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Everything posted by Wavecaster

  1. interesting choice of author. theres a picture for that. I do agree. Especially season/book 1. But it's really not a bar that has been set very high by other shows/movies. And they are getting worse. This last season and this one coming they have omitted so many characters and while not spoiling anything on purpose it does imply that those characters will be irrelevant to the ending of the series which does actually spoil quite a bit. For example a specific eye patch wearing pirate comes to mind who is all set to play a huge role in book 6. And he doesn't exist in the show, giving away how his huge upcoming role in the books will end. If characters by the name Griff and Young Griff don't appear this season either I am all set to give up on the show. Another HUGE plot line being completely omitted which spoils everything. If they're not in the show at all clearly they won't have any real impact in the books despite being set up to shake Westeros to its core. Anyway I would say the biggest reason to read the books is because thats where all the info is that lets you theorize about the future. All that small stuff is the first to get cut from the scrip. And if you let the internet help you down the rabbit hole you discover hundreds of crazy conspiracy theories that all make perfect sense. And it's the books this information comes from. It's the books where Pycelle mentions a poison called Widow's Blood that is missing from his collection and just exactly what the poison does. It's the books that show Oberyn's cocky attitude toward dealing with and punishing the Lannisters. The show shows his hatred yes but the books showed a confidence that justice will be (or possibly has been???) served. Hunting through that info and coming up with the theory that if Tyrion hadn't used that crossbow, Tywin would have been gone in a few days anyway is by far the most fun part of the series. Then there is R+L=J, where in the world is benjen?, azor ahai reborn, faegon, and various other theories that are more fun to read and think about than the actual books themselves were. So I say read the books and pay attention to EVERYTHING. Like this constantly repeated line from Book 1 that is usually overlooked that provides huge insight into a very important theory: "Promise me Ned."
  2. you can, and I usually do, shoot 2 people at once but beware you're going to want to call dibs on the left side of the bench. I've got an action shot somewhere of a shell casing coming out of my ruger sr9 and it's just at the end of its arc so you can tell where it's headed and it's about to hit a friend of mine dead center the top of his head. it's usually just something to laugh about. the distance from bench to bench is enough where you aren't gonna hit or get hit by random people, only the people you are with so we usually all laugh when it happens. the .22s I use burn like a mother though. One time I had my left hand supporting my mosin and a .22 shell landed in the palm of my hand and got pressed in between my hand and the rifle.. that stung for a few seconds lol. I've got this crappy pic on a crappy phone camera I can share. It shows you what to expect though.. what the benches look like, how far apart they are from other people, how far 200 yards looks like (it's the rifle range), what the targets they sell look like (white cardboard staple gunned to a stick of wood) http://home.comcast.net/~carlover22/20140926_145034_smaller.jpg other advice? the chamber flags like someone said. they go down the line and make sure everyones got one in each firearm every cease fire. also like someone said they sell them 6 for $1 so hardly a big deal especially since it's a one time thing you just throw them in your bag and leave them there til next time. and I would definitely recommend a shovel of some kind. they do have some spread out that you can use, but I'm more comfortable having my own so that I can start right away and not wait on anyone else that might be using it. I just commandeered a garden tool from my garage that fits in my range bag and it works perfectly fine. and depending on how much time you plan on spending there I'd suggest bringing snacks and drinks. Water bottles and cans make good targets after you finish them too, and sometimes before.. a waste of whatever you're drinking? maybe. getting to see it explode and splash all over though? totally worth it
  3. checking the weekly ad on their website.. it does indeed say bogo50% for all shotshell and pistol ammo excluding 22lr and slugs. Unfortunately it was only valid until November 1. disappointing I definitely would have gotten a few of the 100 round boxes of winchester AA 12ga.. even for rem 9mm with the bogo it would come down to 11.25/box (before tax) which is as good as or better than most internet prices. sad. they do this from time to time tho so perhaps another one will come around soon.
  4. its very fun but it requires a lot of time to unlock all the stuff youll be interested in. or you can spend way more than its worth to unlock every gun in the game. advice though if you wanna set some fast times go into the settings and turn off whatever feature it is that snaps to the part you click on. waiting for the camera to spin around can waste quite a bit of time and if im trying to click fast it could make me miss too.
  5. i liked carols amazing aim with the bottle rocket. i was sitting there thinking how is she gonna aim that thing? shes gonna point it downhill toward the propane tank and its gonna fall out of the barrel. even if it stays in, bottle rockets hardly fly straight. nope she just left it on the ground facing up toward the sky and still hit the tank down the hill. thats some pro aiming.
  6. So I had screwdrivers big enough to fit the screw but none of them had a hole in them to put something in for that extra leverage. and I had ratchets but apparently they were all 3/8ths and too big. so i finally made it to lowes today and a screwdriver big enough and with the hole was $7.50 and a 1/4 ratchet was $20 (an extension another $10), so i went with the screwdriver and the extra leverage popped it so easily it's like it was mocking my previous efforts. anyway its finally free and in between the barrel and wood is smothered with cosmo so now its time to get back to work on that and then off to the internets to find some surplus ammo. thanks for the advice guys
  7. So I got a garand from the CMP and I was breaking it down to clean the cosmoline out. I get to the step where you unscrew the gas plug and it will not budge. I poured a bit of hoppes 9 through the inside hoping it would break up anything that was keeping it stuck and still no progress. Any experts have any advice?
  8. indeed. you can see it disappear and the empty spot where it should be. if you dont know to look though you will miss it. it was something book readers can sit there and smile while everyone looks at you like youve gone insane. thats a fun feeling. when everyone thinks you know something they dont know. you can make them think they missed something even when there wasnt anything to catch just because there USUALLY is something to catch. also roose's wife was fat. i dont think they explained that unless i missed it but another nod to those who know he was offered the weight in gold of whichever of old walder frey's daughters he picked. hence he picked the biggest one. i laughed and people had no idea why. as far as following the books closely.. its hard to argue on a grand scale but as far as details go they make me pull my hair out. strong belwas. the house of the undying. jeyne westerling. theon surviving the sack of winterfell was only a crazy theory for 3 books. mormonts raven. marillion's tongue. mago. the list goes on. but even if they combine tom sevenstrings and thoros of myr into the same person the brotherhood without banners still played the same role and had the same effects on things overall.
  9. wake up! wake up! youre sleep typing!
  10. various sports networks show super bowl replays. i can watch the giants winning everything quite often. now lets talk about what channel shows the eagles winning the super bowl.... syfy?
  11. yea that occurred to me too when they showed her glance at his 1911 on the floor. BUT even if it proves he didnt kill anyone there the ballistics might match up with any other murder he DID commit in the past. thats what im afraid of anyway. for that matter maybe the S/N is scratched off idk. and yea i think jax is going to shoot gemma in the face before its all over. she took his dad and now his wife. he will find out. sutter made his wife get raped on screen, almost twice with the clay in prison thing but that wasn't on screen, and next season shes gonna get shot. assuming she doesnt get traumatized from it all he definitely did her a big favor. can now take her seriously and without thinking of peggy bundy or turanga leela.
  12. just because someone is awake at midnight means they don't have a job and/or aren't trying to find one? awfully ignorant don't you think?
  13. that being said there is nothing worth getting the new consoles for yet. gran tusimo 6 is ps3 only, titan fall is xbox 360 also not just next gen.. ryse, dead rising 3, and infamous are none of which worth getting a new console for. maybe when uncharted comes out ps4 will be worth looking at a bit more closely. even wii u was just worth picking up now that the 3rd mario platformer, pikmin, super smash brothers, mario kart and zelda are all either out or in the works and expected next year.
  14. Okie is very convenient, even I was able to use it. As per their website they recommend that a Go gauge is only really needed when "This size is most often used when re-barreling or re-chambering a firearm." So i didn't bother with that. then getting down to no-go and field they are basically the same thing but no-go is just more strict. if a gun fails the no-go test it COULD still be safe to use the surplus ammo (and who really doesn't use the spam can ammo anyway its so cheap) assuming it still passes the field gauge test. that being said I figured being extra safe and strict is probably for the better so i went for the no-go and only the no-go. used it when I went and got my first mosin and although i haven't fired it yet i don't expect the bolt to go through my skull when I finally get around to it.
  15. definitely could start his own museum. need a tour guide though or at least a plaque at each display explaining all the history that can be deciphered. those pics wouldn't have been as interesting without the description too.
  16. yes the walking dead refers to the survivors not the zombies. cause they are all "dead men walking" kind of thing. like everyones doomed. they talked about it during the talking dead after show at some point. and yes theyre calling it a "companion" show. it has nothing to do with the characters so far (well id bet money one or two gets a cameo) but more or less same universe but different place different time different people. http://screenrant.com/walking-dead-companion-series-tv-show-spinoff-amc-2013/
  17. ha im the opposite ffxiv wants me to pay to play already and i said "meh ill wait til im done with gta to reactivate" what server you on? im on diabolos. just beat the story of gta5 and now im at 76%. now that each characters got 25mil i need to go around and buy all the property and do whatever missions come with them. the story would have been pretty boring if not for trevor. hes pretty awesome.
  18. grand theft auto 3 came out october 22nd 2001. i was 6 days shy of being 13. i played that game a LOT. i do not and never have thought it was cool or ok to bang a hooker then kill her to get your money back in real life. or to go on a rampage stealing a tank and killing everyone in sight. you dont have to be 21 to know the difference between fantasy and reality. pretty sure any 5 year old kid can tell you that what happens on a tv screen isnt real. now on to the real topic at hand PC > all. when fanboys get really animated over whether ps4 or xbox1 is better i laugh a lot. its like the windows phone commercials where they watch the iphone people fighting with the android people. without remembering any details or bothering to look them up im fairly certain my pc is already on par or better than various parts of the ps4/xbox1. they cant upgrade the hardware once they start producing them and handing them out to developers. its now stuck with whatever it had for a while already and will never get better until ps5 and xbox...2? as far as the game goes though i thought gta4 blew. imo it didnt have enough small fun things i beat the story and then that was it. there were things i remember san andreas having that they actually got rid of for gta4. whole thing was a big disappointment. however with what i hear of gta5 it looks packed full of more fun small mini game stuff than any other game in the series had. ive gotten kind of excited for it and im not gonna sit around and wait for pc release. gonna have to dust off my 360. actually wiki doesnt even mention a pc release... is anyone sure it will happen?
  19. i looked up my old pokemon cards recently wanting to clear out the case i kept them in and knowing Charizard was always the most expensive i went to that first.. $27 and thats what a company is selling it for. some random guy trying to sell off his collection would be lucky to get $20 IMO. so yea $650 with 18 offers. i bet the offers are $10-$15.
  20. not the one you were talking about but i do have the video for this one: as funny as it is the camera man running next to the dinosaur costume at 28 seconds in and the guy not noticing that at all makes me think its very fake. but even if it is hes a good actor cause he looks scared as hell which makes it very funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZGNk8pUj4Y
  21. as usual with an NJ site, the comments make me lose faith in humanity and greatly fear where this country is headed. if you listen closely you can almost hear people going "OH MY GOD WE NEED TO BAN ASSAULT MAIL BOXES. FOR THE CHILDREN!" also i expected the little button on the side to make the cylinder roll out and for the mail to go in there.
  22. Welcome to New Jersey, some restrictions may apply.
  23. midweek madness sale. 75% off til like 7pm thursday. although the banner says RO2 is 75% off and RisingStorm is only 50%, ive clicked into it and can say Rising Storm is indeed 75% off as well.
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