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Everything posted by ruger9

  1. Perp was a muslim. You wouldn't believe the muslim violence that has been allowed to go down in this country, alot of it family violence... fathers and brothers killing sisters for "dishonoring the family", and the media never reports it, or mentions it only once, or buries it in the back pages. ...I can't find the website now, but there's one that is updated daily or weekly with the muslim domestic violence news. That's where I read about brothers killing sisters for dating non-muslim men. Not grounding them- KILLING them. Crazy effing religion.
  2. Holy price gouging!!! for .22lr?!?!?! I know these are strained times, but for .22lr?!?!?
  3. It all comes down to this: If I believe my life (or my families' lives, and that includes my dog) is in danger, INSIDE my home, I will not waste time attempting to comprehend NJ's bs unconstitutional laws. I will fire until the assailant stops (and since I'm a pretty good shot, and using hollowpoints, he'll probably also be dead.) I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. And I'm not being cavalier about it. Any other course of action is foolish and dangerous. The only question is, will my pistol have the 15 or the 10 round mag in it? Waiting on Trenton to find out...
  4. Do you have to have a hunting license to participate?
  5. That's how I read it as well, altho I wouldn't do that for a car. For my HOME, yes. Oh- and if you keep HPs in your defense weapon, not sure about having those outside your house, or off your property (if you're standing in the road firing at your fleeing car)?
  6. yeah, eminent domain hasn't meant much for awhile now, unfortunately...
  7. The problem with mentality is, the law will already be passed. And RARE is the law that gets un-passed in the future. Rare. "We'll get 'em the next election" just ain't cutting it anymore.
  8. Molon labe.... ...if you can find them
  9. Nah.... take to cleaning your guns ALL the time on your patio, and carrying them around your property as well!! Make THEM move.
  10. My dad had a book written by one of the Japanese higher ups- I forget who- who said that at one point Japan and Germany actually made a deal- Japan would get the western US, and Germany would get the Eastern US. The reason the Japs never invaded is we never gave them the chance. 6 months after Pearl Harbor was the Battle of Midway, which was the beginning of the tide turning against the Japs. They didn't invade us because we didn't allow it. I've seen that "blades of grass" quote supposedly debunked.
  11. If anyone is interested in a little SCOTUS "studying", check out Men in Black (book) by Mark Levin. Levin has been a constitutional attorney for decades, and he shows you how the court has been making laws from the bench and incorrectly interpreting the constitution for a very long time now.
  12. Unfortunately, yes. Dark times we are entering.
  13. And that's another thing that pisses me off: attacking or killing a cop is NO WORSE than attacking or killing anyone else. This whole "cop killer" mentality is a bunch of BS. They are people. They chose their profession. Penalties for killing LEOs should be no worse than for killing anyone else. Ditto the whole "hate crimes" BS. This is AMERICA where were are all created EQUAL, right?
  14. That's the only reason I'm still registered as republican- but it means nothing to me.
  15. That's ok, you have nothing to worry about. You're one of the "good guys"- you're believing what they told you to believe. Good for you.
  16. Delta at Waco: http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/takedown.html
  17. My apologies for confusing the trigger-happy LAPD with the arsonist San Bernadino sheriffs dept. Navy Seals and Delta at Waco: (just to get you started, you can do your own digging) http://prorev.com/waco.htm
  18. You're barking up the wrong tree. I think we all agree he came to the end he created for himself. The tactics used by the police were unnecessary and excessive.
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