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Everything posted by BobA

  1. When they say “burns my soul” instead of “burns my ass” really burns my can. See what I did there?
  2. https://www.thedailybeast.com/electrosex-is-our-freaky-future
  3. Maybe.....you’re getting older and so is your wrist? A limp wrist could absorb what the gun needs to cycle.
  4. It says I can’t see it. I guess I need a note.
  5. I think we should re-visit @JasonSeidman's blog on "Fear Mongering in N.J. 2A".
  6. Hamilton went to that Gun sitters place in Wihppany. And it was last year.
  7. Remember the two incidents that happened when this was all new? The one in Hamilton when the son said something in school? They didn’t get his guns because even though his wife let the in he wouldn’t open the safe. And then it happened to a member on here and he lawyered up quick via speaker phone. Still got his guns too. Granted Napen charged him his eye teeth.
  8. He had a gash on his hand leading them to believe more happened. Short of probable cause they do.
  9. Without cause to think there's bad stuff going on inside, I believe they still need a warrant. A bogus 911 call to your door isn't enough for you to allow entry (I think).
  10. Yup. Just put up a new building around an old parking lot. I had to install into the storm system what they're calling "grease traps". Large underground rooms you could set up a table and play poker in. They have an overflow catch basin in them and filters. To get my C/O I have to have the brand new basins power washed and vac'ed and a letter from the authorized person licensed to do so that he actually did it. The I have to produce a service contract from a company that does this and replaces the filters twice a year. BTW; also to get my C/O I had to dance with my hand in my pants on the roof while spitting Nichols. But that's for another thread.
  11. True of course. But the press is making it out like “terror in the streets”.
  12. They continue to try to make it about carrying when I thought all the guy wants is to throw it in his trunk and leave the city.
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