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Transporting firearms on my motorcycle

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I ride a bike that has hard locking bags on it.  Can I transport pistols to and from the range if they are locked in the bags?  What is the difference between these and a locked trunk on a car?


I realize the same rules apply--not stopping off, most direct route.....

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I do it all the time.  Gun and mags in one case, ammo in the other.  Probably not required, but the extra caution helps me sleep.

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I was wondering about this myself. But my saddle bags don't lock. Is it still cool as long as my range bag is locked?

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What about a soft tail bag or a backpack?

I'll preface this by saying I don't know for sure...but I'm thinking the backpack is a bad idea.   Too much like carrying the weapon on your person.

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I'll preface this by saying I don't know for sure...but I'm thinking the backpack is a bad idea.   Too much like carrying the weapon on your person.

I'd have to agree with this.


But this is really awesome.  I knew that damn hard bag road king was good for something. 

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What about a soft tail bag or a backpack?

I do not know about a backpack--one would think it would be okay.  For example if you walk to the range would there be a difference between carrying a range bag in your hands or a backpack?  But I would study the law and maybe consult counsel before I tried it.  Isn't that ridiculous?  Living in NJ we have to say "consult counsel" before doing something that is pretty clearly spelled out in the Bill of Rights?


I transport to the range on my bicycle--with soft-sided, unlocked panniers.  They have zippers, and I will usually enclose everything--magazines and all--inside of a securely tied package inside the panniers.  I thought the locked compartment applies to interstate transport under FOPA(?), but not required in my understanding of the NJ law.

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I have transported a rifle on my bike.  I lock the case and lock the case to my bike.  I am of the opinion that this satisfies the requirements.  Of course the bag does not look like a gun bag.


I would not carry in a backpack.


If you have soft bags, get some cheapo luggage locks and use those, again, my opinion in that it satisfies the requirements.

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I think, as long as the rifle is unloaded, and you have your fid, you could just sling the rifle on your back, or over your shoulder and be on your way.

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Handguns on the bike... I've done it before. They're locked in a case, inside my saddlebags and they're unloaded... with the ammo in a range bag in the other bag. Now... here's the thing I'm thinking re: backpack, hard saddlebags, soft saddlebags, etc.


I only have soft bags on my bike. No lock on those bags either. Hasn't stopped me from transporting to and from the range. IMHO when I transport to the range, the guns are NEVER EVER left alone on my bike, so there's no need for lockable hardbags, as long as they're encased in the otterbox or range bag, or whatever. The saddlebag is just holding the approved method of containment.


We've had the discussion before on the forum as to what NJ law REALLY means: locked, unlocked, in a bag, in a separate bag, gun in one bag strapped down to a cinder block like they do with gas station keys, while the ammo is in a safety deposit box in the bank vault strapped to your trunk. (And that's only for FMJs... if you're transporting hollow points... don't forget to add voice recognition and an iris scanner to the ammo vault that now must be transported in the Brinks armored car that you have to hire to drive behind you. :sungum: ) 


I usually follow these rule: stay low key, transport it as close to NJ requirements as you reasonably can, to the best of your knowledge, and try not to break any other laws en route to the range. I think you should be just fine. 


Author's note: I am not a lawyer. Please consult a legal professional before attempting any of the techniques for yourself. Do not take if you suffer from COPD or are taking nitrates. If you have an erect.... oh wait... wrong disclaimer.  :laugh:

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Put your unloaded AR in a guitar case and sling it over your back.  Don't ride like Hollywood Stuntz and you'll be fine. 

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