NJ requiring a state license to sell firearms/ammunition, coupled with the fact that NJ's FID requirement presents a burden that Wal-Mart would rather not have its employees undertake. Sprinkle a healthy reminder that most people in NJ abhor guns and you can quickly see why you'll never see even a Red Ryder at a Wal Mart east of the Delaware River. That said, maybe instead of FFLs friggin crying so much, they ought to provide better service. Don't want me to go buy a Mossberg 500 for $193 at Wal Mart? Then quit thinking I'm stupid enough to buy it for $390 at your shop and talking to customers like they're turds. That'd be a start.
  10. I'm honestly not surprised by the attention to detail given to the handgun permits. I have long been under the impression that NJSP also keeps a registry of long gun purchases via NICS data as well. Don't you just love it when unelected officials get to regulate your rights?
  11. Full of himself, talks about ten times as much as necessary, and uses some of the most god-awful gun forum slang I've ever heard. A "Sheepdog with a Homeland Defense Rifle ready for a WROL situation"? Are you F'n kidding me? Oh, he's a Moron...err...Mormon...but I repeat myself....LOL
  12. I don't think so. For every person who gets a permit and buys multiples, are likely several people who are intimidated/daunted by the process and never bother to get a permit or purchase at all. So, in a way, it likely incentivizes a small group of collectors to own a surplus of weapons, but ownership through population is kept low. And at the polls, total number of gun owners counts for something, but the fact that a bunch of guys out there own a dozen pistols doesn't really help the community as a whole.
  13. From what I've seen so far, most of the forum just seems content pissing and moaning about the same problems here and proclaiming all the states they'll soon be moving to due to gun laws. It'd be nice to see some effort for a change.
  14. There was no demand for black guns in 94? I'm sure gun enthusiasts didn't care about the ban right? No big deal! There's a difference between a store like Dick's not selling guns anymore because there's little demand, and a company like Ruger or S&W not only ceasing to make products affected by pending legislation, but actively testifying before congress in support of laws that strip YOU of YOUR rights in the name of their own personal profits. Bill Ruger threw every American gun owner under the bus and said to congress himself that "no honest man" needs a magazine over ten rounds. He worked with anti-gun legislators to strip you of your rights in order to make money for himself. Now you want to talk about illogical, I'd say being OK with corporations eroding the bill of rights in order to secure personal profits for themselves is pretty illogical. A corporation exists to make a profit, sure, but at what cost to the country? And no, I don't own any S&W products for the same reason either. You're free to spend your money however you'd like, but I personally don't like giving my money to organizations that work to implement gun bans.
  15. Well, since the 1911 only holds 7 rounds I guess Ruger can be OK with it. After all "an honest man doesn't need more than ten" Fk you, Bill Ruger. I don't care how good the 1911 they make is, I'd never buy anything made by those two-timing clowns. And before people remind me that they make a big scary black rifle now, sure they make it now, at a time when gun rights are at their best and public opinion largely in favor. But it's not about what they do when times are good, it's what they did during darker days.
  16. "The media" is a business. The media exists to make money, not to perform a public service of keeping you properly informed. There's a lot of ways to sell a product, but among them, appealing to emotion works almost every time. Of the emotions to appeal to, few are as reliable as fear. When talking about guns, drugs, crime, trans fats, the middle east, tsunami, snowstorms, you name it, the easiest way to sell it, simply put, is FEAR. No station is innocent of this. No one sells fear quite like FOX, but they all do it. The only difference is to what extent they do so.
  17. Nothing says "come rob this house while I'm not home" like gun stickers/signs on the doors, etc. or those stupid "we don't dial 911 we dial 1911" type signs.
  18. Obligatory: The Bubba-Tac 12 Assault Shotgun, engineered and manufactured by Arkansas Inbred Gunworks Rumor has it that they are hard at work on an updated variant using JB Weld instead of Duct Tape.
  19. No offense but unless you are older and/or have a shoulder injury or something...you should not need a recoil pad for 7.62x39...Heck, 90lb African kids shoot it no problem on full auto so you have no excuse "RIFLE IS FINE...FIRE MANY MAGAZINE OF CARTRIDGES" - Comrade Ivan Chesnokov
  20. Call a lawyer. Never talk to the police without a lawyer present, certainly regarding a matter like this. Remember that the police can lie to obtain a confession and that this has been upheld by the supreme court. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc
  21. Why are you guys saying this is a bad thing in "NJ and NY" ? This is a STUPID idea virtually ANYWHERE. You're walking down a busy street "brandishing" something that looks really close to a gun. Nice way to get yourself some extra attention from LEO. This leash just has "stupid idea" written all over it.
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