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London Bridge attack suspect shot by British police after stabbing report



Maybe he had another weapon. He was all tangled up and wrestling with what may have been another officer on the ground.  Just before he was shot, a police officer grabs a guy and pulls him off the attacker and you can see the attacker almost has a lock on his legs as he’s pulled away.  Just a thought 

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22 minutes ago, PK90 said:

Looks like they took the knife away, then shot him. :crazy:

He was wearing a murder/suicide vest.

EDIT: Turned out to be a fake explosives device.

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16 minutes ago, PK90 said:

Looks like they took the knife away, then shot him. :crazy:

It looks that way, and wow if that is a PO walking away with the perp's weapon, that is an awfully big and scary looking knife!

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2 minutes ago, silverado427 said:

Let's try this again.   I wonder if the perp was islamic  extremist

Real knife, apparent murder/suicide device.....  does a bear shit in the woods.

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5 minutes ago, silverado427 said:

Let's try this again.   I wonder if the perp was islamic  extremist .:deadhorse:

How many guesses do we get?

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Here's a picture of the knife:


And here's the perp on the ground:


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Yeah, NOBODY needs a knife that big.  Shorter knives would save lives.  Hey that would make a great slogan!

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There's a video on this link showing bystanders fighting with the guy, then the cops come in. I'm not sure, listen for the shot and what the cops were doing. Maybe they were concerned about the  vest, but they backed off and shot him, instead of joining the bystanders to restrain him:


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"Witness Guy Lawrence, 48, said he saw a man running out of a building, believed to be Fishmongers' Hall, armed with two 20cm kitchen knives."

Ahh ... so he had an arsenal/cache of weapons as well.

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6 hours ago, silverado427 said:

Let's try this again.   I wonder if the perp was islamic  extremist .:deadhorse:

You win!

....."The attacker shot dead on London Bridge was known to police and had connections to terror groups, according to reports.

According to The Times, the attacker was a convicted terrorist who had been released from prison after he agreed to be monitored by authorities. 

A security source told PA news agency he was known to police and had connections to Islamist terror groups."


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So London needs to have roaming armed units?  What a shock with their large Comunities of Peaceful Muslims. 

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Well, when you allow the common folk to have unfettered access to assault knives with evil features this is what happens ...

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2 hours ago, tomk62 said:

Well, when you allow the common folk to have unfettered access to assault knives with evil features this is what happens ...

This is EXACTLY why we can't have bayonets on our AR15s......Someone could get stabbed!

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2 minutes ago, JohnnyB said:

This is EXACTLY why we can't have bayonets on our AR15s......Someone could get stabbed!

That NJ banned feature  has been 100% effective.  There has not been one drive by bayoneting anywhere in the US. :/

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Just now, Scorpio64 said:

That NJ banned feature  has been 100% effective.  There has not been one drive by bayoneting anywhere in the US. :/

Wow!  They must know something after all! 

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8 minutes ago, Scorpio64 said:

That NJ banned feature  has been 100% effective.  There has not been one drive by bayoneting anywhere in the US. :/

No drive-by grenading either. 

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Can only imagine the poor, socio-economic conditions that that knife was in before it decided to go on a rampage.   More missionary work afoot. 

Thoughts and prayers go out to the victims.

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And it turns out the suspect just got out of jail on a terrorism conviction. Great idea just letting his back to roam the city!

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54 minutes ago, JMich3 said:

And it turns out the suspect just got out of jail on a terrorism conviction. Great idea just letting his back to roam the city!

Even worse... is this really any different than what happens here? Like the gangbanger who shot up that all-night fair in Trenton... who, as it turns out, had been released from prison early for his "good behavior"? Can you imagine when all of these "progressive" states like California and New York finally get their wish fulfilled and the maximum number of prisoners have been de-institutionalized and put back on the street? I really hope that when all these murderers, rapists and pedophiles strike again (and many will, of course) that the new victims and their surviving families are able to sue state governments back into the stone age.

Activists just kill me. We're at 30-year lows on the worst kind of violence. So, what's the brilliant plan?... release record numbers of prisoners from jails and prisons and flood them back onto the streets. Oh, the epic stupidity! 

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6 minutes ago, Mrs. Peel said:

Even worse... is this really any different than what happens here? Like the gangbanger who shot up that all-night fair in Trenton... who, as it turns out, had been released from prison early for his "good behavior"? Can you imagine when all of these "progressive" states like California and New York finally get their wish fulfilled and the maximum number of prisoners have been de-institutionalized and put back on the street? I really hope that when all these murderers, rapists and pedophiles strike again (and many will, of course) that the new victims and their surviving families are able to sue state governments back into the stone age.

Activists just kill me. We're at 30-year lows on the worst kind of violence. So, what's the brilliant plan?... release record numbers of prisoners from jails and prisons and flood them back onto the streets. Oh, the epic stupidity! 

Best you should stop holding your nose then and be tickled pink you have the honor to vote for Donald Trump!:)


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Two items used to fight this turd were a fire extinguisher and a narwhal tusk.  :crazy:

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