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Public Hearing on One Gun a Month Thursday the 24th, Trenton

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This is from Senator Madden's office. Everyone should attend.


Below please find the information for the One Gun A Month Public Hearing:


September 24, 2009


State House Committee Room 4


The hearing is open to anyone, but if you are intersted in testifying, below please find the information for Sobande Afolabi in Governor Corzine's Counsel office. Please call her to give your name so it could be added to the list to testify.

Sobande Afolabi (609 777-2462)


Jenna Lihvarcik

Legislative Aide

4th Legislative District

Senator Madden, Asm. Moriarty & Asw. Love

129 Johnson Rd., Suite 1

Turnersville, NJ 08012

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Yeah, they need us to call out for this day.

I already let it be known I was not going to be in on the 24th.

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I will sit in, I get off of work at 8:00 am. I'm hoping most of this community if your not working or can take off please try and come... let's flood the place with people and also tell other NJ pro gun forums about this... I think just by showing up in numbers we can show that we will not support this one gun a month idea cause it does not do anything to stop criminals from getting guns one bit.

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Thanks for the notice!

I will be there and I will be testifying. I recommend that everyone testify, even if it is only to read the 2nd Amendment and the first paragraph of the 14th Amendment and the Legislator's oath from the NJ Constitution. They will get the point.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


Members of the Legislature shall, before they enter on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Senator (or member of the General Assembly) according to the best of my ability."



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Its time for us to talk about permit reform in this state.

If they are going to infringe and give me 1 gun a month, then make it so I can actually get 1 gun a month!

Its time to talk about updating our permit system.

Its time to tell the gov that this law is laughable, as people can get around it (whats to stop 3 gang bangers from getting guns legally each month?)

Its time for us to speak up and let them know we are watching, and they work for us.

I am of the opinion that my guns hurt less people than our govs seat belt wearing habits...

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Its time for us to talk about permit reform in this state.

If they are going to infringe and give me 1 gun a month, then make it so I can actually get 1 gun a month!

Its time to talk about updating our permit system.

Its time to tell the gov that this law is laughable, as people can get around it (whats to stop 3 gang bangers from getting guns legally each month?)

Its time for us to speak up and let them know we are watching, and they work for us.

I am of the opinion that my guns hurt less people than our govs seat belt wearing habits...


Yeah this is a big reason why the whole OGAM law is made of fail. The way the permit system is now quite a few folks will be lucky if they can purchase one or two guns a year with OGAM in place.

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Thank you for this information, I have forwarded it along to our NJ liaison for further review.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with further questions or concerns.


Best Regards,

Miranda Bond

NRA-ILA Grassroots Division


From: NRA Auto Responder [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 7:22 PM

To: ILA-Contact

Subject: Contact from NRAHQ web site: Legislative and Legal Action Information


Contact type: Legislative and Legal Action Information


This is from Senator Madden's office. Everyone should attend.


Below please find the information for the One Gun A Month Public Hearing:


September 24, 2009


State House Committee Room 4


The hearing is open to anyone, but if you are intersted in testifying, below please find the information for Sobande Afolabi in Governor Corzine's Counsel office. Please call her to give your name so it could be added to the list to testify.

Sobande Afolabi (609 777-2462)


Jenna Lihvarcik

Legislative Aide

4th Legislative District

Senator Madden, Asm. Moriarty & Asw. Love

129 Johnson Rd., Suite 1

Turnersville, NJ 08012

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It really SHOULD be an easy argument to make..the problem is getting the necessary information.

Given: Every handgun legally purchased in NJ has a paper trail of Purchase Permits, detailing who bought it, the seller, and the date.


Given, Handguns recovered from Crime Scenes are run through the NJ system as well as NCIC.


Therefore, there SHOULD be a finite number of recovered crime guns that were originally bought in NJ, then transferred unlawfully through Straw Purchases, which the OGAM is supposed to reduce. THAT is the number we need to find to really prove the whole Fallacy that OGAM was to prevent Straw Purchases. if let's say the # of Straw Purchases that originated from Permits here in NJ is say, under 10%, then it would pretty much prove that OGAM wont in and of itself make ANY really appreciable change in the Crime Rate.

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I've sent emails about this event to evan nappen and scott bach, also posted it in other pro gun forums. I will probably call a list of NJ Gun Ranges and clubs to inform them tomorrow. I'm doing my best to try and spread the word.

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This is the list of those "invited" to testify in front of the TF.


Scott L. Bach, Esq., National Rifle Association

Frank Caso -- Owner of Caso's Gun-A-Rama Inc in Jersey City, NJ

Kathy Chatterton -- National Champion, 2009 Standard Pistol

Thomas Comey, Police Chief, Jersey City Police Department -- Stated that pump action shotguns are assault weapons

Craig Dear -- unknown

Stan Gurski, New Jersey Arms Collectors

Jerramiah T. Healy, Mayor, Jersey City -- supports OGAM and other gun control

Andrew Jennison, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action

Carol Katona, Citizen

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This is the list of those "invited" to testify in front of the TF.


Thomas Comey, Police Chief, Jersey City Police Department -- Stated that pump action shotguns are assault weapons

Jerramiah T. Healy, Mayor, Jersey City -- supports OGAM and other gun control


Oh geez....my Mayor and Chief of PD. I don't think I can go. They get me so mad ( :x ) I'd probably loose my cool.


Healy made a public announcement that the NRA is a sworn enemy of Jersey City.


Comey, well, word on the street is that he got so much grief about his comment. At work. And at home. Even from co workers!!


But as for the ANJRPC folks, I hope they don't screw this up!

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This is the list of those "invited" to testify in front of the TF.


Thomas Comey, Police Chief, Jersey City Police Department -- Stated that pump action shotguns are assault weapons

Jerramiah T. Healy, Mayor, Jersey City -- supports OGAM and other gun control


Oh geez....my Mayor and Chief of PD. I don't think I can go. They get me so mad ( :x ) I'd probably loose my cool.


Healy made a public announcement that the NRA is a sworn enemy of Jersey City.


Comey, well, word on the street is that he got so much grief about his comment. At work. And at home. Even from co workers!!

But as for the ANJRPC folks, I hope they don't screw this up!



He did..He's stayed pretty much neutral on the issue up until Mark's death, and Personally i think his mouth overrode his brain with those remarks. I DO know he's taken a lot of heat from Hoppsy over the "Too Short" Turnaround time for permits in JC, yet AFAIK JCPD still has one of the shortest if not THE shortedt turnarounds in NJ

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He did..He's stayed pretty much neutral on the issue up until Mark's death, and Personally i think his mouth overrode his brain with those remarks. I DO know he's taken a lot of heat from Hoppsy over the "Too Short" Turnaround time for permits in JC, yet AFAIK JCPD still has one of the shortest if not THE shortedt turnarounds in NJ


I would have to disagree on that one. I lived in Jersey City for ten years. It took nearly a year for me to get my initial FID and first permit. After that experience, I realized that I had to go into the Erie street office and badger people to get anything done. Even with that, it was always 2-3 months for a permit. I haven't lived there in six years now. Maybe things have changed for the better with regards to gun paperwork.

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He did..He's stayed pretty much neutral on the issue up until Mark's death, and Personally i think his mouth overrode his brain with those remarks. I DO know he's taken a lot of heat from Hoppsy over the "Too Short" Turnaround time for permits in JC, yet AFAIK JCPD still has one of the shortest if not THE shortedt turnarounds in NJ


I would have to disagree on that one. I lived in Jersey City for ten years. It took nearly a year for me to get my initial FID and first permit. After that experience, I realized that I had to go into the Erie street office and badger people to get anything done. Even with that, it was always 2-3 months for a permit. I haven't lived there in six years now. Maybe things have changed for the better with regards to gun paperwork.

Different Chief then. From what I understand, right now the wit time is around 2 weeks from JCPD.

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Different Chief then. From what I understand, right now the wit time is around 2 weeks from JCPD.


That's good to hear, although it was only one of the 100 or so reasons I decided to leave that town. Newark Ave always seemed to have the highest dog crap/square foot ratio of anywhere I've ever been.

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The thing with Jersey City is, they know who took a safety class. Not sure, but I think they keep track of that if I remember. Anyway, in JC, if you want a legal gun, best take a safety class before applying for your FID, they frown on people walking in off the street with no training.


Guess it worked for me. Took 3 weeks to get my FID, and under 5 days everytime I dropped of permit apps. :ugeek:


Shoulda seen the look on their faces when I told them I needed a pair for cap and ball guns.....they almost had to look into what I was talking about. :lol:

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Posted on another site:


For those unable to attend but still wishing to provide comments on the topic, please send a short, polite email to:


[email protected]


Sallye (yes, that is the correct spelling) is in the State House counsel's office and will make sure your comments get to the Handgun Task Force.


The State House Counsel's office is the Gov's Counsel's office. I talk to Sallye from time to time when I submit OPRA requests. She is very helpful.



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Ok... I think I am going to go to this.... anyone else?


It looks like the people that will be testifying are primarily stacked towards the pro 2a., and this will be a great event for both us, and the gun community. =)


Get your tshirts and lets go.... besides, we all know none of us work, how else are there dozens of people online at 11am. lol. jk.

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