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convert to assault rifle for buyback?

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Seems that if you took a semi 22 rifle clunker and stuck a flash hider and bayonet on it you would increase its value from $100 to $250, just thinking outside the box, it would be helpful to our elected officials because then they could say they got even more "assault guns" off the street.

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Or just mount a grenade launcher to it and it would make the news!!!

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There is an old

Anyone that supports a "gun buy back", supports the people who want to take away your guns.


I don't know. It reminds me of an old joke:



A young Jewish boy starts attending public school in a small town. The teacher asks the class, "Who was the greatest man that ever lived?"

The new Jewish boy raises his hand and says, "I think Jesus Christ was the greatest man that ever lived." The teacher is so astonished that she gives him a lollipop


Later, during recess, another Jewish boy approaches him as he is licking his lollipop. He says, "Why did you say, 'Jesus Christ'?" The boy stops licking his lollipop and replies, "I know it's Moses, and YOU know it's Moses, but business is business."

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I don't think there is any issue with the condition of the gun, so I would sell them one, after I beat it into a plowshare :)

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Asbury Park/Keansburg just had a gun buyback.




Looks like about half were Fudd guns -- bolt action rifles and shotguns, and half pistols, with a smattering of more interesting iron.


Of the weapons seized, Chiesa singled out the street sweeper, a shotgun capable of firing more than 10 rounds at once.


“A street sweeper has only one purpose: to sweep human beings off the street quickly and efficiently,” said Chiesa, whose office worked to organize the program with the state Division of Criminal Justice, acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni, Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden, State Police, police chiefs in Asbury Park and Keansburg, and the region’s faith-based community.



I would love to see him discharge "a shotgun capable of firing more than 10 rounds at once" and would really enjoy a picture of his shoulder after firing it!


(More than a little scary that Jeffrey S. Chiesa is our state Attorney General?)

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Anyone that supports a "gun buy back", supports the people who want to take away your guns.




Looks like most were indeed those kind of supporters who probably had old grand dad's crappy rifle laying around and got a couple of bucks for it.

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