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Everything posted by rightisright

  1. I'm slowly building my "top of the line" AR using a Surplus Arms and Ammo lower. All other parts will be Bravo, DD, etc. I wanted to put it together w. a Noveske lower, but until the hysteria dies down, the SAA will work just fine.
  2. DAMN! I was just two minutes away about 30 minutes before closing!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!
  3. Don't be happy yet. They will "water it down" so that it is more palatable to the fence-sitters. Look for a capacity limit on mags, universal background checks and medical professionals being forced to violate a patient's privacy... all in the name of the children, donchaknow... Feinstein's garbage never had a chance. So if they pass a less restrictive bill, the uber-libs can always say, "We tried to protect you from the evilness inherent in guns and the horrible Republicans wouldn't let us!" and the wishy-washy Republicans (most of them) can say, "Look! We had to compromise so they didn't restrict your rights any further."
  4. First time I built a lower, I did just that!
  5. Do the public schools no longer teach basic economics?
  6. True. Four or five years ago I decided to stock up ammo in the calibers I deemed important. My secondary calibers (7mm Mauser, 9x18 Mak, etc.) I stopped worrying about.
  7. I may be over-thinking it... I could always dimple the barrel in my drill press so the set screws can bite into the barrel a bit... Then again, how much stress would be put on the gas block if there is nothing (like a sling swivel) attached to it and it is under the FF rail? Not a lot.
  8. Did any of you whiners ever take an Econ 101 course? Seriously. Do you understand how a free market works? I weep for the future of our once great country.
  9. Yep. My dad was an engineer at Picatinny Arsenal for decades. Growing up, we always had decommissioned stuff around the house. I remember bringing a 105MM shell fuse in for show and tell. Can you imagine the sh1+storm if a kid did that now?!!
  10. If the Democrats had their way, the answers would be 100 and $40,000
  11. Absolutely. As others have said, consumers NOT using credit cards are still paying the extra processing costs incurred by a business. I, too see this as a good thing. I have been out of high school for a while. Have they stopped teaching basic economics?
  12. I know most low pro gas blocks would be fine if red-loctited then screwed down. But pinning the block thru the barrel like it was meant to be seems much stronger to me.... and I like to make my guns Murphy-resistant. I guess I could always WECSOG an A2 FSB and make my own. Does anyone know of a company that makes a low-pro that uses pins? Google has failed me today.
  13. I learned I can make money selling things to people who were unprepared.
  14. ^^^ This I have a turkey fryer burner that can use smaller pots, so I usually do my wings outside so the house doesn't stink like oil for the next week. Simple wing sauce that never fails: Lightly salted butter and Franks Red Hot. If you like it hotter, add some chopped up habaneros to the mix. Sriracha sauce wings are always a big hit, too. There are tons of recipes out there. That said, I'd LOVE to find some good wings in the Bridgewater/Somerville area for when I don't feel like cooking. Everything I've tried around here including BWW has been a solid "meh".
  15. I seriously believe Joe Biden has some sort of mental illness. Coupled with his low IQ, he gets an automatic seat on the short bus.
  16. Well, at least a few guys understood the original questions...
  17. I have two or three. They aren't as well made as PMags but I haven't had any issues with them. They are fine for range use.
  18. That may be true in some cases. But I'm still comparing rounds vs loadable rounds with identical numbers of each. And wouldn't you rather be patrolling or guarding your house instead of sitting at a reloading press? And I heartily agree w. the poster above who mentioned .22 LR ammo. That coupled w. a few inexpensive .22 rifles would have some serious bartering value.
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