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Everything posted by Spartiati

  1. So much for the NRA backing down. The fight is on.
  2. I absolutely can't stand him. If that is an actual twitter transcript it is awesome.
  3. I am no legal expert by any means so what you have written may in fact be true, but I feel it is a bit excessive drawing a gun on someone doing nothing illegal because some neighbor wants to stir up trouble. I don't understand how Police officers can use deadly force like this when nothing at al was going on. Just my 2 cents.
  4. The Obama administration will consider executive actions and specific proposals for legislation as part of its gun policy response to the school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday. Holder, who has been a vocal proponent of a new ban on certain semiautomatic rifles, told reporters that a range of options need to be considered in the coming weeks. Those options will have to include a “strong and robust” Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the chronically under-funded agency that enforces federal gun laws, he said. “It’s clear that we need to do more,” Holder said. He did not specifically call on Wednesday for a return of the assault weapon ban. Unless I am reading this incorectly, this article only quotes Holder as saying we need to do more. No where does it actualy quote Holder as saying Obama would consider Executive Order.
  5. Sorry, I forgot anytime you make a joke in this forum you have to actually say you are making a joke or no one gets it. Can I let go now?
  6. With the amount of money that pours into the coffers from firearm manufacturers (some of whom would be out of business if a ban goes through) there is no way in my opinion number 2 is even an option. Stranger things have happened though. I think when you consider the about face made this week by Sen. Joe Manchin, presumably after the NRA got hold of him, i think it is very doubtful.
  7. Multiple factors I think was his message. Agree don't need a ban on video games like this, but parents need to take responsibiity and determine when and if it is appropriate for their children rather than let them spend their entire youth locked up in basement playing these things. I was happy his focus wasn't concentrated on infringing on 2A rights.
  8. Christie gave a great analysis on the types of things we need to look into with regard to incidents like these, starting with removing the stigma of seeking medical attention for mental health issues. Second the impact on violent video games and their impact on desensitizing kids to violence. Lasty a very brief mention on gun control laws already on the books and only after the host asked about gun control. He also mentioned we would be disillusioned if we think anyone thing will solve this and if anything at all woud 100% prevent someone who woud sacrifice their own life from killing a bunch of people. Thought it was well articulated.
  9. Historically though my understanding is executive orders are not used to create a law in and of it's sef but rather to manipulate an existing law. He woud be taking a big eap of faith here that he wouldn't be impeached in my view. I may be wrong but I just don't see it.
  10. Call me naive but I don't think that is really probable. What act of Congress would this be attached to?
  11. Senate I think is a forgone conclusion. With the house and two vacant seats not sure if the vote is 217 or 218 but Dems would need all Dem votes and 17 or 18 Rep votes. How realistic is it that they will get those votes??? I am a bit uncertain due to the emotianal charge of this one, which is why it will be in there benefit to act fast. Any thoughts here on gettng the 17 or 18 votes?
  12. I agree the words "ban semi-auto rifles" did not come out of his mouth in his speach, on that he was unclear. My worry is they are in a big hurry to do something on this and we wi just do a bunch of stuff to say we did something. Wil be interesting to see the bill....
  13. Bill submitted yes. If it is too extreme it will not pass, or is very unlikely to pass. Particularly if they are looking to ban all semi autos. My feeling is they will shoot for the stars so to speak and be prepared to negotiate down from there. Even then I still thing it will be tough to ban anything substantial but we shall see. Unfortunately this was an extremely upsetting crime for everyone on boths sides and will need to keep drilling home that further regulation will solve nothing.
  14. Tell her if she wants guns gone to move to a country without a constitution that reconginzes the right of a free people to defend themselves. The argument that these are different times and what the founding fathers envisioned can no longer happen drives me nuts. With so many examples to draw from throughout the 20th century you'd think this wouldn't even be a conversation. It really drives me nuts that they are pointing to China as an example of successful gun control. We are becomming a society of slaves.
  15. Why would this end gun shows? Every gun show I have been to in PA requires a NICS check when you buy from an FFL with a table. It is a private sale betweem two non-FFL parties we are talking about. I personally feel private transactions should go through an FFL, even though the criminals won't do this. If this were a requirement I think it could help gun shows as there are a number of FFL's that could aid the transaction.
  16. Yeah, problem is I will need to significantly increase saving allowances to I can get my SIG P226 X-SIX...Hoping there is no way this will pass through Congress as stipulated above.
  17. Looks like the bill will have significantly more teeth than the previous Federal AWB. From FOX News: Feinstein said her legislation will outlaw the sale, import and manufacture of more than 100 different firearms, including "semiautomatic rifles, handguns and shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than ten rounds." Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/12/18/nra-to-push-back-soon-sources-say/#ixzz2FQusYZVD That's a whole lot of guns. What semi auto handgun doesn't have a detatable magazine...
  18. I understand the irony of Hollywood making money off of movies containing gun violence and then at the same time being anti-gun. However I really do believe that if there is a market they should make them. It is parents duty to make sure kids are appropriately mature to view them. What's next we limit what kinds of books that can be written? Cancel shows that don't even show gun violence like American Guns? Sounds like North Korea.
  19. If Piers doesn't like it here in the US he has a wonderful option since it is so much better in the UK.
  20. Since when does Heritage guild require you to leave your IDs on the counter while viewing a gun? Ive been to all three location in the last month and they didnt ask me to leave it on counter. Cant understand what function that serves, either you have it or you dont. Once youve shown it whats the risk of puttig it away I wonder...
  21. My thoughts exactly. Oil and money is wasted on these retards...
  22. Have to say I agree. Not much of a video, but it is clear that when the guy pulled up his gun and pointed it at the officers, all within 5 yards, the officers acted bravely and stood their ground. They didn't even attempt to shield themselves just stopped and engaged. Ofcourse this is just a piece of the story and can't see what happend before this, but based on what I saw looked like these officers deserve some respect. Extremely difficult situation.
  23. Pretty sure the guy was joking. CDS = Credit Default Swap. Unless CDS has some other street meaning I am not familiar with. Think they meant CD's in the form of music as oposed to the financial instument?
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