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Everything posted by 345Sire

  1. Very sorry to hear, it's a terrible thing to lose a child.
  2. So I'm not the only one misinformed?
  3. I won't try to say I fully understand the progressive press being involved called automated, I just figured they'd try to say they could ban just about any reloading if there could be any automatic component, such as having the powder measured with a basic tube rather than a scoop type. Maybe the crimping of the casing on the bullet is done with an automatic clamping arrangement. I'm really a bit out of my depth here. Sorry.
  4. Parts of this seem easy to figure we are losing our paddle while on the creek. a) Use of any special tooling or equipment upgrading in order to improve the capability of assembled or repaired firearms; Does an allen wrench constitute a special tool? Who decides? c) The production of firearm parts (including, but not limited to, barrels, stocks, cylinders, breech mechanisms, triggers, silencers, or suppressors); I HATE when they say including but not limited to, it usually means they can decide on the spur of the moment what's allowed or not. Like even carving my initials on a wooden stock just might get me in trouble. d) The systemized production of ammunition, including the automated loading or reloading of ammunition; Looks like anyone who reloads is gonna have hassles. "Registration required" Not a lawyer, I don't even look like one.
  5. Good link. It kinda sucks that we have no protections on boats like this, but the law is the law, and that posting clearly shows there's not much we can do about it. As if boats were all that different from cars in this regard.
  6. A lot of people don't like money orders when they don't know the seller, too easy to be on the losing end of fraud. Not always, but it happens enough that I prefer not to use them, especially out of state.
  7. If he was in NJ or NY waters, I wouldn't put it past them to hassle him for it, if he didn't have EVERY BIT OF PAPER KNOWN TO MAN! Of course I'm no lawyer,,,,,,,,,,,,
  8. I can assure you, some of the ones near me are WAY less than 5 seconds. I'm off 22 in Union County, and even some of those on 22 are shorter, I think. I can't swear to that, but I know the smaller side street ones are.
  9. Wow, that's a whole other point of view I never considered. Now I'm glad I did't go getting all judgmental on yer ass!
  10. I thought the yellow lights here were supposed to be based on the road speed limits, 1 second per ten miles per hour? Thanks for posting the online link, I don't have Sirius!
  11. That's why my current spelling fr this place is New Jerksey!
  12. Man oh man, what a joikoff! It looked to me as if the guy in the grey sedan would have had trouble NOT going through the yellow. What station were you listening to? I heard gun talk?
  13. I'm thinking that means my thumb and forefinger on my left hand are also illegal when combined with the same digits on the other hand if that's the case.
  14. Whatever he is, t was more than I'd wanna tackle. I was quite impressed with both the design and execution of it, for sure.
  15. I thought it was the "sl U ngshot that was illegal, no?
  16. All the sudden I see 3-4 cops coming down the sidewalk towards where I was standing. I wouldn't be surprised if they were after the same Pokemon monsters you went there to pick up!
  17. Far too many homeowners mess with what they shouldn't, no question. It might be different if they did a little investigating before they started swing that sledgehammer. I'm the first to admit asbestos has a downside, sure, but many things we use in life have dangers if not used properly. When asbestos is used in a residential setting, if it's prepped right, and kept isolated from being disrupted, it poses no real threat. I know we have improved on things, but that doesn't always mean we have to get rid of the older stuff.
  18. Just thought some of the woodworking gun aficionados might enjoy this. At least the first couple minutes, anyway,,,,,,,, <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/PXBCTVEZNWk?rel=0&controls=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Handsome, for sure! Haven't seen them before this link you provided, but they do look pretty nice. But, $700 seems like a LOT for them in a .22, even if the wood does look great. I don't know about the metal work, but even if it's also good, that just seems high. Of course, I do know that the caliber doesn't really affect the cost of producing a fine tool, I'm sure there's just as much invested in building these as would be in a larger bore rifle. Just sayin', y'know? In my case, it's hard to justify the price. But I'm not the best guideline to follow.
  20. Almost lost my coffee reading that, thanks!
  21. I can understand the logic to that, but wonder if it's penny wise and pound foolish? Mighten it be cheaper in the long run to buy half decent used and try to hang onto it longer? If funding just isn't there it's another story, I certainly am not in a position to judge, so I respectfully will shut my big yap now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  22. Mrs. Peel, contrary to popular belief, knob and tube wiring is safer than some might think. As the wires are kept pretty far from each other, and are covered with half decent insulation, if left undisturbed it's extremely unlikely to have a failure. It's usually when someone unfamiliar with the stuff tries to mess with it that problems arise. Or when you get squirrels like T-Bill above!
  23. Man, you must have some BADASS squirrels!
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