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Everything posted by PeteF

  1. So you would kill the children until some useless burecrat decides the law is illegal. Okay, that seemed to work out well for the "i was just following orders" crowd. And as to the NY safe act, check compliance numbers. IIRC they were less than 30%.
  2. Bullshit! Illegal laws are still illegal. NJ can make a law saying all children with red hair must be killed. You don't kill the kid, it is illegal. Hey its the law right? Why not tell the founders of the US that they are criminals and terrorists.
  3. Del Morro and San Cristobol fort tours. A walk into history.
  4. https://www.njgunforums.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54345-ffl-fees-cheat-sheet/
  5. I saw it. Used to work at Bendix/allied signal. My desk over looked the north end of the runway. Boy did it make one hell of a noise.
  6. I know 15 years ago they were called Radio Controlled Helicopters. But I guess that wasn't tactical enough.
  7. I agree. I used to do a lot of wood working. Got complacent with a tablesaw, and had a piece of wood going flying back and blow thru a piece of plywood. If I was standing a little to the right I would have been punctured nicely. Woke me up real fast. I would venture to guess this is why pilots have a checklist, harder to get lazy and miss something.
  8. Of course because everyone should go through the time consuming and tediuos process of getting a fid to see if they even like to shoot. Nevermind people from out of state renting. For example if the chief FBI firearms instructor comes to GFH and would like to try out a gun during his visit, of course that individual should not be allowed to rent a gun. Stupid idea.
  9. Of course because everyone should go through the time consuming and tediuos process of getting a fid to see if they even like to shoot. Nevermind people from out of state renting. For example if the chief FBI firearms instructor comes to GFH and would like to try out a gun during his visit, of course that individual should not be allowed to rent a gun. Stupid idea.
  10. Of course because everyone should go through the time consuming and tediuos process of getting a fid to see if they even like to shoot. Nevermind people from out of state renting. For example if the chief FBI firearms instructor comes to GFH and would like to try out a gun during his visit, of course that individual should not be allowed to rent a gun. Stupid idea.
  11. .22,.38,.357,.357 sig,9,.40,.45 Variety is the spice of life
  12. On line snowblowersdirect. Personally I suggest a local shop that supplies commercial equipment. When I bought my last SB (an ariens) the price at the local shop was the same range as the Depot, but I got a better model and knowledgable support. As to manufacturers, ariens, honda or older/bigger Toros. Avoid yardmachines, ytd etc.
  13. Okay so even if they are legal, is it legal to carry them? If not what difference does it make? Its not like you will take it to the range to practice.
  14. Movies also have a lot of bad ideas. Finger on trigger, muzzle sweeping etc. My .02, contact Sandy from SAW. She may have some ideas. Basic training is never a bad idea. And the SAW group really specializes in training for women. I don't use fire extinguishers for fun, but I have them and know how to use them.
  15. Thanks for the light idea. Gonna install one near my panel. What interlock did you use?
  16. The Scalia quote is the pivot. What he said was state government has the power to limit firearms. IN SPECIFIC LOCATIONS. I have no problem with that, Prisions, courtrooms etc. The problem with it is, people misconstrue that to somehow mean permiting is valid to exercise a right. If a permission is required, bearing arms is not a right, but a priviledge. And last time I checked we don't have a Bill of Priviledges.
  17. Harbor Freight. http://www.harborfreight.com/5-lb-metal-vibrator-tumbler-67617.html +20% off Mine still running 7 years later. Lizard Bedding: Ground Walnut Shells Any pet store. Nu Finish: Walmart. Makes em clean and shiny. Second Krdshrks recommendation on the Cabela's seperator.
  18. Well heres my $.02. Check for stuck caliper pins. If these guys are bound up, you get all kinds of clunking and grinding noises.
  19. It's up to you, but installing an SRT kit is not a big deal. If you have a little bit of mechanical aptitude, and a pin drift, you can do it yourself. I installed one on a P239. It took ~an hour. Got the kit from Top Gun Supply.
  20. http://www.nj.com/passaic-county/index.ssf/2016/07/gun_safety_questions_linger_after_latest_suicide_a.html
  21. This bill actually addresses nothing. Will this bill stop someone intent on killing themselves, from doing so? Not in the least. They will just find a different way.
  22. Also use a belled brass 357 case to remove 38 cylinder build up.
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