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Cold Steel

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Everything posted by Cold Steel

  1. That's true, don't disagree with that. Just saying that is about all that is good from that announcement. I dont' support their decision, just saying it made those 1300 employees happy.
  2. Done. Those results will never see the light of day. They're getting slaughtered. Was a little disappointed that they didn't have a "F^ck No" option for that 50%ammo tax.
  3. Good for the 1300 people who work there, bad for a statement about the Second Amendment. Cash is King. It's all about the money for them. We'll see how the money flows after (if) people stop buying their products.
  4. Congratulations! Now quick, get out there today and buy all the guns you ever wanted before your "household sequester" begins.
  5. That's what happens when too many Liberals get voted in. 25 years ago we never would've believed this could happen there.
  6. Happened to be in the area the other day and stopped in to see what may be available. Hanging on the middle rack all by itself was a M&P Shield in .40, looked so lonely I will be bringing it home to join my M&P family. Got it for $400.00 It was nice to see that they weren't price gouging on a gun that is so hard to find these days.
  7. Yea, pretty sad. They look like something a sixth grader printed out at home.
  8. Here is a recent example that it's not calming down. The left wing media is pushing their agenda on the sheep. They are lumping suicide by gun in with homocide by gun to get a more favorable result. And look who they use as one of their sources, "The researchers also used data on gun control measures in all 50 states compiled by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a well-known gun control advocacy group." The Brady Center! I'm sure they weren't biased in their statistics. http://news.yahoo.com/more-gun-laws-fewer-deaths-134804944.html
  9. It may seem like it's calming down, but NO. Behind the scenes the Leftists are still working to strip us of our rights. Keep the word out there. Keep contacting your Legislators. Sweeney and Christie need to be our targets now. The Left is hoping we see it as calming down, so they can blindside us!
  10. Sadly, things change over time and not always for the better. 3 1/2 more years and hopefully we can start to turn things around.
  11. Not sure about all the technical stuff. I've shot both 165 and 180 grain FMJ from a M&P Pro Series 5" barrel and I feel a noticable difference in recoil (more) with the 180's vs. the 165's. My 2 cents...............
  12. Don't think they need to convince those in Texas which side of the gun debate to be on. This is for the National T.V. audience. I've already seen the state run media twisting this into an insensitivity issue! Hope it works out as a positive for our side.
  13. Good news. Hopefully he can wake up a whole other segment of the population that has otherwise been snoozing through this issue.
  14. Listening to him live last night on the radio, I got the impression he's a bit pissed off at the Assembly. They pushed all those guns bills through in one day but jerk him around for a few things he wants. Hopefully this equates into him sticking it to them and vetoing anything that makes it to his desk from that package of bills. May be the best things the Dems have done for us, is piss off the Big Guy. Time will tell.
  15. It's been my experience that the average hunter doesn't follow the whole gun control debate too closely. Sure, some do but most don't unless something pops up that affects them. Most of the things proposed over the years haven't affected them because groups like ours intercept a lot of the crap and do the fighting for them. Take for instance the .50 cal ban and how it could have affected shotguns and muzzleloaders. I bet most of them weren't even aware of it. They don't follow these issues as closely as we do. They're not our enemies. As Digz said, they are potential allies and we need to get the message to them when we can. Strength in numbers. United we stand, divided we fall!
  16. The "Editorial Board". That's just another way for these cowards who write this crap to hide from criticism. I'm glad Sweeney said some of the things quoted in the article. Gives us some hope.
  17. Good for them if they do move out. Hopefully the workers will be offered transfers and can go live in a free state. Win/Win for both of them.
  18. The Hyporite-In-Chief wants to take away ours rights and blame us for gun violence BUT gun crime prosecutions are down under the Obama administration. Article also had good video with Judge Jeanine. Has interview Sherrif David Clarke who talks about Second American Revolution if Feds try to go to citizens homes and confiscate guns. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/02/25/gun-debate-gun-crime-prosecutions-on-decline-amid-call-for-more-laws/
  19. 14 th District - Benson and DeAngelo both need to go. No friends of ours. Voted Yes on that whole package of crap. As a matter of fact as I looked through their voting records these nit-wits vote YES on almost every single thing their Democrat masters put in front of them. Pathetic!!!!
  20. People who turned in guns in New Mexico got I.O.U.'s after the goverment ran out of debit cards! http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/24/gun-turn-in-participants-miss-out-on-cash-have-privacy-violated/
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