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Everything posted by leahcim

  1. Did not realize this, I do have RG11 to the grounding block (which Comcast left floating, I had to run it to ground myself). But I probably have at least 100' RG6 inside... Unfortunately, my options are limited to Comcast, Verizon dsl, or satellite. Can anyone explain the 5mbps limit on upload speed for cable? I had to upload a W10 iso the other day and it it took hours.
  2. Or you just take out a$10k ad in the WSJ to shame AT&T to run fiber to your house: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/02/90-year-old-gets-att-300mbps-fiber-a-week-after-complaining-in-wsj-print-ad/
  3. So, in theory, I could sling two unloaded ARs (one over each shoulder) and walk to the range on public thoroughfares? I'm going to the range to legally practice. As long as I have an FPID? Or might I be cited and arrested for disturbing the peace? And are you saying no FPID is required for a non-NFA firearm like Dark Storm)?
  4. And for the love of all that is good, don't ever try to mess with evidence (like moving bodies or planting a weapon). Once CSI figures it out (and they will) you are screwed. No matter how justified the shoot.
  5. I have this printed out and ready for reference in my home--just in case: Massad Ayoob’s Five-Point Checklist 1. Tell responding officers “I’m the victim; he is the perpetrator.” 2. Tell responding officers, “I will sign a complaint.” 3. Point out pertinent evidence. 4. Point out any witnesses who saw what happened. 5. If there is any hint that you are a suspect, say “Officer, you will have my full cooperation after I have counsel here.” Taken from: https://armedcitizensnetwork.org/3-most-common-post-shooting-errors I also recommend Ayoob's excellent book, 'Deadly Force - Understanding Your Right to Self Defense' For understanding the law and also, just the fact that you know things like like the '21 foot rule,' and the studies by Tueller, will help in your defense. And being first to dial 911, and stating that you are the victim, etc. helps establish who is the victim and who is the perp.
  6. Not to mention SJW and cancel culture and marginalization/intolerance of any opposing, or different viewpoint. More like Bolshevik or cultural revolution, but without resorting to physical violence to get compliance. What Rob Dreher calls "soft totalitarianism," or like the difference between 1984 and 'Brave New World'
  7. We'll see. Talk is cheap, but at least he went on the record with this. A reversal could mean losing next election in WV. And I am an optimist.
  8. Agreed, we'll see if he decides to sell out or stick with principles that got him elected. And he is not the only D who would oppose these illiberal, Marxist ideas like SCOTUS expansion and gun control.
  9. And here is Joe Manchin committing to no support for court packing or changes to filibuster rules. Although he may support some Democrat positions on firearms https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sen-joe-manchin-if-democrats-win-senate-i-wont-support-crazy-stuff-like-court-packing.amp
  10. Yeah if course, but they still won't have the votes to enact much more than mag limits. And unlikely they will be able to expand the Court either.
  11. That is my fear, Democrats seem to be better at keeping everyone in line, but I think this is often top-down and I don't see the Harris/Biden administration being real good at keeping them in line like with Obamacare (and that was pretty difficult for them too)
  12. So worst case in the Senate will be 50/50. I hope for R wins in one or both GA runoffs, but if not it'll be 50/50 with Kamala as the tiebreaker. So what are the odds they can get all 50 Democrat senators to vote for any 2A restrictions? For example, Bob Casey (D-PA) would probably oppose most gun control, with the exception of mag limits. Same goes for expanding the SC (which would affect 2A rulings). Don't you think there are a few Democrat senators that would oppose?
  13. I have no problem with wearing the mask, but some of the cotton masks I see look like men's cotton briefs. And I don't know about the efficacy if they are made from the same fabric.
  14. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1237712 One great point: Those people on the left who have been telling us 2A is an outdated anachronism, "don't worry, we'll protect you." And how has that been working out lately with the protests, looting and violence in many cities? The gun and ammo shortages suck, but it is a great indicator of building support for the Second amendment as people realize they may need to defend themselves. "The promotion of civil unrest and the systematic destruction of neighborhoods and businesses have been permitted with limited consequences under the guise of the First Amendment’s protection of the right to protest. Yet when the case for protecting the Second Amendment couldn’t be stronger to reasonable Americans, the left is yet again trying to weaken it." "So, is this lawsuit really about the NRA, or does it represent a bigger agenda of the left? While the suit may be a great political rallying cry for James in New York and other liberal arenas heading into the November election, the rest of us see this lawsuit for what it truly is: a deliberate attack on the Second Amendment and those of us who support it."
  15. Yeah, they blame 45 and don't even think of questioning why the local taxes are so high in the first place. Then they'll move to a free state, because taxes etc, and vote for the same policies that cause the high taxes in the states they fled. Like what has happened in Virginia.
  16. Starting with Trump's limitation on SaLT deduction. Makes me laugh when he calls out the deductibility limits placed on local taxes when the only reason that is an issue is because those local taxes are so obscenely high in the first place.
  17. BTW: I do use Whatsapp (now owned by FB, but still end-to-end encryption) and Line (not yet owned by FB) for voice/video communications with others.
  18. I haven't done Facebook since 'planking' was a thing. Just don't see the point of posting everything about my life. It could only hurt me in the future. However, if I owned a business I'd probably use all social media for business purposes. And while I never really liked Zuckerberg, I have been impressed with his recent stand for free speech, that had earned him nothing but scorn and hate from the Left. Hope he had the will to keep it up! https://www.expressnews.com/opinion/commentary/article/Lowry-Mark-Zuckerberg-is-right-about-free-speech-15407648.php
  19. Buycott? Whatever you call it, support Goya. These things almost always go well for the target of the boycott. A couple years ago in California, some Democrat called for boycott of In and Out burger-because they made contribution to Republicans. No mention that they also made contribution to Democrats. After the boycott came out in the news, you couldn't get near an In and Out, they were packed, lines out the door. I don't think they could've got a better return if they spent that money in advertising. If I owned a company, I'd donate to Trump or Republicans and let the liberals know to push a boycott. It's cheap advertising.
  20. It's a quality bike and I'm sure AVB has taken meticulous care of it. I sold a 1995 Cannondale road bike for $175 (maybe two years ago). R900 frame with Campagnolo components, but missing front derailleur. And that was at a garage sale and there was no bike shortage then. The bike is worth whatever the market will pay.
  21. Only if Trump says something optimistic about it.
  22. I do not believe there have been any randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind studies indicating either way for Hydroxycloroquine. Maybe I missed that, but studies I have seen have been observational or retrospective studies (like the VA, where it appears that more people were dying, but the HCX was administered only to the sickest patients). Based on the evidence (again, nothing objective yet) it appears to help if it is administered under the right indicatations (sounds like early is better) and in conjunction with Zinc and Azithromycin. Remdesivar also looks good and so far the randomized, controlled studies have produced statistically significant results to indicate that.
  23. Medcram has several videos on different modes of pneumonia (V/Q mismatch, shunt, diffusion abnormality), and different ways to use the ventilators to address different pneumatic issues and modes. It is pretty amazing stuff. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!
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