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Wow, so even NJ residents want to seceed?

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You don't get deported for not being a citizen. And people that want to secede should obviously be willing to renounce their citizenship. And citizenship doesn't mean anything, so nobody should care (except for the "renounced citizenship" on the form if you buy a gun from FFL, so you would have an extra step to take care of that). And the Obama administration has made it very clear how people who are against him will be treated, they are like an elephant and will never forget. Good work signing up as one of his enemies. You will be dealt with.And, yes, the petitions are stupid, like you said, for the reasons I said at least. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the White House started them. The petitions are also racist. Because they defy the will of Obama. And that may not always be racist in detail, but it's always inspired by racism.


This sounds pretty racist.

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A) he bolded the second instance for you. -B.)bullpup is correct, at least by my estimation of the tally of times you zeroed in on 'libtards' as the culprits of this notion of deportation. -C) bullpup's last post was six words long...if you count 'err'Damn tapatalk.


A. He did not initially bold the second instance.


B. Our misunderstanding here is because he said:

If you want to secceed from the US over the election you don't have what it takes to live here. Why anyone would think that sentiment is purely liberal is beyond me.


I never said that wanting to secede is purely liberal. My argument is people who counter the petition for secession by demanding American citizens be deported is backed and supported by liberals.


This is my opinion, people who believe Obama is going to make this country worse have signed this petition to secede. People who support Obama(liberals) do not want to hear people question their choice for president, so they start a counter petition to deport anyone who signs a petition. So back to my original question where do you deport American citizens? A retarded idea put forth by liberals=libtards



C. No I don't count err as a word.

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This is just TOO funny. We must be getting under the skin of liberals:



W.H. Petition Calls for Stripping Citizenship and Exile for Anyone Who Signs Petition to Secede

The Weekly Standard ^ | 11/13/12 | DANIEL HALPER

Posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 3:40:30 PM by Evil Slayer

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state's secession.

"Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported," the full petition reads.

The title of the petition is, "WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them."

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

(Excerpt) Read more at weeklystandard.com ...





The remarks are hilarious. Keep it up folks, it seems that any referendum that goes against the messiah ticks them off.


So let me get this straight, if I sign on they will strip me of my citizenship and deport me? So then if I re-enter the US as an illegal alien and have another child I get to stay here, not be required to pay income tax, get free health care through Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and still get to vote. OK, where do I sign up? :facepalm:


I love it when libtards unintentionally come up with a plan that actually works!

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So let me get this straight, if I sign on they will strip me of my citizenship and deport me? So then if I re-enter the US as an illegal alien and have another child I get to stay here, not be required to pay income tax, get free health care through Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and still get to vote. OK, where do I sign up? :facepalm:


I love it when libtards unintentionally come up with a plan that actually works!


Thats what I was thinking. Plus it's ok to deport us but they wanna play nice nice with the illegal aliens? That makes sense...

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See now, the thing is, a large number of people I talk to say they are not fully democrat or republican and prefer libertarian values.

But what I find so intriquing about these sorts of silly issues (and let's be clear, a petition to secced is as stupid as one to deport those that sign one) is that of obvious bias.


If you want to secceed from the US over the election you don't have what it takes to live here. Why anyone would think that sentiment is purely liberal is beyond me.


First off, secession would simply tear this country apart. I believe this is the "people's" way of saying to the Federal government...enough! You're over stepping your boundaries.


Second, what is our duty as USA citizens? Hint: Read the Declaration of Independence.Am I saying overthrow the government? No...I am not.However, If you believe we're not under tyranny then there really isn't much else I can convince you. But I'll try... How do you feel about the healthcare bill? Does it make you more free or not? How about the IRS? Property taxes? Gun laws? Do these make you feel more free or not? Would you say we are much more free today than we were 10-15 years ago? How about the government's spending? How about the NDAA, Patriot act, GPS tracking, tapping of your phone lines, etc? Do you see it getting any better?

Do you feel the government is here for our best interest?


At some point the people need to speak up. It is very obvious what is happening to our country... there is no doubt about it. We have just enough freedom to let the government know we are holding them accountable and still listening...isn't that our duty? I'm tired of being called a "right wing, wacko racist bigot" all because I have an opinion,love this country and care about the future of my children. Do you think it normal being called a threat by the government because you love this country or were a Veteran? How about being mocked by the President and this administration for attending Tea parties or waiving and American flag or reading a Bible. Is that what America is all about?


When Americans do that to each other it's called freedom of speech. When the government does it, it's called oppression. So back to the main statement... is secession a good idea? No! Is it a bold statement telling the government they've gone too far? Yes! Is it our duty to peacefully let them know this? Yes! One last question... would you say this Federal government is being accountable and respecting the wishes of the American people and working within the confines of their oath to the Constitution?

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I never said that wanting to secede is purely liberal.


People who support Obama(liberals) do not want to hear people question their choice for president, so they start a counter petition to deport anyone who signs a petition. A retarded idea put forth by liberals=libtards



You've now said it thrice.

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First off, secession would simply tear this country apart. I believe this is the "people's" way of saying to the Federal government...enough! You're over stepping your boundaries.




I agree. But let's not simply clap at ridiculous ideas that mean less than your individual vote or what you "like" on facebook.

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Let's be real here. No one's seceding anytime soon.


Half the states that want to secede would practically be third world countries if they did.

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Let's be real here. No one's seceding anytime soon.


Half the states that want to secede would practically be third world countries if they did.


Uh, not exactly. The first state to start this, Texas, has the 10th strongest economy in the world. It's home to oil wells, jet plane manufacturing, privatized militias, and have pretty much always considered themselves a country anyway. Texas' state constitution says that it will not recognize the Federal Government if it impedes on any of the Rights. They don't mess around down there.

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Uh, not exactly. The first state to start this, Texas, has the 10th strongest economy in the world. It's home to oil wells, jet plane manufacturing, privatized militias,  and have pretty much always considered themselves a country anyway. Texas' state constitution says that it will not recognize the Federal Government if it impedes on any of the Rights. They don't mess around down there.



They are also the only state with their own separate electrical grid. By design.

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Uh, not exactly. The first state to start this, Texas, has the 10th strongest economy in the world. It's home to oil wells, jet plane manufacturing, privatized militias, and have pretty much always considered themselves a country anyway. Texas' state constitution says that it will not recognize the Federal Government if it impedes on any of the Rights. They don't mess around down there.


I'm talking podunk states like Mississippi that sit and talk about how they're gonna "secede" and meanwhile the liberal states on the coasts are basically supporting them financially. It's kind of like that kid in high school, that his parents bought him a car but he pretended they didn't and acted all badass and said he hated them.


Anyways, Texas is not seceding. As of right now I'm seeing 675,000 sigs on their petition. Assuming they all live in Texas and half of them isn't just people in other states signing (since no poll, petition, etc. in the history of the internet has ever been gamed) that comes out to, 25.1 million people in texas and 0.02% in favor of secession. Not very promising, chief. Typically the 0.02% don't get their way, unless we're talking Wall Street :)

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im not saying that they would actually get what they wanted. Just saying that you may be surprised by how independent some of those states may be. The only reason why they are dependent on the federal government is because of how far they have gone with things. The only reason the petitions are getting spotlight is because they are a sign that the people have had enough. Nobody expects some internet petition to turn into an actual secession.

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Uh, not exactly. The first state to start this, Texas, has the 10th strongest economy in the world. It's home to oil wells, jet plane manufacturing, privatized militias, and have pretty much always considered themselves a country anyway. Texas' state constitution says that it will not recognize the Federal Government if it impedes on any of the Rights. They don't mess around down there.


Unfortunately the feds still have power over them. Last year the Texas house passed a bill that would have potentially criminalized certain TSA searches. Just before it was scheduled to be voted on in the senate it was killed. Why? Speculation is because of a statement from the US Attorney's office that said that this bill violates federal law and they would have to cancel all flights where TSA is not allowed to do these (would be) illegal searches.



On what grounds precisely?


Killing American citizens in violation of the constitution would be a good place to start.

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I'm talking podunk states like Mississippi that sit and talk about how they're gonna "secede" and meanwhile the liberal states on the coasts are basically supporting them financially. It's kind of like that kid in high school, that his parents bought him a car but he pretended they didn't and acted all badass and said he hated them.



Yeah, and we all know what great parents they are who spoil their kids rotten, as in your example above. Spoil them and you get the children you deserve. But that is EXACTLY the point of the opposition to Obama over the past several years and this renewed interest in Nullification and Secession. If the government is giving you a check, you can rest assured that they will feel not only justified but OBLIGATED to participate in that "long train of abuses" rattled off above and insinuate themselves into every facet of your life:

  • Patriot Act;
  • TSA abuses;
  • NDAA;
  • Warrantless wire tapping;
  • Obamacare and all of the mandates an consequences listed therein;
  • Sen. Patrick Leahy's new bill proposed yesterday allowing law enforcement to read your e-mail WITHOUT WARRANT - look it up:
    • The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) Amendments Act -- he's already backed off of it, but this is what they want;

    [*]etc & etc.

Maybe these "podunk" states have finally awoken to the damage the government fiscal heroin has had on their local economies and societies. As a former resident of Mississippi, I (we) really loathe that typical northeastern condescension of "we pay for you", while you also seem to conveniently forget that the Old Confederacy continues to populate the Army disproportionate to the participation of other, richer and more populous regions. The last study I read on this was from 2008 -- in 2007 the South provided 42% of the Army's enlisted recruits that year, the NE a paltry 13%. ROTC commissions in the same year? South had 46%, the NE under 17%. (Who Serves in the U.S. Military? Demographic Characteristics of Enlisted Troops and Officers

Shanea J. Watkins, Ph.D., and James Sherk, August 2008)


So, whatever welfare you so graciously give us is repaid in blood, in spades.

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As a former resident of Mississippi, I (we) really loathe that typical northeastern condescension of "we pay for you", while you also seem to conveniently forget that the Old Confederacy continues to populate the Army disproportionate to the participation of other, richer and more populous regions. The last study I read on this was from 2008 -- in 2007 the South provided 42% of the Army's enlisted recruits that year, the NE a paltry 13%. ROTC commissions in the same year? South had 46%, the NE under 17%. (Who Serves in the U.S. Military? Demographic Characteristics of Enlisted Troops and Officers

Shanea J. Watkins, Ph.D., and James Sherk, August 2008)


You are correct, the military is disproportionally filled with southerners and inner city minorities than other demographics. But let's be honest here - if there was anywhere else to get a job in town besides the Piggly Wiggly and the Circle K, a lot less young southerners would be joining the military. You really think every kid who joins the army is an aspiring hero? Or that a life of no education and $7.25/hour job at Wal Mart probably isn't very fun so they join the military for a little excitement, credentials, and a shot at going to school and getting out of town.


You mention "former" resident of Mississippi, so I'm assuming you moved to NJ? Did you moved here for a much better job? Or to be closer to someone in your family that did? Cause I don't know your story but speaking of things I'm sick of, it's people who live in NJ and trash it and act all wannabe redneck cause of our gun laws, then completely forget that 90k/year desk job they've got doesn't exist in that cool-state they always talk so highly about.

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You mention "former" resident of Mississippi, so I'm assuming you moved to NJ? Did you moved here for a much better job? Or to be closer to someone in your family that did? Cause I don't know your story but speaking of things I'm sick of, it's people who live in NJ and trash it and act all wannabe redneck cause of our gun laws, then completely forget that 90k/year desk job they've got doesn't exist in that cool-state they always talk so highly about.


Huh? Unemployment is at 9% in NJ! Jobs in this state are getting fewer and fewer. I've been looking for a decent engineering job and I still can't find one in Jersey. My job search has headed south where there is plenty of manufacturing companies in need of engineers. Will I be making $90k/year? No, but I don't need to seeing as the cost of living is next to nothing when compared to this hell hole state.

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Huh? Unemployment is at 9% in NJ! Jobs in this state are getting fewer and fewer. I've been looking for a decent engineering job and I still can't find one in Jersey. My job search has headed south where there is plenty of manufacturing companies in need of engineers. Will I be making $90k/year? No, but I don't need to seeing as the cost of living is next to nothing when compared to this hell hole state.


NJ is hard hit and the job market here sucks, but it gets worse sadly. Many "awesome" states are a lot worse. Among them AZ, FL, Mi, and NV, where you can visit towns and even cities with entire blocks completely vacant. Entire blocks in Ft. Meyers area are completely vacant, 5 years ago it was gorgeous suburbs. can't say I've seen the same anywhere in NJ. There's entire swaths of areas where the only jobs within 50+ miles are minimum wage retail. Yeah some areas in the south are gaining industrial jobs especially with a lot of the auto makers building factories there. But, I've seen a lot of the south and midwest and I can tell you first hand, people who think they've got it bad in NJ need to check out the foreclosure and unemployment rates in some other states. Sure you can CCW there, cause you're sure as hell gonna need it, considering the rest of your block is abandoned houses populated by squatters. Best of luck with the job search man, hang in there.

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