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Everything posted by 45Doll

  1. Holy crap! I just heard that the Ever Given blocking the Suez pipe may itself have a huge load of toilet paper, and also be causing a blockage of other ships holding same! Stand by for Toilet Paper Shortage II ! And watch out for a discharge if/when it gets cut loose! Here you go. More detail from Zero Hedge. It's not necessarily the finished product; it's the components.
  2. If there's any ammo on that ship we can arrange some volunteers to take it off at no charge.
  3. I don't think this has been posted here anywhere, but the Suez Canal is shut and no one is quite sure when it will open again. This article delves into the ramifications of shutting down the largest shipping lane in the world, and the possible economic effects. What say you, investors?
  4. Take note that column was authored by The Editors over at National Review, as shown in the very top left corner of the page. That's not Yahoo talking.
  5. Well I had one, but deleted it. It just wouldn't paste in properly. Anyway, it was a groaner. So take this one instead.
  6. Many of you are familiar with and may have purchased from SG Ammo in Stillwater OK. I am, and I have. They are a family owned operation and before 2020 were in my top three list of ammo vendors because of pricing and service. I subscribe to their news letter, which I received today. It was the first one in a LONG time. Here's the introduction which gives an honest vendor's perspective on what's happened: This is just our second newsletter since June 2020, and I wish I had more inventory to advertise but it has been a crazy 365 days since the historic rush to buy ammo started a year ago. Many things that were once normal have changed in this time including price and availability of ammunition. We have been dealing with severe shortages of supply, demand that has been off the charts, countless price increases from most major manufacturers and importers, dramatic increases in copper prices, a US dollar that has lost substantial value vs the Euro, and shortages on primers and powder for the many ammo manufacturers that rely on 3rd party sources for these two key components needed to build ammo. It has been the 'perfect storm' to drive prices way up and make many popular types of ammo totally unavailable. All things considered I think we have some decent deals on some calibers at this time. Keep in mind almost all handgun and shotgun ammo remains extremely limited as do popular rifle calibers. If this newsletter does not promote calibers or types of ammo that you use then future newsletters will as supply allows. We recommend that you stay subscribed even if this product list does not meet your needs, as other products will come in time. We thank you for your support of our family owned and operated business and will do our best to serve our clients well in these strange times, so please stay subscribed for future SGAmmo newsletters. If you have some spare time please take a few minutes and look over the online catalog at www.SGAmmo.com Thank you, Sam Gabbert, SGAmmo Owner You can read the entire letter and the items for sale here.
  7. Tell them that's a high capacity clip, and that's why it's expensive.
  8. Calvera: New wall. Chris: There are lots of new walls, all around. Calvera: They won't keep me out! Chris: They were built to keep you in. The Magnificent Seven What happens when it's too dangerous to go home?
  9. When I stopped at my FFL yesterday they had just gotten in a promotional packet on the new Shield Plus. Then when I got home one of the online FFLs had sent me a message about its availability. I didn't see this mentioned on the forum, so I'm posting it up. My FFL just sold one to a PA resident because the plus now has a 10-round & 13-round magazine option. You can also order it with just the 10-round. List from $553 to $653, depending on options.
  10. Total 'America Rescue' bill: $1,900 Billion 165 Million @ $1,400: $224 Billion paid in direct personal relief Paid Elsewhere: $1,676 Billion 330 Million in the U.S.: $5,078 net cost per person Net cost to check recipients: $3,678 And it will cost all of us, one way or another. If anyone here would like to give me $5,000, I'd be happy to return $1,400 and keep the change.
  11. That's probably true. Just for laughs I tried one more time intending to try my SSN with dashes, and I the first landing page was simply not available. Too bad firearms and ammo pricing is so ridiculous right now. Otherwise I know where Obaden's bonus would be going.
  12. No. I have a static IPV4 address. This happened the last time too. I'm a straight up network, and it doesn't work in either Chrome or Edge.
  13. Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://sa.www4.irs.gov/irfof-wmsp/login" on this server. Reference #18.77392b17.1615988302.30cdbf8 So screw their website. I checked our bank and yes the payment arrived.
  14. Just another Transgender Pretender.
  15. 45Doll

    Walther PDP

    Yes, all three sizes in stock at $789. Walther's list price is $649. I've bought from Bud's. Make sure your FFL will accept and transfer. Better yet see if the FFL is on Bud's pre-approved list.
  16. If all the firearms in question were purchased legally, all of them are legal in NJ, your friend is specifically named in the will as the recipient of the firearms, and your friend is not a prohibited person, then he can take possession of them and bring them here. As mentioned above make sure he gets a copy of the will to demonstrate where they came from and that he obtained them legally. I would also make a personal record of make, model and serial numbers received from the will. Shipping them through FFLs will really complicate things, especially if there's any handguns in the collection.
  17. At 7:15 Monday the server where these URLs are hosted is down. So they're not showing up. I'll check when the server is back up. Tuesday 9:00 AM: It's back up.
  18. Permit me to assist in the translation. I'll send you my invoice. You may not understand this unless you have studied Physics, but do not be dissuaded and please continue to read to the end Here’s the math.... Here’s the explanation: Here’s the Illustration: Here’s the Practical Demonstration: And that's your Physics Lesson for Today. Now imagine if this is how they started teaching us Physics way back in High School; I'm sure there would be a couple of 'Nobel Prizes' among us! For some reason I can't delete the following images from this post. But who cares?
  19. Yeah, it is. Gallows humor. And the joke's on us.
  20. Judging from the bushed out tails I would agree.
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