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The Dark Knight

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Everything posted by The Dark Knight

  1. I think "service revolver" is often simply used as a term to represent an officer's duty weapon. It's just one of those terms that's been around so long (considering police carried revolvers for over a century) that it stuck, even though they don't actually carry revolvers anymore in most cases.
  2. Why not just take a small file and obliterate the second set of threads?
  3. Of course BMW/Audi/Mercedes/Lexus/Infiniti are doing well. The rich are not feeling the consequences of the recession. Meanwhile the plebes are selling their Fords to afford Hyundais.
  4. Once again, we're not talking complex facets of case law and gun laws in NJ. We are talking about the very basic "you need an FID to buy a rifle" that was stated in the beginning of the thread. You don't need to be a homicide detective to know that. And there's really no excuse not to.
  5. As to the OP, if you have 3 cylinders misfiring, your car should be running rough. Is it? You can do a little diagnosis yourself on this. Start your car up and pop the hood. Pull one coil or wire out, see if the engine sounds/runs any worse or not. Try each plug one by one. A system like yours has either coil on plug, or coil packs (aka waste spark) systems. The waste spark systems fire two plugs at once for a complete circuit grounded to the cylinder head, and a failure on one will cause a second cylinder to misfire, which sounds like it may be the case in your car with two misfiring cylinders. Coil on plug uses an individual coil for each cylinder. That will at least allow you to isolate if it is an ignition-related misfire or not. Remember an engine needs 4 things to run - air, fuel, spark, and compression. This can figure out if you are getting spark or not.
  6. Well said. Case in point, note the "KPD cop" above who simply attacked me personally, insinuating basically that I should take the test and become a cop myself if I don't like how things are, rather than sympathize with the public. It's definitely a bad case of us "vs. them" in their eyes where the police, and sadly members of the public as well, go to great lengths to excuse the inexcusable rather than own up to their own flaws.
  7. But the problem is, I wasn't talking about complex parts of the law. I wasn't saying the officers are unsure of the cryptic meaning of the substantially identical clause. I was referring to officers being unaware of bare bones, basic facets of NJ gun laws such as "you need an FID card to buy a rifle" or "this is the way the gun should be transported to the range" and there is simply NO excuse for them not to know that, especially considering the weight of the penalty for such "infractions". I don't know about you but I'd also rather not take my car to a mechanic that "kinda has an idea where those bolts go" or have my house wired by an electrician that "remembers watching someone do this once" but hey, that's just me.
  8. You may want to double check your sources,. Saigas are perfectly legal in CA, in fact they are immensely popular there as they can have a detachable magazine and come from the factory with a CA-compliant "sporter" stock.
  9. It's almost hilarious if it were also not so dangerous for the well being of the public. I fully understand there's a ton of laws out there and don't expect Joe Patrolman to know off the top of his head what the fine is for dog poop or jaywalking or something. But the fact that tons of LEO out there have no clue about the wordings of serious laws which carry massive sentences, it really shines a poor light on how some idiots can just make their way onto a PD. Flat out inexcusable. What other job can you be completely inept and unaware of major company policies and not get fired? I too am curious to see how far up the chain this idiocy goes.
  10. You guys seriously think NJ is better then CA for gun laws? Here's a question for you. Say you live in NJ and never owned a gun before, and decide to buy one (legally). What do you do? Go to police station, get harassed and treated like garbage, fill out forms and maybe some extra, illegal ones too, turn in references, get fingerprinted, pay a ton of fees unprecedented virtually anywhere else, have your employer contacted, wait months, then go to gun shop and pick out gun. If you live in CA, go to gun shop, pick out gun. Waiting period, go home with gun.
  11. Logic would dictate that those who work in law enforcement are very familiar with the gun laws and all the specifics of such. However, that's simply not the case, and you're bound to hear some awfully clueless responses when asking your "buddy who's a cop" about gun laws. Clueless responses that can leave you sitting in a prison cell for an extended stay. Simply put, when it comes to guns in NJ, if you don't see it in writing from the state, assume it's bs.
  12. Nice rifle. Hell, I'd rather shoot .22lr than .30carbine anyway.
  13. Why the big rant over such commonly known facts? Plain and simple, anyone who thinks Christie is pro-gun, is a moron. There, I said it in a whole lot less words. Perhaps a bit harsh, but I tend to be concise.
  14. Exactly. I get a good laugh at the wannabes from NJ that go to Cabelas in PA to open carry
  15. Fact of the matter is, people don't care about things that they don't even know exist. The reason you see pro-gun bills at least coming up for a vote in anti-gun places like IL and WI is because the gun owners there use their first amendment to do something other than cry about their second amendment on the internet. They make signs, write letters, and they get out there. They make it known what is going on, whether people are pro or anti gun, they are made aware that there is a debate about guns going on in their state. Here? The community has been pushed into the shadows, intimidated, and left to die quietly. And for the most part, they have. You won't see people organizing a rally and making signs here. Hell, they won't even tell people they own guns sometimes. And the end result is many people don't even know citizens can legally own guns, here or anywhere else. I wouldn't count on that. Christie may be a Republican but he doesn't need to really be pro gun at all. Considering the Republican party has been pushed so far to the right, and many of them think the current president is a soshlist muslim Kenyan, they'll vote for just about anyone other than him or any other Democrat. Elections now are nothing more than the lesser of two evils. And to the typical Fox viewer no one's more evil than a Democrat. So by being anti-gun, but slightly vague about it, he can woo more liberal voters with little regard for angering Republicans.
  16. I consider it the typical conservative's worst nightmare - state's rights and gun rights going head to head in court and to have one, the other must be eroded. This is why I believe the concept of "state's rights" has been a failure from the get-go. From disgusting examples like slavery and later Jim Crow, to less egregious ones like second amendment infringements, it has nothing but a track record of abuse spanning three centuries.
  17. Not to be a smartass, djg, but if NJ sucks so bad, and it's so easy to up and move, why are you still here? Also, 45 states have sales tax and 43 have income tax, the 7 that don't have income tax being places where people don't have any income to tax anyway You are, however, spot on with property taxes here being absurdly high. The housing costs are also high but that is because most of NJ is very valuable, highly desirable locations such as NY metro, Philly metro, and the shore. Congestion is a factor, sure. But arrogant people? You get those anywhere.
  18. To be quite honest, I think open carry is a bad idea for most. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT think it should be illegal, but I do agree that most people who open carry are not actually prepared to do so. The typical gun board self defense fantasy is always "guy with a knife 30 yards away" but real life isn't like that. Unless people have trained and practiced gun retention in a hand to hand struggle, they really are asking for trouble when they open carry should someone try to snatch it from them. Cops have training in this. Typical fat old guy with a shiny 1911 on his hip probably hasn't. It really doesn't take a whole lot to get a gun snatched from you. And some of these people probably couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. I just hope that those who do open carry at least are aware of this and attempt to practice retention in a struggle.
  19. You know, I bet someone with a little web programming know-how could probably whip up a nice ban-list checklist. Have it be a series of questions to answer yes or no to (all on one page) with questions that ask: Rifle pistol or shotgun? Then, ask if the name is listed on the banned by name list (with a link to it) Then ask, does it have a folding or telescoping stock, does it have a pistol grip, how many rounds does the magazine hold, so on and so forth. Box at the bottom lights up red or green once all the answers are filled out. Put a nice big disclaimer that this isn't legal advice and for entertainment purposes only. And voila.
  20. Exactly. That's another thing that always gets me. Typical red-staters on a gun board always act as if the high wages in blue states are part of some Soshlist-Muslim-ACORN-Union-COmmie Conspiracy but neglect the obvious, less theatrical explaination that the blue states instead have higher wages because they contain high-demand areas like Silicon Valley, NYC, etc. In any event, I'm glad that many people here feel the way I do. It gets me all warm and fuzzy inside
  21. What my post is saying, is that Pro-Gun laws do not make one place better than any other place. It gets very old being on the internet gun boards and hearing people from a place like FL say their state is so great cause they have a .380 on their hip, or people from NJ pretend their state is the seventh circle of hell because all they have is a cell phone on the hip. There's much more to quality of life than guns. We in NJ should be very thankful that we have a high median income (second in the USA) and much better job opportunities than a very large portion of the country. I know I'm grateful we don't have 18% unemployment like open-carry Michigan and better unemployment insurance than full-auto Florida where you can be fired for just about anything with no sort of UI in most cases. I take solace in the fact that our state at least isn't trying to balance its budget by denying people organ transplants like permit-free Arizona. And while we may not have the nicest cities, at least they aren't upwards of 25-40% vacant like a lot of other urban areas in the USA are. That's cool that you can carry a gun while gambling in Nevada, but how many people there have the money to gamble now that their adjusted unemployment is upwards of 23% ? NJ may suck for gun collectors, but it's better than a vast number of places in almost every other facet of life. All I'm saying is next time you're on Arfcom or wherever, and some guy living off of Federal aid money in Tennessee tells you that your home in NJ is a dump because you can only have 15 rounds in your magazine don't join in with him and berate your own home. Sure we need some work here in NJ, but we're no "dump" like many make it out to be. And I apologize for ranting and this is not directed at anyone in specific
  22. Unfortunately, decent jobs are very, very hard to find in some of the gun friendly states. I have family in FL (Lee County) and currently over 30% of all buildings/houses in the county are vacant. There are literally no jobs besides minimum wage in stupid uniforms and much of the young people are either moving back up north or joining the military to escape. And don't get me started on the tax burden. Ever wonder why all their taxes are so cheap out in Red America? Fun fact - it's the reason the taxes are so high in blue America. Sorry for the rant, I just really hate it when on gun boards people measure a state's quality of living purely upon what the gun laws are.
  23. Let's be realistic here, guys. Guns are not all there is to life. Fun, yes. NJ gun laws suck, yes, but there's also a lot of good here. For example, Nevada, Florida and Arizona are currently the three worst states in the USA for jobs/real estate. Sure, you can get your cowboy on in AZ and FL is the "gunshine state" but what good does a tricked out AR-15 do you when you can't afford dinner or get a job anywhere besides Wal Mart? Once again, more to life than guns.
  24. How funny would it be if a pro-gun NJ judge (which is about as realistic as Santa Claus) denied a NJ police officer a gun permit. After all...
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