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Everything posted by BobA

  1. Well after all the Vegas shooting was at a C&W concert too. Don’t they back ground check these people?
  2. One does have to wonder if he worries about his job security if the Supreme Court went our way.
  3. Yeah. I guess my question was almost subliminally rhetorical.
  4. Yeah. 3 this week. Is this an indication of how little reporting of these incidents there is? Or is there just more of this?
  5. I got to play with some at the outdoors show in Harrisburg. Most of the pistols seemed as cheaply made as they say but a couple seemed quite solid. I guess it’s a case by case.
  6. He will. He’s got that goofy governor club he started.
  7. Is it just my imagination, or is there more of these than usual? https://www.independentmail.com/story/news/2018/11/02/anderson-man-shot-during-alleged-home-invasion-charged-burglary/1862120002/
  8. A dose of southern hospitality: https://www.foxnews.com/us/south-carolina-mother-of-3-shoots-home-invader-i-wouldve-killed-him-if-i-had-to
  9. I'm so torn as to whether I want to see victory here or defeat. Victory will probably fall on deaf ears. I don't see this state complying. Defeat could probably mean on to the US Supreme Court. Although the highest court has never looked better for us that would be a long drawn out process. Not to mention expensive for Mr. Cheeseman. Tuesday counts!!
  10. Looks like You only did this so you wouldn’t have rake leaves anymore.
  11. Past and future decisions don’t matter to people who decide on emotions and not facts.
  12. I believe the bulk of non-voters were actually the independent or otherwise not committed voter. The point is apathy and disenfranchised idiots. Apathetic voters are just lazy fucks. But since the whole Bush-Gore thing many voters think their vote doesn’t count when in fact the electoral process only applies in s presidential election. I feel between those two examples most voters are exactly where politicians want them. There and high.
  13. Correction: He was voted in by the majority of voters. Over half of our registered voters did not vote. The majority of residents don’t like him. BAD POLITICIANS ARE ELECTED BY GOOD PEOPLE THAT DON’T VOTE
  14. VOTE DAMN IT! Get more republicans in our state house! He can’t pass these feel good laws if he doesn’t have the votes.
  15. I agree ^^^^. I’m in the NRA, GOA, CNJFO & ANJRPC. For the last several months after my bills I look at what I have and have sent them 25.00 each. Not much but I want to know if I get jammed up there is someone I can call that has my back. Also as Trump stacks the courts we need to stack our decks too.
  16. Would you like fries with that? https://www.foxnews.com/us/alabama-mcdonalds-gunman-killed-by-armed-dad-who-is-injured-in-shootout
  17. In NJ a cop is a cop 24/7 on duty or off. https://www.quora.com/If-a-police-officer-is-off-duty-do-they-have-the-authority-to-make-arrests-Or-do-they-need-to-call-in-a-witnessed-crime
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