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Everything posted by mikelets456

  1. Bye that time there may be no gun rights any longer and it's a moot point. That is 4 years away and the way these Marxists are moving we'll be lucky if any of the Bill of Rights will exist. I don't know what to believe or think anymore, but i'm tired, fed up and sick of being slandered and belittled for wanting to preserve freedom.
  2. First off this shows we the people have been regulated to to the point of little competition. However, Second, I'm a firm believer that those fighting for something they believe in should not be underestimated. Also, if half of the known gun owners took arms that's 50 million people also ex military and still most military abiding by the constitution. Look at these terrorist dopes in Afghanistan they knocked out the Russians and we're still over there fighting them. I'm not belittling our military as it is by far the best in the world but just proving a point that this ain't over but sadly it has not yet begun.
  3. Precisely how our country has gotten so far off course. The goal of progressivism is remove anything and everything that stands for freedom , individualism and self sufficiency. Most people who are against progressivism and moral decay have also bought into the lie that religion is offensive and the cause of our demise. However it is the opposite that is true... Where do we as a society get our litmus for right and wrong? Where does it really come from? The Ten Commandments is a great place to start and over 5000 plus years old and the first set of standards for moral acts and complying and obeying God. It's amazing how when prayer in school was pulled in 1963 that society exponentially decayed rapidly. Also I'm amazed when people ask " how did our country get so far off course". Look at history, France for example, when feel good, be whatever you want to be laws replaced God. It ended up to the point of killing children in the name of humanity. I hear it all the time how wrong is right, morals suck and trust is gone. Go ahead keep blaming it on religion or should I say Christianity. However, we are at the point where we need to put this stuff aside and all work together. Christian, atheist, democrat, libertarian,etc for this line in the sand.....our 2a rights.
  4. I was thinking the same thing...if it's a personal response maybe he ain't getting too many "pro gun" emails?
  5. Could Christie simply make minor changes then send it back to the assembly and have this "back and forth" movement? This certainly could push on to a point where he really won't have to make a decision until after the election? Quite honestly, I believe Christie is a total RINO, but believe 95% of this stuff he'll remove then pass internet purchases, mental health checks and maybe a 10 mag limit. However, I'm astonished that we're fighting for a GUARANTEED Right that these bozos upheld an oath to protect! If a gun was used for immoral sex, they would make sure it stayed as a right.
  6. My dad and friend are there saying the same thing but reporting 150-250 waiting outside plus the 180 that were allowed inside. Go get'em!
  7. Has this question always been worded like this? I have a close friend that was admitted into a mental hospital 20 years ago and had no problem getting a FID. However, this was in 2009 he got his FID.
  8. Even though I live in PA, would it help if I write to these clowns?
  9. Don't try to make sense of it all....think of it as we're funding the enemy with unlimited resources to destroy us. Just keep writing and callin. Send emails to friends and educate by bringing people to the range and sharing the facts. This will be a long hard road. Btw, I don't like Christie but feel very sure he won't sign off on this crap. However I do believe he'll use it to bargain.
  10. http://www.gunmarch.com/ Hope we can make a HUGE showing. 100 million gun owners, we should be able to get 10% there...right?
  11. So Christie is concerned about cops being killed because of gun laws but gun laws are very strict , he admits, but cops are still being killed....because of strict gun laws. What am I missing?
  12. Every state has BS bills running rampant! We ALL need to be in this together...I don't care which state one resides. Call or send emails daily!
  13. You're correct... this thread can be deleted. However, I guess it doesn't hurt to keep the pressure on...
  14. Here is a link to contact all Reps/Senators in 15 seconds: http://www.ruger.com/micros/advocacy/takeAction.html Link to the vote: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/...90Q0F120130127
  15. It's called Freedom of Speech. Why is it always extreme if it's not what you agree with? People did this crap with GW Bush and the media glorified it and we accepted it as "Freedom of speech and opinion". The funny thing is, the country accepted it and dropped Bush's approval rating to 38%. Looks like you've been molded by the media without even knowing it. However, on the other hand, I do agree with you that there are better ways to get the point across, but then I ask myself "what am I doing about our country crumbling? Am I sitting idly bye? Am I expecting others to take the front lines?" At least they are out there taking the initiative. I often wonder how people who opposed Stalin or Hitler appeared to the rest of society. I assume they were treated the same way and ridiculed. Just because this administration wears a suit, speak eloquently and appears well dressed does not mean they're not disingenuous.... I believe they are and there is little time before all of our freedoms are gone. BTW, I don't believe any of these BS anti gun policy polls. Looks at the shelves at stores, try to buy ammo on line, read tweets and posts [even] on liberal sites. It's overwhelmingly pro 2A. Personally, I've been attacked by the NJEA, school administrators and opposition at Tea party's.... Bank account was compromised, sent threats and very close to having out of control confrontations. Heck, one of these lefties started attacking (verbally yelling) at my 16 year old son. That's when I knew, the 2A is my line in the sand. I've seen this evil in action and they mean business...very soon the masks will come off completely and it will not be pretty. If we can not defend ourselves, we're in for some very scary times. Having 3 kids and a wife I, as the father, am obligated to protect them. Call it extreme, I really don't care anymore. Because when it comes to family, friends and freedom there is NO (NONE) more giving in to their demands!
  16. I agree...look how slanted the article is: "***Police say Adam Lanza was armed with a Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle and handguns when he killed 20 students ages 7 and under and six staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in December.*****" First off, the XM15 is the NJ legal "AR". I have a feeling you're right, that it's the loop for the carrying strap. Who knows, he may have bought it used "as is" and had no clue about other "illegal" parts. "******Police did not say what led them to Pantaleon's residence.******" Really? I thought the job of the press was to uncover illegal activities of the government? My guess is the police will release (much later) how they obtained this information, Which I'm sure they'll (the press) will NOT follow up on! "***** assault rifle in his home similar to the one used in the massacre of 20 students and six teachers in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, officials said*******" Really? Good thing they did not search my house finding a hammer, kitchen knives and a few baseball bats that were similar and used in tens of thousands of deaths from around the globe.
  17. I had to get out of here about 8 months ago. It was a difficult decision having kids and stuff like that. However,property taxes going up $300-$500 every year, 6% income tax, HIGH car insurance, high cost for private schools, stupid azz gun laws, random seatbelt/inspection sticker checkpoints...I had enough. I live in PA, though not perfect, between 3% income tax, car insurance 40% of what I was paying, private schooling 60% the cost, property taxes about the same but I have twice the yard and 1.5X the house. Gun laws much better (for now), no random checkpoints or cops every 10 miles pulling people over on the highway. Like I said, moving 20-25 minutes further from the family does not seem like a lot, but that's the only part I miss...being to take a quick 15 minute drive to see a family or friend. However, we are making new friends in PA and also plan to spend several hours when visiting family. However, I have a feeling, sometime in the future PA won't be far enough away. I have my sites on Oklahoma. Houses, family and a job don't mean much if you're living in tyranny and not free.
  18. I agree with you on this and disagree with genewarper111. I really feel we have complied and have sat back while watching freedom after freedom be stripped away. It's our fault for being complacent and now we're jammed in a corner. I'm one of those "you have your life and I have mine" type of people and hoped we could all get along. However, that's not the case and this issue is MY LINE IN THE SAND! I pay close to 50% of my income in taxes between Fed income tax, state, sales tax, property tax, medicare, SS, payroll tax, etc, etc, etc. I have been pushed into a corner regarding my faith, I've been shunned by the public school and treated as a criminal when I expressed an opinion. THAT'S IT!! I'm done being nice and I will not give an INCH on this subject. I work more for some lazy azz moron and sending my money through the government to the middle East, that I get to spend on my family. Now they want to seize or control my final God given ACTUAL rights? NOPE! I don't care who I piss off and I don't care about public opinion anymore...I care about preserving freedom and according to recent poll, 70% of this country cares about it as well. Like I said, this is not in my personality as I'm typically a people pleaser, but that's it... I'm done playing Mr. Nice guy. It's time to get tough and get back our freedom!
  19. Once again, this does nothing to the criminal. Make more laws, the criminal gets a gun, make even more and crazy laws, the criminal still gets a gun. Confiscate guns, the criminal still gets guns. It does not matter what these freaking morons do, criminals will still get guns and the honest citizen and their children are in danger and defenseless. We need to turn the tables on these freaking idiots and ask them why they want children defenseless? Why are leaving women defenseless and at risk to protect their children? Do you hate women? Why are you denying mothers the right to protect their child? This is a war against mothers!!!
  20. It's 40 states that are doing this as part of a class action lawsuit. Hey it's their business and they can do what they. But so can I. http://www.ibtimes.com/new-credit-card-transaction-fees-list-states-charging-4-surcharge-checkout-fee-1042384
  21. From what I can find, they are illegal. My guess???? because they would not be able to track this primitive way to protect yourselves after firearm confiscation.
  22. Runyan...what a disappointment. Saw him at a Tea party 2.5 years ago and spoke with him.... he seemed like a true Conservative. Just another big government shill. Please get as many people as you can...this is the battlefield folks. No excuses, you need to see this as urgent and no excuses to miss it.
  23. The point is, gun control and bans don't work. Mexico, India and even China. People are still killed at alarming rates and the USA with the most guns is well below countries where guns are illegal. BTW, why do we always compare to England? Well, since you've insisted: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/01/09/local-tv-anchor-delivers-blistering-fact-check-of-piers-morgans-anti-gun-claims/
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