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Everything posted by notmetoo

  1. Nice shoot today! A little chilly, but ended early, too. Great squad, I enjoyed my time with Pizza Bob, FLHX, j0n, Matt, Mike D., Dan, and of course my son Nick.
  2. Handgun: You should meet at a range or one of your homes, otherwise you're stretching the envelope of legality. Long guns: I've actually done this in a parking lot, though I definitely can appreciate your hesitance. Maybe at a range, at least to avoid the funny looks (or worse in this climate.) This is my opinion, I am neither a lawyer nor do I play one on TV.
  3. This. There is no solid rhyme or reason to who gets on the terrorist watch list. They deny your rights without due (or even UNdue) process. That is tyranny.
  4. Would love to have a list of names of legislators at all levels that have CCWs, or even are gun owners, yet are planning to legislate away our right to keep our guns.
  5. Update time! Starting with the FDE 15/20 PMAGs from MidwestPX (thanks Ty!) I tried creating some unique colors. I went to ritdye.com and ordered the colors to mix in order to get the colors I wanted to try, but starting with FDE as the base definitely throws things off. Anyhoo, here's the result: The two orangey/copper ones actually used different ratios of dyes (Sunshine Orange and Violet). The two blues on the right are a mix of Teal and Navy Blue and also used different ratios of dyes. (Like I said, non-white base screws with you.) The brown is straight Cocoa Brown. The two blue ones on the left are straight Royal Blue. The brick red one in the upper right started out looking exactly like the two copper ones, so I re-dyed it in straight violet. Have fun!
  6. Assembly elections are this year, deadline to file is April. Anyone out there interested in running? Or even knows who is running? If anyone on this forum wants to run, I will do everything I can to put you in office. I want our two POS Assemblyidiots out. You may (fairly) ask, "Why don't you run?" Well, it's because I know my limitations: so-so public speaker, am terrible at confrontation, and can't think quickly on my feet. I know, that didn't stop a lot of our elected jackwagons from running, but it's enough to prevent me. So what about it? Anyone in District 15 interested? http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/New_Jersey_General_Assembly
  7. Go here: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/media/live_audio.asp and install Flip4Mac. Then it will work in Firefox fine.
  8. A great article, but it seems once again the concept of "well-regulated" is misconstrued, even by the pro-gunners. At the time of the Constitution's writing, the concept of regulation applied more to machines than laws. "Well-regulated" simply means running smoothly and/or efficiently. How can the idea of being regulated by laws coexist in the same 27 word phrase as "shall not be infringed?" "A smoothly functioning militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." http://www.bob-owens.com/2013/01/what-well-regulated-means/
  9. Jeez, chill out. I was making an observation based on my experience just like you did.
  10. Yeah... Not so much. I work in IT and we pretty much allow people the choice between Mac or Windows (and iOS or Android) and we've seen phenomenal growth of Mac. Never mind iOS vs. Android, for handhelds/tablets we're about 97% iOS.
  11. Roku may be the better bet and allow more flexibility. The Apple TV is more like a conduit for the iTunes store, plus some other venues like YouTube, Netflix, MLB, etc. Getting rid of cable depends on what you watch. A lot of online episodes of tv series have an obnoxious amount of commercials.
  12. FIDs and permits to purchase are a a clear infringement to the Second Amendment and an affront to the spirit of the founders of this nation. Increasing restrictions to these should be considered an act of treason.
  13. Whole family is IN. For people who plan to drive themselves, try going to the Greenbelt Metro station and taking the train in: http://www.wmata.com/rail/station_detail.cfm?station_id=80
  14. Perfect timing, thanks to the comments here, and elsewhere, just ordered myself one from Brownells.
  15. Alright, extra-credit mission. Let's comment bomb this trash at the Trentonian: http://www.trentonian.com/article/20130208/NEWS01/130209655/1006/NEWS/second-amendment-rally-draws-300-to-nj-statehouse#2
  16. Ha! That's PizzaBob with the Gadsen flag wrapped around him!
  17. Damn that was cold. Surprisingly unbiased coverage: http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/02/gun_advocates_cry_liberty_at_s.html
  18. Duplicate thread: http://njgunforums.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47896-pennsylvania-no-longer-recognizes-florida-non-res/page__fromsearch__1
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