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Everything posted by 45Doll

  1. The true meaning of 'bite me'. ‘Massive Scream’: Dani Dabello’s Pet Python Chomps Down On Co-Star’s Penis After Filming Scene | The Daily Caller
  2. No, this is not an actual Border Patrol truck. Nevertheless...
  3. OK, DO bring hands to a knife fight! Video Shows Former MMA Fighter Javier Baez Taking Down Man Who Allegedly Tried To Stab Him | The Daily Caller
  4. I fixed that headline for them. At least here.
  5. I think Mrs. 45Doll just renewed our membership. I'll check.
  6. Hint: it wouldn't be Australia or New Zealand. An America Without Gun Rights Would Look Like Mexico (thefederalist.com)
  7. The alternative answer to his question is "You!".
  8. If you believe that history doesn't necessarily repeat, but often rhymes, then take an hour and review how WWI actually got rolling. World War One (ALL PARTS) - YouTube One small step for many nations. One giant cluster fuck for Mankind.
  9. Some Miss America's were intelligent, some even brilliant. She wasn't one of them. Here's the former Fox Eye Candy News Host: Gretchen Carlson Drops Video Defending Her AR-15 Tweet and Makes Things Even Worse – RedState
  10. Here is my Cesspool Recommendation Of The Month: Slouching Towards BethleMeme: Taylor Lorenz Explains the Internet (freebeacon.com) Just for balance.
  11. The Essence Of The Doctorate Degree!
  12. I clearly have some studying to do. So I'm out. Good luck and I'll be watching for the (successful) results.
  13. Does the battery in the pack measure any voltage at all, or is it dead? As in 0.
  14. Twelve years later, how we doin'? Turns out it's not all about the 'watts'. The Incandescent Ban and the Lie of LED Efficiency - Foundation for Economic Education (fee.org)
  15. The latest. VIDEO: Keanu Reeves Shoots Multiple Guns With Deadly Precision (breitbart.com)
  16. There is no other page. Their system is just primitive.
  17. That's correct. But that's the page that didn't even update my first rebate to show the check was sent. Basically all it does is acknowledge they received it.
  18. Please... not before my first cup of coffee!
  19. I left a sarcastic note with Winchester through their "Contact Us" page. If I hear from them I'll let you know.
  20. Well, one of my two rebates arrived, twenty-one weeks after submission. Order placed 5/12 Form and UPCs mailed 5/17 Web site acknowledgement posted 7/15 (+8 weeks) "Allow six to eight weeks for processing." 10/19 Check arrives 13 weeks later. The only thing I don't know is if the P.O. delivered it promptly and Repco Logistics let it sit around for eight weeks before looking at it, or the P.O. didn't deliver it for eight weeks. I still have one more rebate pending. Maybe I'll get that one by 2024. In any event this is my last 'mail in' rebate for Winchester.
  21. #3.27 throughout Newton now. But perhaps I should fill up sooner rather than later. Gasoline Prices Have Been Insulated From Oil's Surge Until Now | ZeroHedge
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