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Displaced Texan

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Everything posted by Displaced Texan

  1. I read everything as a kid....my mother owned a bookstore and I poured through fiction and non fiction. Fitzgerald, Poe, Melvin, Steinbeck, Shakespeare, Grisham, Michener... Still like to read, but it’s more quantum mechanics now.
  2. Hell, I’ll bbq for group shoots there!!!
  3. The Wreck called Hillary Clinton. Hilarious!
  4. I call this the ‘Law of Unintended Concequences’. They, and the others who followed suit, should learn this lesson harshly.
  5. 20 year old kid in Oregon sues Dicks for refusing to sell him a rifle. Using the same anti discrimination law used to force the baker to bake the gay couple a wedding cake. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/03/05/oregon-20-year-old-sues-dicks-sporting-goods-refusing-sell-rifle/
  6. Same here. I have a business trip to San Fran the week before, but it may get pushed back to the week of the 26th.
  7. My faves are the ‘Demotivational posters’:
  8. Unless you’re planning on a suppressed SBR (ain’t happening in NJ), I’d skip the piston. It’s not really going to do anything for you other than add complexity and weight. @High Exposureis the expert, I’d listen to him.
  9. This is exactly my point from another thread....a simple exercise in critical thinking. IF an 18 year old is not mature/responsible enough to purchase/own a firearm (of any type), THEN they are not, by the same logic, mature/responsible enough to drive a 4000+ lb motor vehicle that unquestionably kills more 18 year olds annually than firearms ownership by people of the same age. I will not kick and scream too loudly if the government changes the age to purchace to 21, AS LONG AS the logic is applied equally across the board (which they will not). Regarding Lakota’s other point about companies infringing upon our 2nd amendment rights being ok....I feel it’s their business, thier rules. We can choose not to support those who are against us. Let the consumer decide if they are right or wrong, and let the chips fall where they may. I have the feeling Dicks (and others) who have taken this politically motivated policy stance against the 2A are about to get a hard lesson in the ‘Law of Unintended Consequences’.
  10. Emailed DSG this morning. Last couple of paragraphs here: ......Your business, your rules, I understand and can appreciate that. DSG and it’s affiliates are free to sell whatever they want, to whomever they want. By the same token, I, as a consumer and customer of DSG, am free to decide where to spend my money. In light of your recent actions, I will no longer be a customer of DSG or any of its affiliates. Ever again. Life is pretty Newtonian, for every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction. I wanted you to to know that the actions of DSG has consequences...the loss of business from myself, and tens of thousands (if not more) of law abiding firearms owners around the country. Good luck with your decision. Displaced Texan
  11. I’ll concede your point, an AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle. As many of you know, I own several of them, and my AR’s have never ‘assulted’ anyone. However, F&S used to carry ‘evil black rifles’ (according to the media definition) in their retail stores. That was the point. Edited to add @Scorpio64 my original post indicating this SAID AR’s, not ‘assualt rifles’.
  12. I will be slamming Dicks once I get to my hotel tonight (wait.....errr, that didn’t sound right)...what I meant to say is that I will be emailing him to voice my opinion tonight. Seriously, boycotting them is one thing. Letting them know WHY is what it really takes. Great job, Peel!!
  13. F&S used to. I saw them with my own eyes a few years back, in either southern Va or NC. They are owned by Dicks.
  14. AR’s were sold at Field and Stream stores (in other states) awhile back. F&S is owned by Dicks.
  15. The world, and this country, is a much different place than when I grew up. Kids nowadays aren’t taught responsibility by their parents like we were. Part of it was where I was raised. We were taught to shoot, and hunt pretty young. I can’t see ‘city folk’ being raised at an early age to respect/use firearms, or hunt like we were. Simply because of the culture, and location. I know I’ve shared this before, but I received my first gun when I was 5. It was an old Savage single shot .22. I killed my first deer at 7 with my grandfather. We hunted and target shot without parental supervision beyond that. That responsibility was TAUGHT to us, at a young age. A lot of that came out of living in the country. I imagine very few kids these days are raised like that, especially outside rural areas. When I was a kid, you were the exception if you didn’t grow up in that manner. It was commonplace for us to bring our hunting firearms and ammunition to school (GASP!!!) during hunting season. I ALWAYS had a pocket knife on me, since I was about 7. I imagine, even in west Texas, that would be pretty rare these days, given the culture of our time. Looking at many kids now, and how they behave, I don’t think the vast majority of them are able to handle responsibility like we were. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m sure you guys are going to fling poo at me for saying this, but I would not lose my mind if the age to PURCHACE a firearm was raised to 21....given the maturity level of many kids now. Yep, I’m sure your kid is different, and I’m not saying that EVERY young person is irresponsible. Like Lambo, I think if you raise the age to own a firearm, the age to do other ‘responsible adult’ things should be raised too. Drinking is already 21 (coerced by federal highway funds back in the ‘80’s), driving a car could be raised to 21 in the same manner. Are 18 year olds mature and responsible enough to enter into legal contracts (financial and otherwise)? Looking back, I know I wasn’t (but did). Maybe that should go to 21 too. Voting? Are today’s kids able to comprehend the importance of civic responsibility? I don’t know the answer to that. The ‘Law of Unintended Concequences’ applies to everything in life, so whatever actions we take on every level, needs to be considered very carefully. Life is pretty Newtonian, as for every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction. Often, that reaction is not immmediately apparent. Over 50 old man rant off.....
  16. I would beg to differ. We were trained to fire/maneuver as a team as part of repel boarders, and weapons (both nuclear and conventional) security....with specific focus on the environment inside a submarine. Trained with 1911’s, shotgun, and M-16 for inside the boat and repel boarders. Certain situations at sea (surface transit in hostile areas), we had to qual the M-60. That does NOT mean we would be good as a fire team outside that environment....or as an SRO.
  17. Going to see if I can schedule a business trip down there for this.
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