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Everything posted by voyager9

  1. Interesting thread on reddit regarding contacting Congress.. from the POV of the guy answering the phones.. http://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/17njfx/as_one_of_the_guy_answering_your_calls_to/
  2. They only want to hear from folks who's vote "matters" to them.. shocker. I don't see a big conspiracy or strategy. Would you prefer the accept your email and throw it away when they realize you're not from their home district?
  3. All the shot's of Piers actually shooting were all set up to show that he was "As accurate after 20 minutes as a cop after a year's training".. target at what.. 15 yards? Pulling the trigger as fast as possible, and the camera conveniently didn't focus on the target to show if he was actually hitting anything. I'm sure he was.. at that range a knife is more deadly. I don't know if I'd say that Ted "won".. but it was a least a draw. Piers as usual threw out one-sided statistics ("Yemen"??) and didn't give Ted time to refute.
  4. Nothing. But he has to end each interview, "With a name like Smuckers it has to be good."
  5. I feel like he is trying to sell me grape jam.
  6. Wow.. She was really thinking on her feet at a time of great stress.. fantastic job.
  7. We're talking Congress.. Runyan hardly has the market cornered on Lunkheads..
  8. The only quote from a pro-gun representative: I really hope he said more in the round-table then "Jesus Saves" and that the paper was cherry-picking their quotes... Please, Please tell me that wasn't the highlight of his involvement..
  9. While true, I'd be careful pushing those numbers. While rifles are a small percentage, total firearms (and handguns specifically) are still the most prevalent weapon used. The numbers for rifles may be good for deflecting the ban on rifles by name or feature but doesn't help with other aspects like the Mag limits.
  10. More to the point, why wasn't it ready for use? While it lends credence to the belief that any (perceived) armed resistance usually usually stops these types of events, the kid also go very lucky he didn't have to do more then point it.
  11. Sure.. we can always say that cup limits don't work.. that in an active buffet scenario the attack would just carry multiple cups. The Anti's will claim that this is fear mongering by Big Soda. Obviously if the eater had to carry multiple sodas there is more chance they could be bum-rushed by the crowd when they go to switch straws.
  12. Not with their high-tech sonic dissidence devices. Causes nausea, loss of coordination, and ringing in the ears.
  13. It's interesting that they don't include debit cards.. I know even my debit card can be used as a CC and has the Visa logo on it. So the same card, used two different ways, results in a 4% difference. I do think this is going to have a lot of backlash, which as others have mentioned was probably its exact purpose. Try to get the fees exacted by the CC Companies out in the open and push some pressure back on them.
  14. Sounds like we need to send some correspondence his way similar to what we are sending Christie regarding his task force representation. NJ2AS should be included
  15. Aren't some Shotguns also included in Feinstein's proposed bill? Also, the effectiveness of all firearms in HD is directly related to training, regardless of firearm.. Adding the qualifier "who doesn't know how to use it" makes any comparison unequal. Finally.. lets ask the store owners during the LA Riots how effective a shotgun would have been from the roof of their store..
  16. Doesn't the video show that they DON'T have said policy and that it was just an internet/FB rumor?
  17. At least there is a list.. and it's not one of those "You have to pass it to see what's in it"..
  18. Typical meeting between politicians and constituents: I got the same email from him.. and I thought I was special
  19. I overheard the TV here at work.. not sure what channel.. but they mentioned unsubstantiated reports that it may be gang-related. Take with an iceberg-sized grain of salt.
  20. Fear folks with guns.. especially those with the skill to network them together and create an all-powerful AI.
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