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How NOT to promote gun rights...

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Why??? What about driving around in many states in this country with a rifle in the rifle rack in the back window you a pick-up truck???? Is there a problem with that??


Did they violate any Laws?? Have they been arrested??? Have too many people here been in the PR of NJ too long??? Have too many people around the country been out of touch with the 2A for too long???

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Hello, welcome to present day earth. Nice to have you.


Just because you can LEGALLY do something doesn't mean you should, especially given the current climate.


Ok, so give up, put your head in the sand, and sit back and let others take your RIGHT away from you piece by piece, your already happy in restricting what you can legally do, so what's just a little more... :facepalm:

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Why??? What about driving around in many states in this country with a rifle in the rifle rack in the back window you a pick-up truck???? Is there a problem with that??


Did they violate any Laws?? Have they been arrested??? Have too many people here been in the PR of NJ too long??? Have too many people around the country been out of touch with the 2A for too long???


Because. Right now it's all about convinvcing the general public that there's no threat in legal gun ownership. These type of gestures, while leagal, hurt this cause. This is their right. But IMO, this is the wrong approach. A month after a mass shooting, amid media hysteria two men walk down the street with ARs in a direction of a school, church or a mall (there's one in any direction). They walk by a cafe where a bunch of soccer moms are sitting and drinking cappucinos. Do you think those women said "Oh wow, good on them for exercising their rights?" No, they called 911


Now is not the time for stupid bravado. Keep calling your reps, senators. The goal is not to make them see the light, but to make them believe that these issues too controversial to deal with.

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Ok, so give up, put your head in the sand, and sit back and let others take your RIGHT away from you piece by piece, your already happy in restricting what you can legally do, so what's just a little more... :facepalm:


Explain to me WHAT GOOD is that doing? How does THAT help? C'mon man. You guys are a little too far to the extremist side of all this.


You can't fight society. You and i know that guy wasn't going to do any harm.


Let me explain to you what happens:


Guy open carries AR to "educate people".

Bystanders panic

Flood of 911 calls come in

Officers respond, question the man. Most likely skirting just on the edge of infringing his rights

Liberal media gets ahold of it.


And guess what...you've just given them MORE AMMO TO TELL US WHY WE SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO OWN "AW's"


When are people going to start getting smart about this?

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Yup. Never got that. Public carrying is a surefire way to make the general public uneasy about guns.


Huh? I think you might be alone on this one specially in this forum.


So when you a person openly carrying(like a cop for example) you feel less safe? I don't get your statement, please enlighten me yoda.

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Huh? I think you might be alone on this one specially in this forum.


So when you a person openly carrying(like a cop for example) you feel less safe? I don't get your statement, please enlighten me yoda.


Correction. Open carrying an AR-15. Not a handgun. What purpose does he have to open carry an AR? Please, TELL ME. Just because he "CAN". This is the same type of stupid bravado that's going to give the liberal media more ammo to call us quacks.


When are you guys going to start taking a "strategic" tact?


Who said anything about feeling safe? I could give two craps less about feeling safe. More importantly, what is the general public and media reaction to this?


Let me ask you ONE simple question. Do you think that was a smart move and supportive of what we're trying to over-turn?

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When are people going to wake up and see there is NO wiggle room when it come to the 2A and that compromise turns into concessions as Vlad put it the other day..


And when you state "When are people going to start getting smart about this?" your pointing fingers at people who own guns, why is it taboo or something we the gun owners should hide??


You do know there are still places in this country I can carry a gun right out there in the open and not have anyone even give me a second look?

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Out here in the country in the REAL world...you see a shotgun in a window...or a rifle most days.....no one thinks twice about it.........


Most days you see em walking down roads...in and out of woods...NO one thinks twice about it............ no one panics and calls the Police....







does not equal



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When are people going to wake up and see there is NO wiggle room when it come to the 2A and that compromise turns into concessions as Vlad put it the other day..


And when you state "When are people going to start getting smart about this?" your pointing fingers at people who own guns, why is it taboo or something we the gun owners should hide??


You do know there are still places in this country I can carry a gun right out there in the open and not have anyone even give me a second look?


Sorry. There's a right time and place for everything. Those two in Portland got it wrong. Nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.


There's also a right way. Alex Jones for example. I absolutely LOVED what he said. The content was simply beautiful. His delivery was piss poor.

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I don't see any problem. If enough people do it, they won't be so quick to dial 911. It's about changing the mindset of people, not conforming to it. I'd also feel much safer with law abiding citizens armed it I wasn't.

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Ahhhhhh..........BUT *IT* does............


They are breaking no laws........they are within their right to do so...........



Is this WRONG too????





Legal? Yes. That's all i can say.


Is it right to do given the current climate? Nope.


It's a matter of opinion which everyone is entitled to. You and myself include. My opinion is that they are doing MORE harm to our cause than good. Simple as that.


Why? You do realize that to the uneducated, brainwashed by liberal media, peon associates firearms (particularly AR-15's) with death and destruction? This is contrary to the fact that more than likely a criminal incident would NOT occur in that vicinity at the time. We, you, and I realize that. They do not. They may never now.


They may never because some lady on her way to work with Starbucks in hand just got the ever living crap scared out of her by some guy carrying an AR-15 through a major metro area.

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Legal? Yes. That's all i can say.


Is it right to do given the current climate? Nope.


It's a matter of opinion which everyone is entitled to. You and myself include. My opinion is that they are doing MORE harm to our cause than good. Simple as that.


Why? You do realize that to the uneducated, brainwashed by liberal media, peon associates firearms (particularly AR-15's) with death and destruction? This is contrary to the fact that more than likely a criminal incident would NOT occur in that vicinity at the time. We, you, and I realize that. They do not. They may never now.


They may never because some lady on her way to work with Starbucks in hand just got the ever living crap scared out of her by some guy carrying an AR-15 through a major metro area.


Due to not being educated on the subject.

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You do realize that to the uneducated, brainwashed by liberal media, peon associates firearms (particularly AR-15's) with death and destruction? This is contrary to the fact that more than likely a criminal incident would NOT occur in that vicinity at the time. We, you, and I realize that. They do not. They may never now.



How do you propose we change that mindset???

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I say Good for Them. If more law abiding citizens walked down the street with rifles legally strapped to their backs then maybe the public wouldn't panic at the first site of it. Maybe people would do what the officers said -watch them and see if there are aggressive actions. maybe if the bad guys came into a mall and noticed 3 guys with rifles, the bad guy would think twice about opening fire. One of the armed people would likely be the first target, but the others may be quick enough to end the massacare before it begins.

It may not be for some people. But if I could legally carry open or concealed in this state, I'd strap my shotgun on my back. I'd do what these guys did, walk legally and not shoot anyone.

The scenerio of soccor moms in a cafe, they probably would panic and call 911 but they may also read the article and learn something.

have we become such pussies that we criticize people demonstraiting their rights? We will never win if we spend time putting other law abiding citizens down. We as a community should be embracing people like this and saying Thank You for exercising your rights.

Man Up!

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You do realize that image was from Jerusalem...right?


What makes it different there.....what makes it different in Switzerland...WHAT make it different in California,


FEAR or ANXIETY is best managed when you understand what is causing said fear and anxiety.....


SEE they DIDNT shoot anyone...they DIDNT rob a bank.... THEY DIDNT SHOOT UP A SCHOOL...........




Simple. It's not the USA and Shimon Peres is not my president.


How do you propose we change that mindset???




Set up a booth offering free classes on handling a firearm.

Set up a booth offering training sessions


Two suggestions RIGHT there.


Personally, I'll offer 50 rounds of my ammo shot through my G17 to any pro-gun ban supporter who thinks they might want to see what it's like to shoot a fire arm in a safe and controlled setting.

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Set up a booth offering free classes on handling a firearm.

Set up a booth offering training sessions



While I say every gun owner should take it upon themselves to be properly educated and trained in how to handle a firearm, I can not support any mandatory need for it. It sure doesn't mention anything about it in the 27 words that I have read...


Maybe you should go and read the easy to understand 27 words for yourself...

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There are threads all over this forum where people are complaining about Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Bloomberg, Menendez, Holder and a slew of other gun grabbers. We complain that they want to violate our second amendment rights and tell us what we can and can not have or where we can and can not have it. One topic over we have people who are doing the same thing against our own. We use the same words they use "sensible", "Common Sense" etc. If you wouldn't strap a gun on your back, hip, pocket - that is a decision you make for yourself. Don't bash other Law Abiding Citizens because they have the balls to do something you don't.

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While I say every gun owner should take it upon themselves to be properly educated and trained in how to handle a firearm, I can not support any mandatory need for it. It sure doesn't mention anything about it in the 27 words that I have read...


Maybe you should go and read the easy to understand 27 words for yourself...


Someone is afraid of snakes. Do you take the snake and throw it at them? No.


You asked me about changing a mindset. Changing someone's mindset is done by eduction and training as well as hands on experience. The 27 words spell out in their essence that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon. How does any pro-ban supporter benefit from having something they're afraid of tossed in their face? That person most likely has never even shot a gun. Furthermore, you walk up to them and say:


"This is your right that could be taken away."


As they silently think to themselves:


"Yeah how does that effect me?"

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Huh? I think you might be alone on this one specially in this forum.


So when you a person openly carrying(like a cop for example) you feel less safe? I don't get your statement, please enlighten me yoda.


I've often wondered that too. We have armed police officers, armed security guards and armed military walking our streets with us every single day of our lives openly carrying. Human beings with familys, fears and foibles just like everyone else. Because there is a badge or a uniform people "feel" safe, but if an everyday citizen open carries, there's terror? God bless LEOs and the Military for all their service, but even they have bad apples, look at the cannibal cop a couple months ago looking to kidnap a woman to eat her. That's like saying a man in a turbin in America should illicit terror and panic and 911 calls because he ate at a McDonalds around soccor moms. Surely he must be a terrorist and probably has a device in his Big Mac...


Like Mr. Boston the retired Marine said in his Piers Morgan interview... it's all about education and now's the time to educate. If they were running around waving their fire arms in the air going all Alex Jones on the people in the town, then that's irresponsible and not what the cause needs, but responsibly open carrying and going about their daily lives is perfectly fine with me. It's time to end the taboo.

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My last words on this:


From a legal standpoint it was perfectly fine. From a strategic standpoint, piss poor. Much better strategy could have been employed.



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I think when talking about open carry as it relates to public discourse, there's an important distinction to be made between what we can do and what we should do. I think we should be able to legally open carry firearms as do many people here.


But how legal the activity is or isn't is no longer relevant to the discussion when talking about public impressions. If you're trying to teach math to a third grader it makes little sense to start by teaching quantum mechanics or calculus. You need to work your way towards those higher levels. If you're trying to educate people (which, by implication, makes the anti-gunners your target audience) by open carrying, you're effectively teaching calculus to a 3rd grader. If anything, you're making the case worse as you're now adding one more thing to the list of things your target audience wants to have prohibited.


If people are dead set about changing the minds of people with a public display, you're better off with a sign that says "Talk To Me About Guns" than walking around silently with an AR15 on your back. Or consider trying to take a viral approach. Take someone who's on the fence to the range and get them to buy a gun, then have them get their friends to do the same.


Simply because you can, doesn't mean you should. If helping the cause is your goal, then take advantage of the more effective ways to do that, don't be obtuse and exercise a legal right which effectively accomplishes the opposite result.


When was the last time you ever heard someone say they changed their minds about gun-control because they saw someone walk down the street with a rifle on their back?

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This is a truly sad commentary on the state of the Republic and the quality of the Citizenry.


By attempting to assuage the feelings of soccer moms and other associated hoplophobes we are playing to the lowest common denominator, a game that we can only lose. YOU WILL NEVER CONVINCE THE AVERAGE SUBURBAN MOM IN AMERICA THAT AR-15s ARE GOOD FOR THEIR CHILDREN. I think we have to recognize that no amount of education will shake these people from their fear.


They are not even cognizant enough of their own history and culture (excluding pop-culture) to understand that they are DUTY BOUND by their status as "Citizen" to fight for the God (or Nature if that offends)-given rights secured to us by others, whether they agree with it or not - the right of self-defense is non-negotiable. If they force the entire country to give that up because of their phobia, then so be it. But I would rather contest them and lose than cower in the closet, hoping that they are good and generous enough to let me keep a .22 bolt action or single shot rifle.


If you believe in the notion of Natural Rights and those being the foundation of the Republic, I don't see how you can support any kind of "strategic" accommodation or compromise based on the Antis' feelings and lack of education. This is a chance to show ourselves and the rest of the world what is distinctive about being American -- or that we've become just like the rest of them. This really is an Either/Or situation.

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