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Everything posted by Blacksmythe

  1. What ever happened to this legislation? I am now approaching 2 months. I will be calling the FIU tomorrow then the local detective.
  2. That officer is in need in practice........In the safe handling of a firearm.
  3. they should be slipping on it. Good question.
  4. You would think they would want the newest form possible, with all of the correct things.
  5. on the NJSP website you can type in the fields on all of the forms. So maybe they want everyone to use those forms instead of printing and copying them. However what if your in your 60's with no P.C.'s
  6. Yay now they can hire more clerks to help process permits and raise the fees!!......All while having the same level of crapy service.
  7. Irvington loves those things. I do to. I'm clean as can be, don't waste your time and mine bothering me.
  8. So LEO'S dont have to play the waiting game??
  9. Personally I think that it is a situation where your results may vary. Some people step up, and other dont. He could have sat there, and left when it was over. I just dont get how everyday people here in Newark can still think they are safe and protected. They have calls sitting in a cue prioritized by some kind of code. That means the crime stats are fudged from the get go because half are answered in an atrotious lenth of time. The victoms are either gone and feeling even more victomized by the system or sitting waiting for hours in some cases. Mayor Booker has quite a scam going here. Governor Christie is another polititian with with his republican uniform in disarray. Cut this cut that. What about the constitution and our rights to be dignified human beings with inalienable rights. He misses the mark in my book for what an active sworn statesman should be doing. Instead of campaigning for Romeny. I shudder at the thought of that guy becoming the attourney general.
  10. http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2012/09/off-duty_police_officer_thwart.html I salute this officer. I just wish a common citizen or samaritan could do the same. I'm still waiting for my paperwork to clear here in newark.
  11. Luckily they dont wear the old work uniform any more. The new ones are much nicer. Leave the seaman alone....
  12. Oustanding, and dont be the guy that passes out in intake from the big needle. lol Good luck.
  13. WTH, As a corrections officer you are paid for what could happen.... How are you supposed to be prepared for a cordinated riot effort if you dont train.
  14. YOu mean the corrections officers in NJ dont have a less lethal option to deal with inmates??? What the heck are the shock teams using?? I was considering a career there..........
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