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Use Cory Booker quote against Lautenberg

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Booker was interviewed by msnbc and transcript is available online.


"O'Donnell: Something like it's over 800 killed have been killed by gun violence in America since Newtown"


"Booker: Right. So what we see in Newark is that law abiding citizens buying guns are not causing the crime. It is that criminals can so easily get their hands on guns. You showed the data. You have an overwhelming majority of gun owners agree with instant background checks, agree that we should end the gun show loophole and end these secondary markets. "


Booker wants Lautenberg's job so Democrat on Democrat.



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anyone have any proof that 800 since newtown? i find that very high.


The Sandy Hook shooting took place on December 14, 2012.


According to the FBI, 8,583 homicides with firearms took place in 2011. I doubt they'll have an accurate total for the December 2012-January 2013 period until 2014, but 715 would be an average month's number. I wouldn't be shocked if it was 800, given the holidays. 800 could be correct or it could be an exaggeration.


Also, Frank Lautenberg will be 89 this month, so I doubt he he has much to do with anything he "says". More likely it's a member of his staff -- who will come along with the office when Booker takes over the job.

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anyone have any proof that 800 since newtown? i find that very high.


It's not. Annual firearms deaths are usually in the mid 30k range with over 50% being suicides. If they are evenly distributed, figure about 1200 in any given year in a 30 day period for homicide, justifiable or not. I don't believe there are any statistics gathered and processed with a frequency high enough for her 800 esitmation to be anything other than an approximation.

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