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Everything posted by xXxplosive

  1. Wouldn't spend a cent on the Star ledger........also, I believe carrying OC is illegal in NYC.....just sayin'.
  2. The 2A of the Consititution applies to all not just to some...........would have to apply to everyone as I see it.
  3. Where does PA find these types to run for office.......Geeezzzz.
  4. Quote: "What would happen if NJ didn't adopt some form of CCW criminals would target people driving cars with NJ plates. They wouldn't want to try holding up someone with PA, OH, or FL plates as they stand a chance of getting shot". So, why doesn't this happen now ? Why isn't NJ crime rate higher than it is seeing how many residents here can't defend themselves now...
  5. IMO.....I could see NJ requiring a qualification test that would be impossible for most to pass.
  6. How about lending it to my son, hunting on his own land.............?
  7. xXxplosive


    ......remember during Sandy when I heard over my town scanner....."All Emergency Services Are Suspended" ......was a strange feeling knowing you were basically on your own.......the scanner was great to have then.
  8. xXxplosive


    Yup.....My Radio Shack scanner does not get Somerset County NJ anymore....
  9. They've been around awhile.....had one walk out in front of me and my son while on stand here in Somerset County, NJ some years back.
  10. .....as much as I would like it to be a State Issue.....if it's not nationalized it will never happen here in NJ and everyone living here knows it. IMO......we need no permit or license to exact our Bill Of Rights.
  11. .....remember, it's NJ where all laws are meant to be vague.
  12. Thank You .......America !!!! NJ...Sucks.
  13. This PC fighting makes me laugh.......you guys are way too much......dripping with BS.
  14. Taxes, Fees, Permits, Licenses and now $0.05 a plastic bag at our retail stores and the spread of Mooslim Mosques.......anyone who stays here is crazy....IMO.
  15. Just keep voting these Dullards into office...we have a dictatorship called NJ run by the state authority, IMO.
  16. Read where there are some tax rebates for using water barrel program.............
  17. Not so amazing........pathetic is more like it.....our 2A is not garunteed here in NJ we all know that but it doesn't seem to make a difference to most.....that's what is amazing....IMO.
  18. How can a jewelry store owner get one when a Firearms dealer can't.....just sayin'......you either have to be politically connected like some here or a retire LEO.......don't forget, this is corrupt NJ....IMO.
  19. I hope better than the Guild in Branchburg...........yech.
  20. LMAO.....also, I spent over 20yrs working in Newark......that's nothing on Clinton Ave....try some of the really bad neighborhoods like the old Belmont Ave section / Irvine Turner Blvd. or up on the hill......these are every day occurances folks that never make it in a Newspaper. I could fill volumes of what I've witnessed there in the 20+ years.....why I had a dog in the office and was always armed our property......Always.
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